root@instance-20220315-0833:/usr/lib/oracle/19.10/client64/bin# ls
adrci genezi sqlplus
root@instance-20220315-0833:/usr/lib/oracle/19.10/client64/bin# ls -al sqlplus
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 72384 Apr 16 2021 sqlplus
root@instance-20220315-0833:/usr/lib/oracle/19.10/client64/bin# sqlplus
-bash: /usr/lib/oracle/19.10/client64/bin/sqlplus: No such file or directory
The sqlplus file is there, but Ubuntu is not finding it. I have installed all the oracle (rem) packages using alien (going to .tgz first as directly to deb wouldn't work), the libaio1 package and set LD_LIBRARY_PATH and PATH to include the client folder. What am I missing?