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4 votes
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Avoiding situation when nova.conf file overwritten by juju

I use MAAS, Juju for Ubuntu Openstack. For novnc console access, i need to modify the nova.conf file. But that might be overwritten by Juju. Actually it is overwritten, i found at least one situation -...
WojtylaCz's user avatar
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3 votes
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Different nova.conf on each compute node for novnc acccess

I have an enviroment with MAAS, Juju and Openstack Icehouse. I have a nova-compute charm with three units (separate hw nodes). Im using novnc web access for consoles of VMs. This is done by ...
WojtylaCz's user avatar
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2 votes
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How to correctly configure nova-compute to use FlatDHCPManager

I am trying to deploy Openstack using FlatDHCPManager. I am using MAAS+Juju to deploy all of my nodes (HP Moonshot) running trusty. I want eth1 to be the public interface. Here are the relevant ...
Clark Laughlin's user avatar
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qemu-kvm 5.2 On Ubuntu 20.04

I am using ubuntu 20.04 for openstack compute nodes. I see the version qemu-kvm version 4.2 on ubuntu repos. How can I install latest qemu-kvm version 5.2 on ubuntu 20.04. Will there be any ...
Ammad Syed's user avatar
2 votes
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Why can't I get Nova/OpenStack to use a specific host?

When I'm trying to boot instances on a specific host (sleepy) by issuing: nova boot --image mybucket/image.manifest.xml --flavor m1.tiny --key_name mykey --hint force_hosts=sleepy test-vm my VMs ...
metakermit's user avatar
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Nova get-password returns empty string

I have a multi-host MaaS, Juju Openstack deployment. Each charm on different host, multiple nova-compute units (nodes). And Im using Quantum charm for networking. When I attempt to retrieve the admin ...
WojtylaCz's user avatar
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OpenStack Neutron outside communication through router doesn't work, local between VMs does

I am pretty lost with this one for few day now and can't move further. Any ideas will be very welcome. My private net for VMs: Outside link via (my router's IP
user263416's user avatar
2 votes
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command "service nova-compute start" and the errors

while following the document to configure nova-compute, I got the error below. Command: service nova-compute start Message(nova-compute.log) : 2014-03-29 17:59:53.817 2908 INFO nova.openstack.common....
TedJung's user avatar
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1 answer

How many security groups do I need for Juju on HPCloud?

I have run out of security groups while using Juju with HPCloud. Do I need security group per instance? I have a limited quota of security groups.
Dima's user avatar
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Unable to Launch instance using ceph boot volume

I have deployed Openstack Base bundle cs:~openstack-charmers-next/bundle/openstack-base-xenial-ocata-0 which deploys ceph as storage backend.
user713360's user avatar
1 vote
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How does the block-device config setting on the LXD Juju charm work?

I am deploying Openstack using the Juju Openstack LXD bundle. With this bundle block storage is provided by a Ceph cluster. The LXD charm has a block-device config setting that defaults to /dev/sdb....
Andrew Love's user avatar
1 vote
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juju charm nova-cloud-controller exposing scheduler interface

I'm working on integrating a nova-cloud-controller with a custom scheduler plug-in, which requires to be installed in the same container of the nova-cloud-controller (install scheduler plug-in, filter ...
Artur Korzeniewski's user avatar
0 votes
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Xenial upgrade broke Nova T 500 Tuner

I upgraded to Xenial and have been having issues with my TV tuner card (Nova T 500 PCI). The card is detected and appears to be loading firmware correctly but mythtv can't see or use it. The strange ...
Castles's user avatar
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openstack devstack - Unable to stop service using screen

I need to stop the nova services which is running in openstack devstack. So as per the previous guidance I have tried using Screen for the same. Actually I can see that services currently running ...
Murali's user avatar
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Missing jammy folder [duplicate]

Hello Ubuntu Community, I am encountering an issue while trying to update my APT cache and install packages on my Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy) system. The update process fails with the following error ...
Andrés Tarrío's user avatar
0 votes
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Testing openstack with conjure-up (novalxc) neutron-gateway fails to start

Followed this doc to test openstack: edit: This is running on ubuntu 16.04 After the conjure-up step, everything eventually starts ...
mrwboilers's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How 'juju deploy' on dedicated OpenStack availability zone/aggregate in non-MAAS environment?

the following problem is to solve: - OpenStack Ocata (Ubuntu 16.04) (deployed with MAAS/Juju) with serveral availability zones / aggregates. Some are for testing, some for production - Test-tenant in ...
user2274418's user avatar
0 votes
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Is there any way to co-locate two instances on a single physical core on a compute node?

I'm gonna create a new flavor with --vcpus attribute set to 1 and set the --property hw:cpu_policy to dedicated so any instance launched with that flavor would be pinned on a fixed physical core on ...
Ali's user avatar
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How to install and configure nova-lxd on existing openstack

I have installed openstack (Newton) on Ubuntu 16.04 on 4 Nodes, and I want to install and configure Nova-LXD, so that I can create and run a Linux Container using LXD. I am wondering whether anyone ...
Wally's user avatar
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Changing node for compute. Openstack kilo release ubuntu 14.0.4

I have 3 nodes: controller, compute1 and network. Unfortunately network had 72 GB RAM and compute only 16. I wanted to change them Installed fresh Ubuntu 14.04 on each of them (controller haven't ...
KostyaBorisenko's user avatar
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nova-api service shuts down automatically

I was trying to configure Nutron on my Network node, and I observed that nova-api service on my controller is stopped. I restarted the service, but for some odd reason it keeps failing. I'm running ...
Vikram's user avatar
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Openstack: Allocate more memory per guest

I have setup openstack using this guide: http://ubuntu-cloud-installer.readthe... I am able to create multiple instances with the m1.small flavor which uses 2 GB ram, but when I try to create an ...
itm-mra's user avatar
0 votes
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How to launch instance in openstack when error says "no valid hosts found"?

I've deployed openstack using juju on maas. I've created few images and trying to launch a new instance like CirrOs test instance. I'm getting error saying "no valid hosts found". I've checked my ...
vishgarg's user avatar
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Why nova threadgroup cannot access database (nova-network)? "Can't connect to MySQL server"

I've just build the basic version of the openstack and everything works but network. I've installed nova-network but I'm not sure if it's correctly installed. I've installed it on the compute node, ...
Gonzalo Aguilar Delgado's user avatar