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Can we install OpenSSH 8.4 on ubuntu 16.04 or does it cause compatibility issues? CVE-2020-14145 CVE-2020-15778

We received OpenSSH Information Disclosure Vulnerability CVE-2020-14145 CVE-2020-15778 on some of our ubuntu 16.04 and ubuntu 18.04 Servers and the fix recommended is to upgrade to OpenSSH 8.4/8.4P1 ...
anup reddy's user avatar
1 vote
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Ubuntu - Moduli file upgrade story

SSH uses /etc/ssh/moduli file for DH exchange key alogithm. Only root has write permissions to modify the /etc/ssh/moduli file. Assume that we modify the /etc/ssh/moduli file for some reason (Ex - ...
ABCDEFG's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

SSH - Permission denied (publickey) with Password Authentication

I'm not able to log into my remote machine and get the Permission denied (publickey). even through I manually specify the options to use password authentication ssh -o PubkeyAuthentication=no -o ...
user14492's user avatar
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1 vote
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Unable to install openssh-server on ubuntu 16.04 in Docker

I have a Docker container with a brand new install of Ubuntu 16.04, I'm unable to install openssh-server successfully. I'm able to install openssh-client successfully but when attempting apt-get ...
CWSites's user avatar
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SSH working locally but not remotely [duplicate]

I have already opened a SSH session on my PC and it worked perfectly with my laptop when connected to the same network. But now, when I'm at a different location, I can't connect. I've already tried ...
Joaquin's user avatar
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SSH connects successfully then disconnects when typing any key

When I connect from my laptop I am able to connect successfully and if I do not type anything the connection stays open. However, any keystroke results in the connection being broken with the message ...
jon3laze's user avatar
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-1 votes
1 answer

Does Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS include an SSH server by default? [duplicate]

According to this answer, SSH is disabled by default. However, looking around at tutorials, there were plenty of examples of installing an SSH server (e.g. sudo apt install openssh-server), which I ...
user3.1415927's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Ubuntu 16.04 Server Permission denied(publickey,password). via ssh connection

Can I not connect ssh connection my server ,i searched all question and tried, but not working. I re-establish the openssh-server, change sshd_config file and change my root password. ...
mrkemaltas's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Enabling and disabling sshd at boot via systemd

I have openssh-server installed but I'd like to sometimes leave the sshd service off by default at boot, and only start it from the terminal as needed. Based on the the advice of many other questions,...
BeeOnRope's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

What's the easiest way to install OpenSSH 7.4 on Ubuntu 16.04?

On Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial) box, what is the easiest way to install OpenSSH (openssh-client) that is higher than 7.2? I am aware that I could compile from source, but I was wondering if there's a way to ...
Tri Nguyen's user avatar
2 votes
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error while loading shared libraries: (and

As you can see I'm missing libcrypto and libssl files. I locked out myself from my server after running apt-update and apt-upgrade, I'm running this from web console, because ssh nor any other program ...
user3108268's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Limiting access per SSH to specific accounts to LAN/specifc IPs? [duplicate]

in my quest to create a public user with almost no rights and an administrator user that can only accessed by me, I'd like to know if it is possible to limit SSH access to said administrator user to ...
UmBottesWillen's user avatar
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SSH connection using key works only with -i command line

I'm trying to use the .ssh/config file to use identityFile I'm sure the syntax of the file is 100% correct as it only contain two lines. host * IdentityFile /path/to/private/key I tried -vvv and I ...
Waheed's user avatar
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Connecting via Putty to Ubuntu Server 16.04

I have Windows 8.1 on my PC and I try to connect via Putty to Ubuntu Server 16.04 set on VMware. I can ping each other and both got Internet connection but I still cannot connect to my Ubuntu by ssh ...
panicagaming's user avatar
3 votes
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Cannot SSH locally from Mac to Ubuntu 16.04 Server (running as Hyper-v guest on Server 2012R2)

I've looked just about everywhere for a solution but I have yet to find one. Here's my problem: I try and connect to my Ubuntu Server via SSH from my Macbook Pro within my LAN with: ssh nextcloud@192....
snowboardit's user avatar
32 votes
4 answers

Start SSH automatically on boot

Completely brand new to linux and Ubnuntu. Setting up a machine to do deep learning/neural networks. So far it is going well. Got everything installed and running. I want to be able to ssh from my Mac ...
Rothrock's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Algorithm Negotiation failed when trying to connect to server

I installed openssh-server in Ubuntu server 16.04 and in /etc/ssh/ssh_config I added: MaxAuthTries 3 PasswordAuthentication YES and then restarted the ssh server. When I try to connect from a a ...
yaylitzis's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04 slow ssh character feedback

I am seeing veeeeeerry slow feedback on remote ssh terminals to a new install of Ubuntu 16.04. E.g., after typing a character it may take 20-30 seconds before it is displayed in the terminal. ...
Robert's user avatar
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2 votes
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SSH key-based auth asks for password on first login [duplicate]

I have a fresh Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS system and have noticed that key-based SSH authentication asks for the account's password the first time I login to the machine and subsequent SSH attempts work ...
berto's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04 SSH RSA Keys work but only if password authentication is enabled (Putty)

I have keys setup on my Linux headless server and Putty on my Windows Desktop. I can connect and authenticate successfully with Putty and authentication is via RSA Keys. However, if I disable ...
Squid_Vicious's user avatar
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Second ssh instance won't start after upgrade to Xenial Xerus - Permission denied

I've configured a second instance of my ssh-server. "ssh" will listen to port 22 but only allows private/public key login (via phabricator). "ssh2" will listen to port 266 with default sshd_config ...
schranktuer's user avatar
-1 votes
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I can SSH to my Ubuntu 16.04 server from a wired connection, but not from WiFi on the same network

I am working of a fresh install and new hard drive of Ubuntu Server 16.04. Everything has gone well and after setting a static IP, i installed SSH Server. It is up and running and I can SSH from my ...
graham852's user avatar
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diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256 not work with all software after upgrating to 16.04 - OpenSSH_7.2p2

I have upgraded 2 computer with Ubuntu 14.04LTS to 16.04LTS and I have a problem with openssh. With software like Putty 0.64 and less for example I can't establiseh a conexion with diffie-hellman-...
davidfr's user avatar
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7 answers
76k views no version information available (required by ssh)

I get the following error: jalal@klein:~$ ssh -i "hyunwoo_key.pem" [email protected] ssh: /home/jalal/computer_vision/MCR/v901/bin/glnxa64/ no version ...
Mona Jalal's user avatar
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Issues with permissions when using ssh

I have been having some issues connecting via ssh between two computers. Let us call them Desktop and Laptop. Both are running Ubuntu 16.04 with a fresh install and with all updates applied. When ...
Juan Antonio's user avatar
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2 answers

How to use rsync when root priviledges are needed on remote host?

Since root passwords and logins are not allowed on Ubuntu, how does one use ssh and rsync to move folders and files from a local host to a remote host when root privileges are needed on the remote?
Alex's user avatar
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Does ssh service stop on reboot?

When I reboot a VM (Ubuntu 16.04) of mine, I'm no longer able to ssh to it. From what I understand, 'apt-get install openssh' gives you sshservice on startup by default so I'm guessing this isn't the ...
rafvasq's user avatar
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3 votes
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SSH Connection to Ubuntu Server fails with Connection closed <ip> [preauth]

Newly installed Ubuntu Server 16.04, have done the update and upgrades. Running sudo service ssh status says it is up and running. I marked OpenSSH-server during the installation. But I cannot ...
swe_mattias's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

OpenSSH : Putty won't work with Ubuntu server 16.04

We use Putty to access our Linux servers from our windows workstations... Today we created new servers with Ubuntu server 16.04 and installed openssh with tasksel (as allways). When we try to ...
BOuzzi's user avatar
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