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Questions tagged [openssh]

OpenSSH (OpenBSD Secure Shell) is a set of computer programs providing encrypted communication sessions over a computer network using the SSH protocol.

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Access denied when trying to access server with PuTTY "invalid user" "failed password"

I installed open-ssh. Trying to access the server with PuTTY gives me access denied. Logs of the server show Invalid user and failed password. PermitRootLogin is already changed to yes. Which ...
user957117's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

ssh-add -l Error connecting to agent: Connection refused

I'm using Ubuntu 18 on Windows Bash When i launch Ubuntu I can ssh-add without any problem. Then I connect to a remote server ssh user@address The ForwardAgent doesn't work (git pull, for example ...
Haim's user avatar
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How can I have internet access through ssh

I have a HP Pavillion 15 with Ubuntu 18.04, openssh-server installed and running and I also have an Aspire S3 with Ubuntu 18.04 openssh-client installed. I can access the HP through ssh on my Acer ...
mrBell's user avatar
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SSH without password only works one time

I want to configure SSH to use it without the need of writing the password. I am using Ubuntu 18.04 LTS on Windows 10. I need it to run Hadoop 3.1.1 (
CGG's user avatar
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Aiming to transfer a very large amount of data from an Ubuntu 18.04 PC to a WIN10 PC. What should I be using?

I need to transfer a reasonably large amount of data from an Ubuntu 18.04 to a Windows. I have checked the other Q/As ([1],[2]) on this site but what I have gathered is inconclusive. People suggest ...
ditsuke's user avatar
2 votes
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SSH timeout on nearly-fresh Ubuntu 18.04 installation

Yesterday i made a new installation of Ubuntu 18.04. Problem I'm trying to connect to my Digital Ocean vps like always with the ssh user@ip command but it gets stuck. Things i tried Tried to show ...
BufferOverflow's user avatar
4 votes
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Not able to change ssh port on Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS [duplicate]

I am trying to change ssh port from 22 to 1111. I have taken following steps, but not able to. sudo nano /etc/ssh/ssh_config Removed # where it says Port 22 Changed Port 22 to Port 1111 Ctrl + W -> Y ...
Nishith Shah's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to fix the "Connection failed with error: Failed sending banner ....." for ssh?

At times when the remote device is behind a VPN or is in local network, this error shows up: Connection failed with error: "Failed sending banner to ....@..........:22" This shows up infrequently ...
Alpha Omega's user avatar
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Is there way to reset password if you can only login via ssh keys?

I don't know why but somehow my password no longer works. For example, I cannot do "su myself". I can still login via ssh keys. In such case, is there way to reset password?
user276851's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Where does sshd default configuration come from?

After a fresh install every option of the default configuration file in /etc/ssh/sshd_config commented out. But when I run /usr/sbin/sshd -tT, there are many option actually to see. Where are those ...
tenjohn's user avatar
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SSH working locally but not remotely [duplicate]

I have already opened a SSH session on my PC and it worked perfectly with my laptop when connected to the same network. But now, when I'm at a different location, I can't connect. I've already tried ...
Joaquin's user avatar
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1 answer

how to manage multiple ssh key in Ubuntu?

Can any body please tell me how to manage multiple ssh keys in Ubuntu. how to disable password authentication how to turn off server signature.
Sobhon Pani's user avatar
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I can' t connect to internet anymore after i tried to deploy algo

When deploying algo i get an error because the server stops to have the internet connection (but the client, same connection, doesn' t have any problem). In the virtual machine (server) rebooting ...
Scorpion's user avatar
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1 answer

Can't login to a remote server after uploading ssh key to the remote server

I tried installing ssh-key on a remote server. However I can't login into the remote server without using password My effort is described in this... How can I solve the problem?
saichand's user avatar
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Host to Guest SSH issue

I want to access the guest linux configured in virtual box using ssh, but it is not permit. I can connect guest os to host os using ssh but reverse is not possible
Milan Sonagra's user avatar
4 votes
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How to connect in ssh to a server with ipv6

I am trying to connect through ssh to my VM server, and when typing ifconfig, i only find ipv6 connections. I therefore don't know how to connect to my server... Help ? can i somehow still use this ?...
Pastudent's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04 Broke my server

When I try to ssh into my ubuntu server, I have this shell input and output. sjrsimac@SethDanicaTV:~$ ssh -vvv sjrsimac@SethServer OpenSSH_7.6p1 Ubuntu-4, OpenSSL 1.0.2n 7 Dec 2017 debug1: Reading ...
Seth Reuter's user avatar
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SSH connects successfully then disconnects when typing any key

When I connect from my laptop I am able to connect successfully and if I do not type anything the connection stays open. However, any keystroke results in the connection being broken with the message ...
jon3laze's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Does Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS include an SSH server by default? [duplicate]

According to this answer, SSH is disabled by default. However, looking around at tutorials, there were plenty of examples of installing an SSH server (e.g. sudo apt install openssh-server), which I ...
user3.1415927's user avatar
3 votes
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KVM connection to a remote server (Ubuntu 18.04)

I am trying to set up a VPS on my local network. So, I have installed an Ubuntu 18.04 server (without GUI) on a computer with IP address of I used these commands to install KVM on the ...
Amir's user avatar
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3 answers

Unmet dependencies error in ssh

Tried upgrading Ubuntu 11.10 to 14.04. So far everything looks alright, lampp, ftp, web, openvpn server etc are all running ok but openssh server is not starting. Tried manually start it (/usr/sbin/...
Denistone's user avatar
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Can't ssh with key after upgrade/new install of 18.04 server

I have Ubuntu 18.04 on both desktop and server. Trying to login as user (not root) to server with ssh fails with "Permission denied (publickey)". SSH worked before with server being 16.04, but not now ...
Mårten's user avatar
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How to use 2FA with cert based SSH auth?

I used this guide to enable Google TOTP auth on Ubuntu 16.04. SSH only allows cert based auth (PasswordAuthentication no) I set ChallengeResponseAuthentication yes and restarted the SSH service. I ...
Gaia's user avatar
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4 votes
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Using parallel-ssh with public key

I have configured the remote ssh server for login via public-private key pair (only). I can login into the server and run commands using ssh: ssh [email protected] -i ~/.ssh/my_key echo fu I'd like ...
Dimitry's user avatar
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Enabling SSH on boot via config files

How can I configure ssh service to run on boot other than via shell? Is it through /etc/init/ssh.conf ? If that's the case, what parametters should I look for in it? The reason I can't do this ...
InspectorG34's user avatar
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Running SSH through system suspension

I would like to have my system suspend automatically when I'm not using it. However, I would still like to be able to remote into my machine any time I need. I keep OpenSSH-server and my Desktop ...
Eliter's user avatar
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OpenSSH SFTP Server/Integromat Timed out waiting for a handshake

I'm trying to use Integromat and SFTP to sync my Google Drive to a folder on my desktop. I'm open to other methods of accomplishing this goal, but I wanted to do a SFTP server as a learning experience....
middleman3's user avatar
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How to download the source code of an Ubuntu package on a non Ubuntu machine?

I need to tweak the code of OpenSSH-Server version 1.5.9 installed from the Ubuntu 12.04.05 (precise) main repository. How do I download the source code of that package from the repos of that Ubuntu ...
Senkaku's user avatar
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2 answers

ssh not accessible

I have a problem when i try to use a key with ssh: ssh -i /ssh/ [email protected] Warning: Identity file /ssh/ not accessible: No such file or directory.
mrkemaltas's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04 Server Permission denied(publickey,password). via ssh connection

Can I not connect ssh connection my server ,i searched all question and tried, but not working. I re-establish the openssh-server, change sshd_config file and change my root password. ...
mrkemaltas's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Errors installing openssh-server on ubuntu 16.04 [duplicate]

I am not sure if the error I get is related to my apt-get setup if I do the following: sudo apt-get update ... sudo apt-get install openssh-server Reading package lists... Done Building dependency ...
Michael's user avatar
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25 votes
2 answers

Key based SSH login that requires both key AND password

My problem is : I developed successfully RSA Key based ssh login on board from system. When a client logs in for the first time, ask about private key and passphrase also which works fine. In second ...
Tejas Virpariya's user avatar
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Do not start openssh server on startup [duplicate]

I do not want to start the openssh server on startup, but just by command if I need to. By default, openssh always starts with booting, I removed in file /etc/init/ssh.conf the following line: start ...
Jeno's user avatar
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Prompt to allow ssh connection on server

I have installed openssh-server on a Laptop of a friend to help him out from remote. I don't want to have always the possibility to login to his computer without him knowing. So what could I do, ...
Jeno's user avatar
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Why can't I log-in using only my ssh key?

I'm trying to use only my ed25519 key to log-in to my ssh server. My server's /etc/ssh/sshd-cofig file has these settings: HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key PubkeyAuthentication yes ...
Obsidian Jackal's user avatar
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How can I install OpenSSH_7.6p1 on ubuntu 16.04?

I want to install OpenSSH_7.6p1 on my Ubuntu 16.04. This is the version that I have now: $ ssh -V OpenSSH_7.2p2 Ubuntu-4ubuntu2.4, OpenSSL 1.0.2g 1 Mar 2016 I want to install it so I could have ...
adam's user avatar
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2 answers

when I do ' sudo apt-get install -f ',I met error as follows

Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/openssh-client_1%3a6.6p1-2ubuntu2.10_amd64.deb /var/cache/apt/archives/openssh-server_1%3a6.6p1-2ubuntu2.10_amd64.deb E: ...
XSCS's user avatar
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Overcoming the openssh / sftp jailroot unwritable

we have set up openssh / sftp with a jailroot via chroot; it's well established that a client can't write (upload files to) this root; you need to set up a writable subfolder. However, we have ...
Querylous's user avatar
-1 votes
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Openssh installation problems

I'm new with Ubuntu, and I want to install open-ssh from source code. when I type make and make install, the following errors appear: pc@pc~/Desktop/openssh-7.6p1$ make** (cd openbsd-compat &&...
Rahal's user avatar
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Cannot ssh on boot until I login (Ubuntu 16.04) [duplicate]

I am able to ssh into my machine once I log in to it, but I am not able to ssh into it on boot without first logging in. The machine boots, and then it shows the login screen. I want to be able to ...
ptjetty's user avatar
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4 votes
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SSH version update to 7.4 in ubuntu 14

I am using qualys for security scan on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. It is reporting these vulnerabilities CVE-2016-8858,CVE-2016-10009,CVE-2016-10010,CVE-2016-10011,CVE-2016-10012 which require openssh 7.4 . ...
Shasha Nk's user avatar
12 votes
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Enabling and disabling sshd at boot via systemd

I have openssh-server installed but I'd like to sometimes leave the sshd service off by default at boot, and only start it from the terminal as needed. Based on the the advice of many other questions,...
BeeOnRope's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What's the easiest way to install OpenSSH 7.4 on Ubuntu 16.04?

On Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) box, what is the easiest way to install OpenSSH (openssh-client) that is higher than 7.2? I am aware that I could compile from source, but I was wondering if there's a way to ...
Tri Nguyen's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How does the ssh server select the right public key?

For key-based auth users must add their public keys to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file. This file can contain a number of keys, one per line. So how the server selects the right key to authenticate a ...
oh_dont_mind's user avatar
2 votes
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error while loading shared libraries: (and

As you can see I'm missing libcrypto and libssl files. I locked out myself from my server after running apt-update and apt-upgrade, I'm running this from web console, because ssh nor any other program ...
user3108268's user avatar
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SSH Access via tunneling

I have the following setup, Machine A (Windows 10 & connected to ISP(X)) and Machine B (Windows 10 & connected to ISP(Y)). Both of these machines (A & B) do not have any direct ...
Gokulnath Kumar's user avatar
3 votes
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Old SSH server version running after upgrade

We have an Ubuntu server running 16.04, which is used for a client website. The client has recently had a security audit done and one of the recommendations has been to update our OpenSSH version to ...
Onfire's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to install package from

I want to install recent version of ssh available from to enable -J option (not sure whether -J is available in particular version, but there is 1:7.2p2-...
Tomilov Anatoliy's user avatar
1 vote
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Limiting access per SSH to specific accounts to LAN/specifc IPs? [duplicate]

in my quest to create a public user with almost no rights and an administrator user that can only accessed by me, I'd like to know if it is possible to limit SSH access to said administrator user to ...
UmBottesWillen's user avatar
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1 answer

How can I install SSH server version 5.3 [duplicate]

I need to pentest the vulnerability of the "SSH Server v5.3" The problem is that Ubuntu comes with the SSH Server version 7 and I don’t know how to remove the current one. Probably: apt remove ssh-...
catalin's user avatar
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