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Questions tagged [openssh]

OpenSSH (OpenBSD Secure Shell) is a set of computer programs providing encrypted communication sessions over a computer network using the SSH protocol.

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1 answer

can't log in with my password during ssh connection

my /etc/ssh/ssh_config is as follows # This is the ssh client system-wide configuration file. See # ssh_config(5) for more information. This file provides defaults for # users, and the values can ...
Yousef Saber's user avatar
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Unable to install openssh-server on ubuntu 16.04 in Docker

I have a Docker container with a brand new install of Ubuntu 16.04, I'm unable to install openssh-server successfully. I'm able to install openssh-client successfully but when attempting apt-get ...
CWSites's user avatar
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SSH / SFTP Permission denied (publickey)

I've added the following to my sshd_config Match Group sftponly ChrootDirectory /srv/sftpfolder ForceCommand internal-sftp #AllowTcpForwarding no PermitTunnel no X11Forwarding no I created "user&...
Felix's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Unable to connect to a ssh server

Sir can't connect to assh server through my ssh user id or password. All the login procedure is done but at the end, the error message say's "Could not chdir to home directory /home/
Bravo 68 Web's user avatar
6 votes
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UFW OpenSSH application port change?

When using UFW I see there are "applications" like OpenSSH or Apache, to name a couple. If I were to change my SSH default port to something other than the 22, would the OpenSSH application rule map ...
Eddiefiggie's user avatar
14 votes
4 answers

Is possible to upgrade openssh-server OpenSSH_7.6p1, to OpenSSH_8.0p1?

Tried to install OpenSSH_8.0p1 but installed OpenSSh Client only. sudo apt install openssl-server Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable ...
Vinoth Rc's user avatar
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SSH connection get stucked at login after a few days of server uptime

when i try to connect to server via XShell it hangs with following message: Connecting to Connection established. Other ssh clients just hang forever. A reboot solves the ...
SHM's user avatar
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connect mac to ubuntu by ssh

for ssh connection ssh -i id_rsa id@ip_address in ip_address if I connect to my ubuntu from outside(not local ip) which ip_address should I put ?? i put my router ip address and sssh connection ...
jake Monk's user avatar
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sshd ignoring PermitRootLogin directive

After setting PermitRootLogin no and restarting the sshd service, I'm still presented with a password prompt when logging in as root. This is Ubuntu MATE 16.04 running OpenSSH 7.2p2-4 (up-to-date as ...
patricktokeeffe's user avatar
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openssl and openssh-server on the same system

I have installed both openssl and openssh on my ubuntu bionic machine. OpenSSH by design seems to use a (slightly) older version of the openssl library whereas OpenSSL (the package) uses a different ...
Skegg's user avatar
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How to pin openssh from eoan in bonic

I want to pin only "openssh-server" package from eoan to my current bionic distro which has an old openssh version.
Mostafa Nafady's user avatar
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GSSAPI Authentication Error: "An invalid name was supplied" (FQDN, FREEIPA)

When trying to connect to a FreeIPA client via SSH using GSSAPI it produces the error: An invalid name was supplied. The name/key used is: "Host/mail@" which shows something has gone wrong server-side,...
TheAnonymousBear's user avatar
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I uninstalled openssh-client and all my snap application have been erased

I uninstalled openssh-client and i didn't see that another apps were uninstalled too. Now all my snap app like Reemina, atom, etc (all snap app that i've installed with ubuntu software gui) were ...
Jose Carlos Barriga Arnez's user avatar
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write: Connection reset by peer

When I open my PC (Ubuntu 19.04) and try to log in for the first time in my ssh server (Raspbian buster) I get write: connection reset by peer: trp@trp-pc:~$ ssh -vvv [email protected] OpenSSH_7.9p1 ...
paul's user avatar
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2 answers

Configure SSH server to NOT ask key OR password over localhost connection

I am trying to satisfy a weird case, so bear with me please. I want to use [don't gasp] graphical Windows tools (like WinSCP, PuTTY, etc) with signed OpenSSH keys. These tools don't support signed ...
Slav's user avatar
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Is the ssh service renamed in in 19.04?

SSH seems to work fine, but running sudo systemctl restart ssh gives the error Failed to restart ssh.service: Unit ssh.service not found. (and the same for sshd) Did they rename it or something?
Zane Hitchcox's user avatar
19 votes
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SSH Server cannot be found - Even though installed

I have a machine running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS where I cannot seem to get SSH Server working. I installed SSHServer using: sudo apt install openssh-server but I am getting the following when I try to ...
Alan's user avatar
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Is there any problem to always enable ssh server on ubuntu?

For establishing a remote connection one must have to enable our OpenSSH server but once we disconnect our connection,is it necessary to stop the SSH service?
Alak's user avatar
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SSH'ing into ubuntu desktop that uses a VPN

I am trying to SSH into a ubuntu desktop that is constantly running a vpn service - think nordvpn. Because the vpn 'changes' my IP address, this seems difficult to me. I am a complete beginner in this ...
starter1011's user avatar
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Password always required even if in sshd_config PasswordAuthentication no

I have 5 VPS Ubuntu 18.04 LTS. The SSH configuration is the same for everyone. No root access User2 with "sudo" permissions No password request Access via SSH Key RSA From my PC (Xubuntu ...
Dark Corner's user avatar
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SSH server only allows one client session connect via it's public IP address

Alright, here's a weird one that's stumped me for the past couple hours: My server is running Ubuntu 18.04, ufw is disabled, and I just reinstalled openssh-server. Maybe it's worth noting that it's ...
Michael Perreman's user avatar
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OpenSSH sshd Privilege Separation Directory

OpenSSH 7.6p1: Why did Ubuntu change the default location of the sshd privilege separation directory from /var/empty (i.e. look at the man pages for sshd on the web-site) to /run/sshd? ...
Luke Perkins's user avatar
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OpenSSH Ubuntu Team

I am dealing with a multi-process sshd problem regarding the privilege separation directory. I have been in contact with the OpenSSH team and I have reviewed their source code, specifically: OpenSSH 7....
Luke Perkins's user avatar
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SSH version shows older one after upgrading

I've upgraded OpenSSH version in my Ubuntu 18.04 server to 7.9 to fix User enumeration vulnerability. When I enter the following command, the output is: ssh -V OpenSSH_7.9p1, OpenSSL 1.0.2n 7 Dec ...
Vithulan's user avatar
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Cannot complete setup of openssh-server [duplicate]

When I install openssh-server with apt-get install on my ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS server an error occures when kpgk processes the package. The server is a cloud machine with 1 VCPU, 2 GB RAM, 20 GB Disk (4 ...
cw24's user avatar
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command to use on windows openssh to download file from Ubuntu server

I am using OPENSSH Client ("terminal") on windows, and I would like to download a file from an Ubuntu server TO my windows file system; is there a command to use?
Emmanuel Arome Mutimba's user avatar
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SFTP Default Folder & Limiting Access With chroot

I want to default a given user to a specific folder when they SFTP to my Ubuntu 18.04 machine. I also wanted to lock down SFTP a bit. This Digital Ocean post gave me what I needed, and helped me get a ...
user974552's user avatar
2 votes
3 answers

Why doesn't the authorized_keys file stop SSH from promting me with "The authenticity of the host <host> can't be established"?

I have created 2 key pairs using ssh-keygen, one on the server and one on the client. I then added the server's public key to the client's $HOME/.ssh/authorized_keys file, and vice-versa. When I try ...
J. Paparas's user avatar
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Unable to ssh to raspberry pi with ubuntu from chrome book

I have an Acer Chromebook 14 CB3-431 running ubuntu 16.04 through the crouton method. I have a raspberry pi that I can ssh from literally any other Ubuntu computer, and even the Crosh shell from the ...
james baccy's user avatar
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How to uninstall built in OpenSSH (7.2)?

I would like to ask for your assistance. I have compiled OpenSSH 7.9: sshd -V shows: OpenSSH_7.9p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1b 26 Feb 2019 BUT still the built-in one is in service, and I don't know how to get ...
Bobyonekenobi86's user avatar
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SSH operation timed out / cannot login with SSH until local logon has been completed Ubuntu 18.04

Having an issue using SSH, I attempt to log in to my server using SSH and have no issues if an account is locally logged in. However if an account is not logged into locally I get an error that says "...
SofaSloth's user avatar
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powerline doesn't work in ssh server on ubuntu

I am using these command to open my ubuntu(18.10) server sudo apt install openssh-server sudo apt install net-tools sshd ifconfig and then I use the terminal on other device(termux on my android ...
NiaBie's user avatar
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How to use scp to transfer files between ubuntu and windows10?

I'm using the command scp -P${myport} ${username}@${ip} to tranfer the files, but I don't know how to write the filepath in windows. For example, if the filepath in windows isC:/Download, how to write ...
NiaBie's user avatar
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1 answer

SFTP Openssh configuration

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 and today I installed sftp server using openssh for my server. I followed the instructions on the internet, everything is good, they said I have to add this codes to sshd_config ...
WillRock 's user avatar
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Passwordless SSH [duplicate]

Can we set up Passwordless SSH in Ubuntu (18.04) without root privileges? Is there any way to access files in /etc directory without root permissions? (I need to be able to set up Passwordless SSH ...
Jagriti Dixit's user avatar
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4 answers

Issues installing smbclient and openssh-server on 18.04.2

Complete Linux newb trying to get Ubuntu going so that I can learn. I'm getting the following errors when I try to install the SMB client and Open SSh server on a fresh install of 18.04.2. Can ...
sanmantim's user avatar
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ssh freezes when trying to connect to my server?

I'm trying to connect to my remote server. First I generated the ssh keys public and private from the cpanel, then I downloaded the private key to the /home/anass/.ssh folder. and then from the ...
chiefmasta's user avatar
1 vote
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Docker Ubuntu Openssh server - I figured out how to make it not exit, but I don't understand what is going on

I made a Dockerfile with installs for ssh-server, and was initially having problems with it exiting immediately after the command to start the service. I found a workaround, but I don't understand ...
JakeJ's user avatar
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Ubuntu-budgie 18.04 agent refused operation when trying to ssh with public key

When I try to ssh using rsa key pair, I get the following error: debug1: Next authentication method: publickey debug1: Offering public key: RSA SHA256:2zjgjRVRDdbdfmjqip0o7M5vGXRmdH1vIvT88rrF3yE /home/...
Nima's user avatar
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OpenSSH server: Other version running than installed

I have an Ubuntu 18.04 server. I installed openssh-server and openssh-client. According to apt, the installed version of both packages is 7.6p1-4ubuntu0.1, but the running version of the ssh-server (...
FelixSFD's user avatar
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2 answers

Problems accessing a Cisco Router from Ubuntu 18.04 via SSH

I have an Ubuntu virtual machine (server) connected to a Cisco router where I'm trying to establish a SSH session to this device. They are connected back-to-back so there are no additional network ...
olg32's user avatar
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How to recover deleted .ssh/known_host entry?

I created a droplet (basically a server) to host a website on DigitalOcean. I connected to it using openssh on my computer, and it was working fine. Then I decided to delete the 3rd out of 3 entries ...
JTizzle's user avatar
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openssh-server's unmet dependencies [closed]

I just installed debian-9.6.0-amd64-netinst.iso and now trying to follow SSH - Debian Wiki (Installation of the server) and running into following error: Please advise. I ran apt-get update &&...
alexus's user avatar
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Install OpenSSh from source on ubuntu 16.04 [duplicate]

i want to install openssh from source on Ubuntu. i downloaded the source ./configure make sudo make install but with this last command, i get the following error: (cd openbsd-compat && make)...
Rahal's user avatar
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20 votes
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How do I setup SSH key based authentication for GitHub by using ~/.ssh/config file?

I am trying to set up my SSH keys for GitHub and created a new SSH key for the same. I have managed to setup the SSH key but I wish to retain these settings and save them in the configuration file ~/....
Sushant Kumar's user avatar
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how to install openssh 1:6.6p1-2ubuntu2.10

I have downloaded the openssh_6.6p1-2ubuntu2.10.debian.tar.gz from, Need help in installing it on the server.
red5pider's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (Trusty Tahr) -- SSH

I am trying to start the ssh service on an install of Trusty Tahr. sudo service start ssh start: unrecognized service sudo systemctl start ssh sudo: systemctl: command not found Is the ...
MrNiceGuy's user avatar
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SSH keeps getting stuck during connection

I have a little problem. My ssh keeps hanging, I cant connect to anything. This is the output I get with ssh -T [email protected] root@luk164:~# ssh -vvv -T [email protected] OpenSSH_7.9p1 Debian-1, ...
Luk164's user avatar
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Ubuntu client cannot connect to ubuntu server since update but windows client can

I'm the administrator of 3 small ubuntu servers used in our scientific group and I have ubuntu 18.04 on my personal laptop. For the past two weeks I've been unable to access the servers remotely (I'm ...
Samenkov's user avatar
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Can ssh local but cannot from other computeres

My desktop is a Linux (Ubuntu) machine with ssh server configured. It used to work fine before I moved the desktop to a new network. Now I can ssh into the machine from itself (either by ssh localhost ...
Ankush's user avatar
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