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Questions tagged [openssh]

OpenSSH (OpenBSD Secure Shell) is a set of computer programs providing encrypted communication sessions over a computer network using the SSH protocol.

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SSH Connectivity Issue

Why does the ssh client stop connecting to servers either right after reboot or few minutes after reboot? The screenshot I found this in both ubuntu 20 as well as ubuntu 22. My server is working fine ...
saikat sadhukha's user avatar
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How to SSH in Ubuntu on a VM to Ubuntu on another VM

I'm new to Linux. I​ have Ubuntu installed on Virtualbox on my Desktop, and I want to connect to it from Ubuntu installed on Virtualbox on my laptop. How can I​ do that? which user name and IP will I ...
Mina Habashi's user avatar
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How to enforce 2FA while already enforcing public key authentication?

I have been using google 2FA for a while and it works solid. How can I enforce 2AF for some users in addition to ssh key based login? All websites I visited explain how to set it up, but the result is ...
diagpope's user avatar
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Limit TTY via SSH to local Network

I'm setting up a JumpHost for my local network, and would like to not allow TTY from outside, but would also like to have it enabled for connections from inside the network. Is that possible, and if ...
isi_ko's user avatar
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Trying to ssh into IPv6 address, getting "no route to host"

I have a home computer that uses Ubuntu 22.04, that I'd likely to remotely SSH into, from the internet. I'm trying to do this through its public IPv6 address. The address doesn't begin with fe80::, so ...
Train Heartnet's user avatar
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problem ssh to my ansible-controller

am having problem with connecting with my ubuntu using Mobaxterm. when putting my password it brings out this reply: [email protected]'s password: Access denied
benoosky's user avatar
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openSSH - ECDSA key fingerprint

Once in a while I get this question when I want to ssh to my linux. ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:................................... Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[...
Thomas Aichinger's user avatar
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Trying to install openssh-client openssh-server on WSL but going through snap error

sudo apt-get install openssh-client openssh-server Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done The following packages were automatically installed and are ...
Ankit Chawrai's user avatar
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Automatically keep current sshd_config file when upgrading openssh-server

When upgrading openssh-server, the installation pops up a dialog menu asking the user what they want to do with the sshd_config file. I need to keep the current sshd_config file because it conforms ...
Knightshift97's user avatar
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ssh-server autocreate key directive

In centos there is a the directive AUTOCREATE_SERVER_KEYS=YES you can put in the /etc/sysconfig/sshd file to tell sshd to re-create its ssh server keys if the keys are missing. Is there any such way ...
Systemgeek's user avatar
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ssh using password and key [duplicate]

Ubuntu 22.04 with OpenSSH I was ssh to require key and password. I want keys for the usual reason. I also want password in case my laptop is lost or stolen. I don't mind the extra step to type the ...
Obex's user avatar
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Ubuntu ssh-ing Ubuntu on home network [duplicate]

I have a laptop (Ubuntu, wifi) and PC (Ubuntu, Ethernet) connected to my home router. I'd like to be able to ssh from laptop to PC to copy and run executables. I don't need a gui, just running htop ...
user997112's user avatar
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ssh: connect to host port 22: Connection timed out

I am using ubuntu in my old pc and laptop. Whenever I connect to my note book from pc by using ssh and sftp it works. pc to notebook >> no problem Now I am trying to make my pc like a remote ...
Codeholic's user avatar
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SSH connection not working

I created an EC2 instance (ubuntu 20.04), after successfully creating this instance I SSH into it and ran some commands which were basically to install some open source tools as sudo user, but once I ...
Siddharth Jain's user avatar
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"Wrong password" error on ssh server remotely

I am running an SSH server on my local machine and I am able to perfectly login and modify files if I use something like [email protected] and type my password. However, when I try to login from ...
Miguel Rodriguez's user avatar
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After upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04, getting ssh Permission denied (publickey) error [duplicate]

Immediately following my upgrade to Ubuntu 22.04 from 21.10, I can no longer connect to Google Cloud Platform via ssh and am receiving the following error (e.g. after running git clone): [email protected]@...
Adam Smith's user avatar
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How to start manually-installed OpenSSH, and run at boot

I've manually built an older version of OpenSSH with make + make install, for educational purposes. Is it possible to start it with sudo systemctl restart ssh, as when we install OpenSSH from apt-get? ...
testermaster's user avatar
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Install OpenSSH with older OpenSSL version

For educational purposes, on Ubuntu Server 18.04 I've downloaded OpenSSH_7.6p1 4-Ubuntu0.1 which should be exposed to SSH enumeration. When I run ./configure, it says there's a problem with the ...
testermaster's user avatar
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ssh -V shows OpenSSH_7.6, but openssh not installed

On Ubuntu Server 18.04, if I run: ssh -v it returns OpenSSH_7.6p1, without OpenSSL but sudo apt-get remove openssh-server openssh-client returns package 'openssh-client' is not installed, so not ...
testermaster's user avatar
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How to connect EC2 instance to Netbeans remote server?

I am trying to connect my AWS ec2 ubuntu instance to the Netbeans. While I am trying to connect with Netbeans Remote server then, It is showing the following error message. I have searched all the ...
Pushpendra's user avatar
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CLI needs sudo to be able to SSH

I have a strange error. I just installed Ubuntu 22.04 and copied over my SSH keys from the old installation (Ubuntu 20.04). Now suddenly I need sudo to be able to SSH to any machine - as long as it's ...
Daniel Hansson's user avatar
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How to get latest sudoers and sshd_config after Ubuntu update? [duplicate]

Just updated to Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. During the update it warned me that I modified the sudoers and the sshd_config files (which I did). For the sudoers file, no merge option was provided and for the ...
Dunrar's user avatar
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PuTTY connection error after NetworkManager changes

I am using Ubuntu server 20.04. I switched network settings, changed Netplan to NetworkManager. This is required for L2TP/IPsec vpn connection using NetworkManager. Further, after setting a static ip ...
epx's user avatar
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Linking Zlib with source compilation

I have compiled Libz using these steps: wget -c --no-check-certificate ./configure --prefix=/home/zlib1/ make make install Similarly I have compiled OpenSSL and ...
Manukumar Puttaswamy's user avatar
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SSH: Host doesn't check for clients private Key? [duplicate]

I just installed a fresh Ubuntu 20.04 and also openssh-server, but somehow it is possible to establish a ssh connection with password only. There are two user on this host machine. Both have an ...
OcK's user avatar
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OpenSSH isn't working on Ubuntu server minimal install

This isn't my first time experiencing this issue but every time on every distro I have ever used when installing OpenSSH it just doesn't work. Commands Run sudo apt-get install openssh-server sudo ...
Michael's user avatar
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Permission denied (publickey).?

when I'm trying to connect to server get this error can you help me? thanks! ssh [email protected] -vvv OpenSSH_8.8p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1l 24 Aug 2021 debug1: Reading configuration data /home/njfamirm/....
njfamirm's user avatar
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Filtering content of command with grep

I am trying to filter out a the output of ssh-keyscan. The goal of this is to filter the output so I can use it in my python code to identify hosts connected to my VPN. Normally I would use grep to ...
Tim R's user avatar
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accessing remote server by ssh ( but ssh port is filtered)

I have a few remote ubuntu servers which I don't have a physical access to them. I want to ssh , all of them are saying that the state is filtered on port 22. I have just their Ip address, by using ...
nnmmss's user avatar
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messed up sshd_config, so removed openssh-server, installed openssh-server, Not replacing deleted config file /etc/ssh/sshd_config

I messed up sshd_config and did not make a copy. So I removed openssh-server, then installed openssh-server. The installation complained with message. Not replacing deleted config file /etc/ssh/...
grabbag's user avatar
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upgrade OpenSSH 8.2p1 => 8.5p1

I am trying to upgrade OpenSSH version to 8.5p1 on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. When running these commands I get the following ssh -V OpenSSH_8.5p1, OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020 dpkg -s openssh-client | grep '^...
58Dev's user avatar
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I ge a "port 22: Connection refused" error on ssh?

I have ipv6 address, and I tried like ssh user@ipv6. I am getting a port 22: Connection refused error while connecting to a server. I have both the openssh client and server installed, and they are ...
J C's user avatar
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Allow different users to connect to a ssh server (openSSH)

I'm new at this: I'm trying to set up a ssh server on my personal computer with openSSH. So far, I was able to connect to my server through my computer and also from a different computer in the same ...
John Baptist's user avatar
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Ssh client working in windows but not in linux [closed]

I currently shifted to linux from windows but I can't connect to ssh when I use -vvv flag it shows connection timed out but in windows it just connects. I am coming from here
I'm Beginner's user avatar
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How do I get/review each record in my known hosts

I recently have had "WARNING: REMOTE HOST IDENTIFICATION HAS CHANGED", I started digging to double check whats happening. I wanted to review all entries which I have as I just think it might ...
user1325696's user avatar
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Connecting to sever through ssh

I tried to connect to my sever through the ssh using ubuntu but it does not work. sudo apt-get install openssh-server openssh-client [sudo] password for user: Reading package lists... Done Building ...
Newbie's user avatar
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How to prevent ssh client to access/view a specific folder

Using the SSH opened port, it was possible to verify the folders and the files present, under the directory /usr/share/SecretFolder They are exposed without authentication. My question it's possible ...
ospiti's user avatar
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How can I allow access to SSH only at a specific time?

Based on Ubuntu 18.04, I want to allow users to access only from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.(working time) on the SSH server. (used OpenSSH-server package) I've looked up all the materials I think will help you ...
KnightChaser's user avatar
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Using a PuTTY private key from windows to linux

I've generated two keys on PuTTY: public and private. Using this software on windows I can connect to the server as usual. Then I tried to copy those files in my ubuntu machine (21.04), and logged in ...
Adonis Cedeño's user avatar
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Can't generate SSH ed25519-sk key

I'm trying to generate an ed25519-sk SSH key in Ubuntu 20.04.03 LTS. However, I get a 255 error code when I try. I'm using OpenSSH version: OpenSSH_8.2p1 Ubuntu-4ubuntu0.3, OpenSSL 1.1.1f 31 Mar 2020....
Carlos Garcia-Vaso's user avatar
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How retrieve or recreate a delete file from the /etc/ssh directory

In the /etc/ssh directory exists the following content: moduli sshd_config ssh_host_ecdsa_key ssh_host_ed25519_key ssh_host_rsa_key ssh_import_id ssh_config sshd_config....
Manuel Jordan's user avatar
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If I do not install openssh when creating an ubuntu server, can someone still SSH into the server?

Ubuntu server gives me the option to install openssh. If I reject this, is there anything more I must do in order to completely disable SSH from my server?
angryserver's user avatar
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Why am I not getting prompt for passphrase on other computer in ssh? Only getting password prompt without passphrase

root@Harshit:~# ssh root@my-ip root@my-ip's password:
Wealtharshitiest's user avatar
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How to access home ssh server from outside via the Internet?

I am running ubuntu server 20.04 and out of the blue I am getting operation timeout. I was wondering how can I troubleshoot the issue. I am using ufw and the connection port is open. so when I use ...
RC-'s user avatar
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Why am I able to SSH a remote machine even with the wrong keys?

Description: I have created a ssh connection between my Windows Pc and Raspberry Pi. To so I followed the following steps: Step 1: Somehow get the IP address of the Raspberry Pi. It should be ...
Federico Gentile's user avatar
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How can I install openssh-server without openssh-client on Ubuntu Server 20.04

I'm trying to install openssh-server on a Ubuntu server 20.04. When I try to install it with the following command: sudo apt-get install openssh-server the process wants to install openssh-client, ...
vlmercado's user avatar
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How to upgrade ssh version from 8.2 to 8.6 in ubuntu machine

I have tried to install ssh version 8.6 with ref link After installation when I run command "ssh -V" it shows latest ...
Hinal Patel's user avatar
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How to install ssh keychain on Ubuntu with WSL

Please help me understand how to install SSH keychain on my Ubuntu under WSL in order for me to be able to configure my .ssh/config to use it. I'm taking some online training, and I've tried setting ...
Abayomi Usman's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cannot use ssh keys anymore to connect with different services or repositories

I set a bunch of keys that I use for various reasons like connecting to my personal website or various source control management platforms like GitHub or sourcehut. I was working as usually as ...
llesh's user avatar
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How to ssh into a remote computer

I have two laptops, one running Ubuntu (server) and another running Debian (client), and I want to use ssh to log in to the shh server. While on my router's network, using the private IP address of ...
puma's user avatar
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