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Network/VPN/Browser problem

I have Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS 64 bit, and I know nothing about computers, basically all I can do is deleting cookies in browser. I bought my computer from a friend who said Ubuntu was very simple, but ...
user1849104's user avatar
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Forwarding https traffic from openvpn to internal server which has internet access

I am trying to achieve the following behaviour Client <--> openvpn at 1194 <--> internal server at port 8080 <--> internet I used iptables prerouting route on nat with DPORT 80 and ...
sathish 's user avatar
-1 votes
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vpn nor working properly after update to kubuntu 24.04 - updated

I'm using openvpn. Everything was working fine, until I updated from ubuntu 22.04 to 24.04. Now I cannot access some internal websites. When the vpn is connected the following happens: I can ssh to ...
cauchi's user avatar
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OpenVPN Access Server Stuck on License Agreement

I followed the steps from the OpenVPN Access Server Portal to install OpenVPN Access Server on an Ubuntu Server 22 headless VM. After installing and automatically configuring the service, I went to ...
Bob Smith's user avatar
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2 answers

IpVanish VPN failed to connect

I am trying to install IpVanish on Ubuntu 23.10, but I get connection failure every time, the activation of the network connection has failed VPN settings: IPV6 settings:
sami boutgoulla's user avatar
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Openvpn service running, not connecting to tunnel after changing iptables

I'm trying to make a kill switch for my pi to only allow traffic through the VPN. I made the changes below to iptables and disabled IPv6 in sysctl.conf. This is not my area of expertise so I'm hoping ...
Ryan's user avatar
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OpenVpn configuration problem - how to access to vpn client subnet on vpn server

I have a problem with configuring OpenVpn connection. I want to configure a virtual machine to have something like hub of other vpn's. On virtual machine (lubuntu) I have a few OpenVpn clients and it ...
jannas1's user avatar
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Unable to connect using openvpn in ubuntu 23.10 desktop

websites are not loading if I enable my OpenVPN in Ubuntu 23.10. syslog entries are not showing any errors. Exact versions of ubuntu and OpenVPN have been given below DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu ...
chiju melveettil's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20 desktop has my external IP

I have a small factor PC connecting to LAN1 port of a router that acts as a wifi bridge to other parts of my network. The traffic eventually leaves the house from a Bell Canada router. Yesterday I ...
Mohsen Shabanian's user avatar
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Can't reach internet after reboot. But I can ping DNS servers Ubuntu 23.10

A fresh install 23.10 with UFW and OpenVPN, all works no problem. Then, after a restart, the network icon comes up with a question mark. And I can't reach the internet. I can ping whatever IP I want, ...
Kristian's user avatar
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Importing .opvn file into 23.10 VPN settings GUI doesn't work

I'm trying to use a .ovpn file on the built-in VPN settings in Ubuntu 23.10 I go to the setting menu --> Network --> '+' button next to VPN I click "Import from file..." and navigate ...
Mark Smith's user avatar
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Openvpn not removing ip routes after close. rtnl generic error no such process

I have an issue with my vpn. It is connecting perfectly fine. I added /etc/openvpn/update-systemd-resolved to the vpn profile, provided by my company. The problem comes, when I shut down the ...
Finkman's user avatar
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local DNS server for dns caching OpenVPN clients

i have two servers. One in the netherlands and one on australia. They are connected to each other over vpn. When a client connects to the australian server there is the netherlands dns server provided ...
Chris's user avatar
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Have certain apps/ports bypass OpenVPN connection

I have an ubuntu server (22.04.3) that is running a Plex server and various downloading software. I'd like to have a VPN running to protect me, however when I do this, remote access becomes ...
Adam Heller's user avatar
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Network manager not working on wifi and VPN

I'm reaching out here because even AI hasn't been helpful, and I'm hoping to find a solution. I'll start from when the issue first appeared: I was installing OpenVPN and trying to configure it on my ...
Simone Platania's user avatar
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Can only access some servers on Linode VLAN

I am running a VLAN applied to a number of servers on Linode. The IPs assigned are 10.0.16.n/24 and are accessed via an OpenVPN server also on the same range. I have connected to the VPN box from my ...
Antony's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04.3 Server: Split Tunnel VPN

Has anyone got a VPN Split tunnel working on the above linux distribution? I have followed this (excellent) guide which seems to work to a certain extent. The problem is that, as listed in the ...
BlueisDue's user avatar
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Network manager connection to openvpn server configured with Ubuntu 23.10 tutorial

I've completed the setup of a server using the Ubuntu tutorial here: After configuring the client.conf file as described, with the ca.crt, myclient1.crt, ...
krumpelstiltskin's user avatar
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Can't connect to certain website when connect to VPN

please edit my text: Here is my current operating system: $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS Release: 20.04 Codename: focal ...
Muhammad Fhadli's user avatar
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How to setup the GNOME built-in OpenVPN configuration in Ubuntu 22.04

My system is Ubuntu 22.04, and OpenVPN has been included in GNOME. I don't know how to setup the OpenVPN configuration in Network Manager GUI. I need your help.
Wyman so's user avatar
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connecting to network with openvpn on ubuntu 22.04

I'm running ubuntu desktop verion Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS. I installed openvpn by running sudo apt-get install openvpn I then try to connect to my vpn by running sudo openvpn --config client.ovpn and I ...
user3476463's user avatar
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OpenVPN: I cant ping from remote to local, but local to remote works

I am trying to ping from remote server to my local, but it does not work properly. I am accessing an Ubuntu 22.04 Server through SSH(10.30.X.X), it works. When i try to ping from remote 10.30.X.X to ...
Plínio Ribeiro's user avatar
1 vote
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VPN from OpenVPN connects, but can't open some websites on linux, but it works on windows. But all work when I connect to my phone network

Hi I faced with strange problem related with network. Context: I can work on Windows without any restrictions, but I want to setup linux. Today I discovered that vpn works properly when I connect to ...
Artem Salagaev's user avatar
-2 votes
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Configuration OpenVPN Client

I would like to know if any of you would be so kind as to check whether my ovpn configuration file (for OpenVPN Connect) is correctly configured as I find that it works but in a random manner (it ...
GB_informatics's user avatar
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iptables & ip_forward issue

I am having a very annoying issue and I don't know what's wrong. I also feel like I am very close to having it working, so there must be something obvious I'm doing wrong. I am trying to connect to my ...
espresso fan's user avatar
-1 votes
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Vopono setup with Proton VPN

Pretty new with Linux and have been trying to use Vopono to split tunnel my VPN connections with Proton VPN as my provider Currently I am going through the steps to setup the configuration files and ...
AdorableWeasel's user avatar
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Ubuntu Server, connected to third-party VPN, cannot be accessed by an external client connected via another VPN

Setup Ubiquiti UDM Pro w/Network 7.4.162 Server: Ubuntu 20.04 connected to AirPVN eno2 eno1 (enabled temporarily to test if adding a 2nd network connection ...
James's user avatar
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How to forward all or part of openvpn server traffic to another server through SSH tunnel?

I need to route all OpenVPN client traffic from Server A to Server B via SSH tunnel. Client Server A Server B ------------------- ------...
Pejman Ghasemi's user avatar
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20.04 client vpn connects successfully but times out when connecting to vpn required website

I have an OpenVPN .conf file to connect to a company vpn. I need to be connected to this VPN so that I can access domains that are not searchable by default DNS. After successfully connecting to the ...
Mrugank Parab's user avatar
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OpenVPN connection issues, traceroute to other client

I have a Asus ac86u router with OpenVPN enabled. (, The network behind the router is The OpenVpn network is I have several Windows machines (both physical ...
Nickolay Meschersky's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 OpenVPN config

I have .ovpn file, exported from OpenVPN server: dev tun persist-tun persist-key cipher AES-256-CBC auth SHA512 client resolv-retry infinite remote 1194 udp lport 0 verify-x509-name &...
Nickolay Khalaychidi's user avatar
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VPN "Kill Switch" Without Hard-Coded IPs

I'm using a popular VPN provider, and I downloaded their OpenVPN configs. In total there's probably >100 different server IPs specified in these configs. Is there a way to configure Ubuntu 22.04 ...
candida2038's user avatar
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Launch openvpn SERVER (not client) on startup with no password prompts

I currently have an openvpn server setup on my desktop so that I can use it while traveling. Everything works and I can connect to it from my laptop from different networks. If my house loses power I'...
MaanDoabeDa's user avatar
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Is there a way for Conky to display the number of incoming OpenVPN connections without invoking superuser powers?

Conky is easy to set up to display incoming tcp connections in a useful way: I would like to also show incoming OpenVPN connections (udp). Is there a way to do this in Conky without using sudo? ...
Organic Marble's user avatar
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ssh worked first time but not afterwards on ubuntu 22.04

I started openvpn via sudo openvpn --config myopenvpnfile.ovpn. Then I started ssh via ssh username@host -i ~/.ssh/myFolder. I was asked to enter my password once, which I did. It all worked and then ...
Max Gabriel's user avatar
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Disable all traffic through OpenVpn

I have installed the OpenVpn server in my Ubuntu 22.04. The issue is while i connect to the openvpn server my all traffic going to the server which causing the internet connectivity issue. I need only ...
Huzaifa khan's user avatar
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What is the best way to have failover connection for OpenVPN client

I am going to make failover connection for OpenVPN client. What will be the best way to achieve it? I have two ethernet interfaces. I connect eth0 to LAN (with DHCP), and eth1 to GSM router (with ...
hooboe's user avatar
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unable to set the openvpn network to look for a specific subnet behind a specific client

I have an openvpn network I have client with the ip and that client have this subnet I want the entire openvpn network to look for the subnet in Here'...
yaseen's user avatar
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Save VPN password for all users using nmcli

Is it possible to save a VPN password using nmcli and make it available to all users? nmcli con modify vpnname vpn.secrets "password=mypassword" does the job, but only for current user. The ...
Lendersmark's user avatar
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Lost SSH access after setting up OpenVPN (Possible issue using non default SSH port)

I was setting up OpenVPN using this guide: I wasn't having luck in getting the keys off the host ...
TheBigL's user avatar
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Ubuntu/OpenVPN - how to access private network when connection to public interface:

I use Ubuntu 20.04 and OpenVPN. This is my server network interfaces: 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:...
Venelin Vasilev's user avatar
-1 votes
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Use middle server ip address to connect main openvpn server

My main server ip address that i installed openvpn server on, is blocked in my country. that means i cant connect to openvpn directly. so I bought another server. i want to use this second server to ...
Purya's user avatar
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Openvpn Ubuntu 22.04

I'm trying to connect to a vpn provider server with openvpn 2.5.5 in my client, but I have encountered some errors while tying to login and start the session. The connection .ovpn file has been ...
David Heredia's user avatar
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Vpnbook doesn't work after upgrade to Ubunntu 22.04 LTS

After updating Ubuntu to 22.04. LTS I can not use Vpnbook any more. When I try to launch OpenVpn client with any of the profiles, it ends with error message" 2022-08-28 02:20:08 WARNING: No ...
drsto Account's user avatar
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No internet access while Openvpn is on

I've recently started a homelab projet and build a server. The server in itself is a VMware hypervisor with two ubuntu server 22.04 running on it (one for file sharing and one to act as a vpn server). ...
Guillaume Favrot's user avatar
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Authenticate/Decrypt packet error: packet HMAC authentication failed

After updating OpenVPN 2.3.x. to OpenVPN 2.4.4 I have a problem for authentication all devices Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.6 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic openvpnas....
Dawid's user avatar
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Issue accessing local NAS via NFS when opevpn service enabled

I have a VM running Ubuntu 22.04 and i have been having some issues with mounting a local NFS share to the VM when the openvpn NordVPN client connection is running. I believe the issue is that request ...
liamlows's user avatar
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How to auto connect to vpn server if connection is down (VPN always on)

I have an openvpn connection with a client.conf file. I have set this to auto connect on startup however I would like to also make it reconnect if connection goes down. There does not seem to be a ...
bcsta's user avatar
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Ubuntu gets/has wrong private IP address

When I log in via SSH to my Ubuntu server (current LTS 20.04), I get a greeting message with the eth0 private IP. I now needed to change my IPs in my home network from the default to ...
User123456789's user avatar
4 votes
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Ubuntun 22.04: when connected with NetworkManager OpenVPN, DNS doesn't use the VPN DNS server

I am running Ubuntu 22.04 I have an OpenVPN to my company via NetworkManager in gnome. Most of the interal systems work, but for example has 2 DNS records, a public and private zone ...
Christophe's user avatar

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