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Install OpenSSH with older OpenSSL version

For educational purposes, on Ubuntu Server 18.04 I've downloaded OpenSSH_7.6p1 4-Ubuntu0.1 which should be exposed to SSH enumeration. When I run ./configure, it says there's a problem with the ...
testermaster's user avatar
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SSH not pointing to latest openssl [Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS -Xenial Xerus]

I have updated the openssl but still the ssh is not pointing to this version of openssl. How I can make ssl and openvpn to point to this version of openssl? I tried to google but didnot find ...
A_01's user avatar
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openssl and openssh-server on the same system

I have installed both openssl and openssh on my ubuntu bionic machine. OpenSSH by design seems to use a (slightly) older version of the openssl library whereas OpenSSL (the package) uses a different ...
Skegg's user avatar
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error while loading shared libraries: (and

As you can see I'm missing libcrypto and libssl files. I locked out myself from my server after running apt-update and apt-upgrade, I'm running this from web console, because ssh nor any other program ...
user3108268's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Different version between OpenSSH and OpenSSL in Ubuntu Server

In an Ubuntu Server I have installed from source the last version of Openssl and OpenSSH. If I check the version installed of Openssl I see the correct version but, if I check the version of OpenSSH I ...
Echelon's user avatar
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14 votes
7 answers
76k views no version information available (required by ssh)

I get the following error: jalal@klein:~$ ssh -i "hyunwoo_key.pem" [email protected] ssh: /home/jalal/computer_vision/MCR/v901/bin/glnxa64/ no version ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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How to set environment variable for sshd

I have Ubuntu server 14.04 on a server with openssl version 1.0.1f and openssh version 6.6. In my openssl.cnf I have subjectAltName=${ENV::ALTNAME} so that I can set subjectAltName on the commandline ...
Jimmy's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

How to generate Openssl .pem file and where we have to place it

I want to generate a OpenSSL .pem file to allow the remote login via ssh using .pem file at the place of password. I am able to generate key as well as .crt and .pem file using the following sudo ...
Farman Ali's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

OpenSSH client not connecting after deleting id_rsa

So I stupidly overwrote my id_rsa and files earlier, and I just decied to rm -rf the whole .ssh folder because it was all corrupted/broken after tinkering with it. Ever since that when I ...
huoy's user avatar
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