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Questions tagged [ntfs-3g]

ntfs-3g is a tool to configure NTFS file system.

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111 votes
6 answers

Unable to mount NTFS external hard drive

I am having trouble mounting my external hard drive, every time I try and do so I get the following message: "Error mounting /dev/sdb1 at /media/fuzzy27/My Book: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "...
user307687's user avatar
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27 votes
6 answers

What causes high CPU usage by mount.ntfs?

I'm in Ubuntu 14.04 64-bit. mount.ntfs use high CPU--40%. I have Intel Core i5-3210M. Why is this happening? lsblk: NAME FSTYPE SIZE MOUNTPOINT LABEL sda 465.8G ...
aliarousyoucef's user avatar
22 votes
3 answers

How to Mount NTFS partition in Ubuntu 16.04

I'm new to Ubuntu. Installed ubuntu by formatting my existing C Drive in Windows 10 OS. So I have only Ubuntu in my laptop. My D drive is left untouched which is a NTFS file system. Please guide me ...
Murali Sundaram's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

How do I install ntfs-3g (ntfsprogs) manually on Ubuntu?

To fix a SATA hard disk with a damaged NTFS file system, I tried to follow the process documented at Ubuntu 13.04 is unable to mount a disk drive from ex-windows system which entails the use of the ...
ravindUwU's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Remove RECYCLER directory from virus infected flash drive

Before you advise me on the option of saving my files and formatting the drive using gparted, please understand that I could have done that hours back and that would have taken only a few minutes. ...
Masroor's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Can't mount NTFS partition with write permissions [duplicate]

I am running Ubuntu 16.10 and during setup I added my data drive which is ntfs, to automount in /etc/fstab file. The entry looks like this - UUID=EA469A60469A2D77 /alpha ntfs-3g rw,permissions,...
The Prenx's user avatar
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5 votes
5 answers

NTFS disk is read-only and I can't change to read & write

I have used Windows 7 for a long time and thought to give Linux (Ubuntu) a try. I have two hard drives, one 120GB, other 1TB. First one is for OS and software, while the 1TB disk is for data and games....
Mat7's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Mount FAT32: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem

Xubuntu 14.04. nfts-3g is installed. /dev/sdc is the Flash drive. I have created new partition with fdisk (tried with cfdisk too). Tried with W95 FAT32 code and W95 FAT32 (LBA) code. ("b" and "c" in ...
Ifch0o1's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

apache forbidden to acces `index` file on ntfs partition

After Installing my apache, i edited the /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file, and added in the bottom-line, the following code: <VirtualHost *:80> DocumentRoot /media/username/DATA/docs/...
blade19899's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to know what really caused a specific segfault?

I recently bought a new motherboard/cpu (Asus Rog Strix z690-a gaming wifi D4/Intel i7 12700K) and initially used my existing ubuntu 20.04 installation which I had installed when I had my previous ...
Hossein's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

No permission to automount external HDD using ntfs-3g

I wanted to modify my mount options for my NTFS external HDD so that I can execute programs on it. I added the following line to my fstab accordingly: UUID=CE665A3F665A290B /media/Josh ntfs-3g ...
jwayne's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

FUSE options on 18.04 vs 14.04

I have two Ubuntu installations: 14.04 LST (3.13.0-160-generic #210-Ubuntu) 18.04 LST (4.15.0-36-generic #39-Ubuntu) On system #1 (14.04), when a NTFS partition is (auto?)mounted, then the ...
neoteny's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

ntfsfix shows no error but frequent IO errors on drive

I have a NTFS disk mounted as a data drive to a Ubuntu system (19.10). In the last couple days, the drive has become very slow and unreliable. The journal (journalctl -r) shows this : Nov 20 15:...
Stephen Boston's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why can't I resize NTFS partition?

I'm trying to resize my ntfs partition but can't do it in GParted... tried from HD and from LiveUSB... couldn't find a solution on the web, partition isn't mounted; I'm trying to divide it in two to ...
Iacchus's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Files from Windows with 'unsupported reparse point' on ubuntu

I'm trying to pass some files that I have on Windows to a HD. As I lost my Windows user password I'm recovering those files through an Ubuntu usb (20.04 focal). However, some files and folders were ...
fbdummy's user avatar
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1 answer

Cannot mount external hard disk, MFT records error

I am trying to mount a Western Digital "My Book" drive, which I used to share between Linux and Windows. It is formatted in NTFS. When I connect it on Windows, I get the message that the disk is ...
Santiago's user avatar
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1 answer

There were no valid user or no valid group when I try to mount NTFS partition with ntfs-3g usermap

I want to mount a NTFS external drive that must have read and write access for my user profile. So following the NTFS-3G guide, to generate the mapping file, I have tried this: sudo ntfsusermap /dev/...
AndreaF's user avatar
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All created files on a NTFS partition with User Mapping defaults to root owner

I've just migrated to Ubuntu from another distribution, and where previously my NTFS partitions worked with the addition of a User Mapping file, now all the newly created files will have the owner set ...
Adam L. S.'s user avatar
2 votes
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Mounting Additional Harddrive using ntfs-3g

I have desktop with 80gb HDD with ubuntu then i added a 2TB but failed to get it mounted tried all links from mounting ntfs on ubuntu search This is my current config : Dell:~$ sudo blkid /dev/sda1: ...
Amin Mohd's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Cannot mount NTFS external drive

New Ubuntu Server install 20.04, for Plex Media Server (not yet installed). Popped in a USB NTFS drive which works on other machines. It has media on it which I need Plex to server. # Attempts to ...
exharris's user avatar
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1 answer

Does the ntfs-3g driver still corrupt disks/files/folders?

As I said in the title, does the ntfs-3g driver still corrupt disks/files/folders on ntfs disks? I have heard a lot of people having problems with the driver. Is that still the case, or have the ...
Speaker19's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Issues with Shared NTFS HD | Ubuntu 20.04 x Windows 10

Dual boot machine with Ubuntu 20.04 and Windows 10 on seperate m.2 nvme storage devices. I have an external hard drive (14TB) set up as NTFS. On either operating system I can write to the disc. ...
Jacob Anderson's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How can I analize why rsync copies very slow after copying very fast a few files on ntfs drives?

I'm backing around 2Tb of data from a ntfs disk to another ntfs disk with rsync ( I tried also with midnight commander ) and the copy starts with a "good" 25Mb/s speed, but after copying a ...
Fabman's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Fix Corrupted NTFS Partition from Ubuntu

I try to fix my Windows(NTFS) Drive from Ubuntu. The error messages I got from GParted and other software was Input/Output Error during read on /dev/sda. Or Failed to read SYSTEM.SAV Another ...
Panagiss's user avatar
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1 answer

ntfs-3g-mount: mount failed: Permission denied

When trying to mount a Bitlocker USB drive in Raspbian it throws this error: ntfs-3g-mount: mount failed: Permission denied This command works: sudo mount -o ro,loop /mnt/tmp/dislocker-file /media/...
cyberquarks's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Dual-boot system and NTFS access

I have a dual-boot system - Ubuntu 18.04.3 + Windows XP. My Windows XP installation has been set up long time ago with Administrator user and a number of non-privileged users - and it's good because ...
HEKTO's user avatar
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1 answer

"No such file or directory" trying to write NTFS

I have booted from an LUbuntu 18.04 Live USB. I am trying to access the files on my hard drive (Windows 10, NTFS). By default they are mounted read only, so I remounted it read-write with no errors. ...
Michael's user avatar
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1 answer

Ubuntu doesn't set Permissions(chmod) on NTFS files even after Setting Udev Rule

I know the fact that chmod does not work with NTFS. However, I'm trying to set a permission (say 0755) when I mount an NTFS drive using Nautilus. I've already configured a udev rule for that; I have ...
Ashish Bista's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to allow other users to access a mounted NTFS partition with a UserMapping file?

I can't get users other than me or root to access the files on a mounted NTFS partition. The answers I've found to similar questions usually mention to set the uid and gid options. In my situation I ...
KevinBrr's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Mounting NTFS with NTFS-3G while using nautilus

I am using nautilus on Ubuntu 23.10. Whenever I plug in an external drive, it shows up in the sidebar. When I click the name, if the drive is formatted as NTFS, it throws an error with the following ...
giochanturia's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Programs from snap do not work with ntfs-3g [duplicate]

I have programs from snap - Telegram, Skype and some others. And I have secondary ntfs hdd drive shared with Windows. All programs from snap can not read files from ntfs - Telegram, Skype. I know ...
Дмитрий Полянин's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

How to properly share a partition between Windows Server R2 and Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS?

I'm facing the following problem: As the title already says, I want to share a partition between a Windows Server 2012 R2 and an Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS machine. Some more background information ...
Hisushi's user avatar
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0 answers

Ubuntu 16.10. external ntfs-3g harddrive gets ejected randomly during the night

⇒ uname -a Linux nortrom 4.8.0-41-generic #44-Ubuntu SMP Fri Mar 3 15:27:17 UTC 2017 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Today I woke up to my external harddrive of my ubuntu homeserver being turned ...
radonthetyrant's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can't do anything on HD NTFS partition, my user is the owner

Here's the thing. I used to have an Asus computer with Ubuntu and Windows 7 on dual boot since 2014. I used to update Ubuntu everytime a new version was released, and I updated to Windows 10 too. Both ...
Yara Georgia's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

3TB usb drive for ubuntu and windows

I have a 3TB usb harddisk that I wish to switch between windows, but most of the time Ubuntu 12.04 server. But whatever I try, it can't be correctly recognized by both systems. The last closest try I ...
Doomic's user avatar
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1 vote
0 answers

Problem accessing Windows 8.1 drive from Ubuntu 15.04 [duplicate]

I have a Toshiba Satellite Pro C50 laptop which came with Windows 8.1 pre-installed. I have installed Ubuntu 15.04 (64 bit) alongside Windows as a dual boot system. However, I can't access any of my ...
user226737's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

ntfs-3g Failed to decompress file

For years the logs of my Ubuntu systems sharing drives with a Windows installation have been routinely flooding logs with: Mar 17 11:00:50 kemosabi ntfs-3g[483]: ntfs_attr_pread error reading '/pub/...
Marcos's user avatar
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0 answers

Automount NTFS HDDs in specific locations and share them in LAN

O.S: Raspbmc I need to share 4 HDDs over my LAN, but the fstab I wrote does't work as I aspect. Edit1~ Here's the part of fstab made for those HDDs: #External HHDs LABEL=Incompleted\040Seasons ...
SubjectDelta's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

unable to run executable on mounted partition

I have an image mounted in the following way in fstab: /home/fbence/ee_modbox.img /home/fbence/mounted/modbox lowntfs-3g windows_names,ignore_case,umask=007,uid=fbence 0 0 In a specific folder on ...
fbence's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Can't get my ntfs partitions UUID in 15.10

I installed Ubuntu 15.10, and I can't mount my NTFS partitions I searched a lot and found few solutions and tried them but the funny thing is that everytime I get the UUID's that the partitions had ...
Amir Mohammadi's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

'.lnk' shown in a mounted folder

I'm trying to mount a Windows partition in my Ubuntu system so I edited fstab with this: /dev/sda4 /mnt/windows ntfs rw,auto 0 0 This mounts without any problem my Windows partition ...
Julian Gonzalez Muñoz's user avatar
0 votes
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mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/ntfs’: Input/output error

I have an ntfs disk and am trying to mount it. I have installed the ntfs-3g and while trying to mkdir ntfs in /mnt sudo mkdir -p /mnt/ntfs I get the error mkdir: cannot create directory ‘/mnt/ntfs’: ...
Rusteezz's user avatar
0 votes
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Nautilus file explorer to allow for NTFS parition mount

In older version of Ubuntu 18.04 if I recall you could see unmounted drive in nautilus side bar. But now since I only see my home folder and other locations which is empty. Is there a way to restore ...
Kiwy's user avatar
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How to fix NTFS formatted hardware

I just recovered from an issue here: 22.04 not mounting NTFS flash drive (not "Fast Boot" issue) Many of the answers/comments on this website related to the issue I experienced, had to some ...
Mike's user avatar
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Undo effects of running ntfsfix (ntfs-3g) on a Windows NTFS partition

Using Ubuntu I was trying to access an NTFS partition that was created using the partition tool in Windows. Then I took the decision of running ntfsfix on it. I got access to another exfat partition(...
Interval's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

cannot paste external files into a ntfs file system in Ubuntu 20.04.4

on Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS I have an NTFS data partition. This is a dual boot system with Windows 10. The option "paste" is grayed out when I try to copy-paste into the NTFS partition any file ...
Cristiano's user avatar
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How do I limit upgrading to kernel 5.15, while staying on 5.13 HWE kernel stack with 20.04 LTS?

5.15 kernel does come with bunch of cool new features, but I am not getting the confidence to upgrade given the bunch of bugs here & on other distro forums. Slower development & bug-patching ...
Shubham Deshmukh's user avatar
0 votes
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ntfsusermap for triple boot

I have a triple boot system: macOS, Windows (Fast Boot disabled), and Xubuntu. Beside the OS drive, there's a data drive formatted in NTFS. I use ntfsusermap as mentioned in osxfuse's NTFS-3G guide to ...
Minh Nghĩa's user avatar
0 votes
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How to make pmount using big_writes option for ntfs-3g mouting?

using pmount to conveniently mount usb disks, some are ntfs. by default pmount do ntfs-3g mounting without big_writes option. how to config pmount so it use big_writes option for ntfs-3g?
mo-han's user avatar
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Advice: External Drive FileSystem for Video files attached to Ubuntu Server, but compatible with Windows?

I want to run a Plex server that will serve video files off an external hard drive. The Plex server will run on Ubuntu 20.04 LTS. However, because I primarily work on Windows, I feel the external ...
Eddified's user avatar
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