
I have Ubuntu 22.04.4 LTS 64 bit, and I know nothing about computers, basically all I can do is deleting cookies in browser. I bought my computer from a friend who said Ubuntu was very simple, but here I am with a ton of problems that I don't know how to resolve. I've tried, which probably made it worse, and I really hope someone can help me.

I needed a VPN with a server specifically in Rome and yesterday I tried tons of VPN's but all of them were going to Milan. I used browser extensions, I configured manually, and I tried to install the VPN client on my computer which I couldn't figure out if I was able to or not. Of course in the middle of all this I lost my network connection and I tried with tons of suggestions that I found here on the Ubuntu page, eventually the network problem was resolved, but I have no idea how or what worked.

Now I've found a VPN service with connection to Rome, Hotspotshield vpn, and I've been able to install it and connect to VPN from the terminal. The terminal says I'm connected to Rome, when I check my location from an IP site it also says Rome, but all of my browsers are showing me in Dubai, which is a place I've never connected to or visited in my life. I enable location in browser and I'm trapped in Dubai. I've tried to delete cookies and cache in all browsers, reset, refresh, reinstall, but I'm still in Dubai.

For some time when I disconnected VPN my browser showed me my original location in Norway, but now even disconnected it's showing me Dubai. And I have no idea what to do, because I need Rome location and I can't figure out if it's a computer/network or browser problem.

Please, if anyone can help me and dumb it real down since I don't understand sh*t...

Much appreciated.

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