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Questions tagged [nohup]

Run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty.

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70 votes
5 answers

Run a nohup command over SSH, then disconnect

I want to execute a script, on a remote server which runs this: nohup node server.js & Naively, I call SSH like this: ssh myserver <<EOF ./ & EOF This starts the ...
Steve Bennett's user avatar
56 votes
2 answers

Differences between "<command> & disown" and "nohup <command> & disown"

This is my understanding about the usage of &, disown and nohup: <command>: runs the process within the Terminal's current bash instance, in the foreground (i.e. the process is listed as a ...
kos's user avatar
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30 votes
5 answers

Bring nohup job to foreground

Consider the following nohup execution: nohup > script.out & Is there a way to log off the terminal, reconnect, bring the process back to foreground and interact with it using the ...
Adam Matan's user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

What is the function of the nohup command?

I am a newbie in Ubuntu. I have learned a command nohup [command] - run <command> immune to hangup signal I can't understand the meaning of "immune to hangup signal". What type of signal it is ...
coding_ninza's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

How can I prevent nohup from creating the file ~/nohup.out?

I use the command $ nohup ... to start an application in the background so that I can close the terminal window afterwards. Upon execution it creates the file ~/nohup.out. Example: orschiro@x230:~$...
orschiro's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How to delete logs automatically after a certain time and restart the process that fills up the log file?

Server is Ubuntu 16.04. I have a process running with nohup that logs into a local file. This file gets big enough to consume 100% disk space. To resolve this I have to kill the process first and then ...
DEVCNN's user avatar
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8 votes
4 answers

Keep a program running in terminal

So I am well aware of nohup and suffixing commands with & to ensure that they go into the background. However if I run a graphical application - sometimes using neither seems to do the job. So ...
Industrial's user avatar
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7 votes
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Cannot install nohup command

I am trying to install the nohup command. When I run sudo apt-get install nohup I get: Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done E: Unable to ...
An Ignorant Wanderer's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Alternatives to nohup?

I've got an init.d script which I want it to work in the background, even when I quit from the terminal. However I've tried making it run in the background with nohup but had "no hope", ...
3kstc's user avatar
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2 answers

Background process (nohup &) suspends/resumes when user logs out/logs in

Ubuntu Server 11.10 When a normal (non-root) user starts a process with nohup (nohup java ... &), when the user disconnects from the terminal (ssh) the process stops responding. When the user ...
pakman's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How can I start a script in a minimised Gnome Terminal?

I can start a command in a new Gnome Terminal as follows: nohup gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=Background --command ls >/dev/null 2>&1& (Based on
lofidevops's user avatar
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Is there a way to append nohup output file?

I run my script with this command nohup python > /var/log/a.log 2>&1& This is okay but every time I run this command /var/log/a.log file is truncated. Is there a way to append ...
previous_developer's user avatar
5 votes
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How can I fix nohup, byobu, tmux, screen, etc to not die when I disconnect from SSH?

I'm running KDE Neon which is Ubuntu 18.04 Bionic (LTS) with the latest KDE desktop packages on top of it. Since upgrading to this from Xenial I have lost the ability for processes to survive SSH ...
ironstorm's user avatar
5 votes
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Launch application via ssh

I am new to SSH. I can connect to a remote computer. I can also launch an application on a remote computer and see its GUI on my screen. But I do not know how to launch an application without it ...
0xDE4E15B's user avatar
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Is there a utility for hopping in and out of a CLI?

Lets say I've got a bit of server software. I start it up and it provides an interface on stdin/stdout that I can use to enter commands during runtime. I want to be able to start it up over SSH, exit ...
AdamSpurgin's user avatar
4 votes
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Running a graphical application through ssh and keeping it alive

I want to run a GUI application from a remote client via ssh and keep it alive (and eventually reconnect to it) after the connection is closed. As an example: I want, from my home pc, to open a ...
GabrielF's user avatar
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How to run a nohup script with upstart?

I'm porting some SysV-style service scripts for HBase (a java service) to upstart. The sysv scripts don't call java directly, but instead call This is a start-stop-daemon-like tool ...
phs's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

Prevent an application from being closed on terminal exit

I have created a bash script that starts an application. Since I wanted the terminal window to close when the application is started, I used this line: firefox & 2> /dev/null; exit; It works ...
Lars's user avatar
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Keep running a python program even after logging-off the ssh session [duplicate]

I python script called As the name suggests it is a web crawler and I want it to run continuously on my Linux machine even after I log out and end the ssh session. I read a lot around here ...
Krishnang Dalal's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Rotate nohup output

I'm working with weblogic 10.3.5 under ubuntu 12.04. Weblogic is started using nohup ./ >Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain/servers/AdminServer/logs/AdminServer....
tweetysat's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't I scroll in the terminal up? Terminal shows only 24 rows? The scrollbar on the right fills the entire vertical height of the window?

Based on: Terminal output scrolling is gone (Headless 11.10 Server, Upgraded from 10.10) and and my own dire situation right ...
michal roesler's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Run MySQL Command In Background - nohup

I need to run in background mode some mysql-query... But how can i do this with nohup? Standardly i do: mysql -uroot -p use SomeDb; Select * from blablalba; But how can i do this with launching in db ...
pavel's user avatar
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2 votes
4 answers

How to short this command?

Every time I need to use sublime to open a project from terminal, I have to do this: nohup sublime . & Is there a way to short it?
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1 answer

Where can i get nohup.out, if script starts at startup in /root/folder #!/bin/bash echo "Hello" #Sample Code Now in th same folder(/root/folder). I have created #!/bin/bash while true do sh /root/folder/ sleep 1 ...
Veerendra K's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to hit Ctrl + C on a terminal so that child terminals do not be closed?

This script opens three terminals, but if I hit Ctrl + C where I run this script, all three child terminals will close too! File #!/bin/bash echo $$ while true; do nohup xterm -...
Aquarius Power's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to give input to a script running using nohup?

I have a script running on my server, say I executed it using the following command - nohup Now I want to pass an input quit to this script so that it'll terminate itself ...
sidhantunnithan's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to increase maxium number of forks in Ubuntu 16.04 [duplicate]

I am attempting to spin up 1000x Docker containers via: nohup docker run --rm --name n-$1-$2 n-v2 bash -c "/root/sw/ $1 $2" 2> ~/logs/log-$1-$2.log & But after about 500x containers I ...
CaffeineAddiction's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

When are nohup'd processes stopped during shutdown?

When I shutdown Ubuntu after I started a process using nohup, when and how is it getting stopped? One of the scripts in /etc/rc0.d/ should handle it, shouldn't? Is it S20sendsigs?
Jack Miller's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

use "nohup &" always get [1]+ Exit 1 after ENTER

Hi I'm using nohup command-name & recently. My issue is: When I hit Enter, it will show [1]+ Exit 1. and can't finish the command. How can I run the second command while I'm running nohup?
mapping's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

predefined input in a nohup shell script

I am trying to write a shell script that I can then nohup as it is supposed to run for hours. I am a shell novice so I'm struggling with this a lot. The script should first open some software (ACE ...
stas g's user avatar
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0 answers

Nohup and input params is this possible?

The following prg requires some input after start in the next line: ./myApp param1 param2 -d /home/user/abc Enter password: Is something like this possible: nohup ./myApp param1 param2 -d /...
ssssstut's user avatar
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nohup parallel and rsync out of memory error

I have 10TB of data (around 100Million PDFs) that I'm copying from a Centos box to a new Ubuntu box. I created a script with this parallel -j 10 :::: jobs.txt and started the process ...
Chris M's user avatar
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How do I get nohup to execute [double-]quoted inner commands?

Let's say I want to run echo nested into watch nested into nohup. Starting from the bottom of the stack: echo test No problems with that. watch -n 1 'echo test' watch -n 1 "echo test" No problems ...
kos's user avatar
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Running Rsync in the background

Trying to run rsync in the background rsync -rt /home/2/folder/1234 root@12345678:/stor/folder CTRL-Z Entering bg and it runs in the background but now when I exit my SSH connection it stops? I tried ...
tryinghard2's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Disown, background, dump to null script

I used to have a script (way back when) that allowed me to execute ANYTHING in terminal and would magically disown and run in the background while dumping any output to null. It may have even nohup'd.....
Falcor's user avatar
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1 answer

How to truncate a file that is being written to

I have a long running process on a remote computer which I started like this: $ nohup ./process > output & My problem is that the output file is getting bigger and bigger fast. And of course, ...
Mehran's user avatar
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3 answers

Using SCP and nohup to transfer large folder between servers

I want to copy a ~50GB folder from one server to another. This is understandably going to take quite a while, so I'd like to be able to perform it "in the background". Using the standard SCP command ...
clb's user avatar
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1 answer

Some confusion about nohup

Situation1 command find / -name "*.conf" Ctrl+Z to pause the process Situation2 --- --- #!/bin/bash /bin/sleep 5000 command ./ & Situation3 command nohup ./...
Sung Qee's user avatar
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2 answers

Run application nohup-like

Currently I have command pycharm to start Pycharm IDE. I use it like sudo pycharm and this launches Pycharm, but I have to keep terminal from where I've launched it open, because if I close it Pycharm ...
micgeronimo's user avatar
1 vote
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Issue with Nohup dying after a few days- running Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS on Google Compute Engine

I'm running a python script in the background on my virtual machine. The script with nohup works fine for a couple days but the background process seems to die after a few more. Could Compute Engine ...
jwright's user avatar
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How to run an interactive python script with nohup

My script requires entering username and password, how do i run it with nohup along with the ability to interact with it at the same time.
amodi's user avatar
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How to run a script at startup and access it later [duplicate]

I want to run a script at startup that I will need to interact with later. I could find ways to run a script at startup, but no ways to come back to it after it has run. The script never ends. I ...
kjr1995's user avatar
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1 answer

Get GUI back from background application

I started an app (minecraft server) with ssh like this: nohup java -jar minecraftserver.jar & and then logged out. Now that I am next to my computer I can't access the server's terminal. How ...
MJ Galram's user avatar
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Hide Terminal and still receive input

I want to run a python script that basically uses the terminal for certain commands, but I don't want it to show the terminal. I've tried running the script as nohup & - this works and I ...
Skyler Blumer's user avatar
0 votes
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How do I schedule a Python script to run in a Linux VM?

I tried using crontab but didn’t work. Also, do I need a nohup to keep it running after exit the SSH connection? 02 19 * * * /usr/bin python3.7
Marcelo Gazzola's user avatar
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the relationship between terminal and the process

Mostly, if I closed the current terminal, the sub_process are also closed. Of course, if I use suspend the process and use `bg JobID wakeup it, the process is divided with the terminal and run in ...
Pang Xuan's user avatar
0 votes
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nohup can't save the pid of the process into file with xargs command

In the script that I am building I am having problem saving the pid to file. If run in the terminal the command below: nohup mvn spring-boot:run > $HOME/logs/app.log 2>&1 & echo $! > $...
Rando Shtishi's user avatar
0 votes
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run a command when a specific folder is empty

I have a python script running which will loop through a folder files (do some work then delete the files there), the folder will eventually get emptied. I want to run this command when the folder ...
wishmaster's user avatar
0 votes
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users and nohup

How can I tell if there are processes running on a system owned by non-system users? I thought the users utility command did the trick, but it only seems to track login sessions and not processes ...
Meteorhead's user avatar
0 votes
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Run scripts in background in TTY

There are quite a few questions asking what you can do to run a shell script in the background while not running the terminal. Most have advised to use nohup or disown. This might be a stupid ...
dayuloli's user avatar
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