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How to create a network bridge between wlan0 and et1 to a second eth0 device?

I have a network topology as described in the linked image. Network Setup I have a WiFi router on a private network. An Ubuntu 20.04 box, on a Nvidia Jetson, is connected to the WiFi ...
Wess's user avatar
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Create an offline (no-internet) network using netplan

I'm trying to create a simple, no-internet (completely offline) network consisting of an Ubuntu server (22.04 LTS). The server will both create a wifi access point and connect over wired ethernet to ...
Joel Spolsky's user avatar
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Nmcli and nmtui can't read password for wifi network

Ubuntu 23.10 here. When using Network Manager in KDE, I can connect to the wifi network via the Network Manager applet. Connections are saved with passwords so I don't need to enter a password for ...
QkiZ's user avatar
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I'm quite new to Ubuntu and I'm trying to configure my netplan file. when I set the configuration in my /etc/netplan/01.-network-manager.yaml there seems to be an issue after i have apply the setting (...
Isaac Oyinsan's user avatar
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Issue with dual-NIC clients and netplan swapping ethernet interfaces

Background: 1500+ stations running Ubuntu Server + ubuntu-desktop-minimal, most are still on 20.04, new stations are all deployed with 22.04 (with a ubuntu-desktop-minimal --no-install-recommends flag ...
SteeVee99's user avatar
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WPA3-enterprise on Ubuntu

I need to connect to a WiFi network that has WPA3-Enterprise as its security method for Wifi with username/password authentication. In windows, I can connect to this network just fine, by only having ...
Artichoke's user avatar
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Quickly switching between access points using Netplan and NetworkManager

I am working on a mobile robot base that uses a Raspberry Pi 4 running Ubuntu Server 22.04. It receives commands from a stationary server, so it must have a reliable connection to the network at all ...
feoranis's user avatar
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Network problem after update

I'm running Ubuntu 22.04 on a PC with 4 network interfaces: enp1s0, enp2s0, enp3s0 & enp4s0. I'm using enp1s0 (outgoing interface, configured by the cable modem using DHCP) and enp4s0 (static IP, ...
dbv's user avatar
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Netplan Configuration Isssue: Unable to obtain ip address for ethernet configured with dhcp4

Goal: Determine why configuring an interface with only dhcp4 fails. Setup I am working on configuring netplan for a Virtualbox VM. The VM has 1 bridged adapter connected to my machines wlo1 and 2 ...
Chris Howe's user avatar
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Netplan: accept terms and conditions

I have an ubuntu-server installed on a raspberry pi 4. The ubuntu server is using netplan for network configuration. I wan to connect to an open wifi network called "WiFi4EU". But when I ...
Jarne's user avatar
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How to effectively to set a global static ipv6 by `addr-gen-mode=eui64`?

I see there are a lot of questions about static ipv6, and privacy (like here, here, here, here and here), and I believe I have tried most of the available solutions (or at least those I was able to ...
hamagust's user avatar
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ifupdown-wait-online.service (even if disabed) / xfce takes 5 mins to load

I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 right now and ifupdown-wait-online.service takes 5 mins to load,as well as xfce. I gave a : # systemd-analyze blame and this is the result ; is exactly like I've thought : ...
Marietto's user avatar
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Netplan/NetworkManager not using dhclient at boot

I would like to use dhclient as my DHCP client, and as systemd-networkd does not support this, I would like to switch to Network Manager in Ubuntu 22.04. My Netplan configuration is as follows: ...
triatic's user avatar
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Persistently configuring 10Mbps ethernet interface

In order for my cell modem gateway to run in low power mode its ethernet interface must be configured to 10Mbps full duplex (not auto, even if the connected device is 10Mbps). On my SBC running Ubuntu ...
davegravy's user avatar
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Load Netplan yaml file from other directory apart from "/etc/netplan" in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Desktop

System - Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Desktop Netplan renderer - NetworkManager Usecase - By default, there is a netplan yaml 01-network-manager-all.yaml file in /etc/netplan. On boot the netplan is applied. ...
shaggy's user avatar
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netplan network accessibility check

Is there any way to check connectivity in netplan to check real connection state (is Internet connection alive or not)? As an example, I have a connection through LAN router (default gateway) and ...
QuAzI's user avatar
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netplan wifi with multiple AP

I have two AP and want to connect one of them and use the second as a fallback. But currently, netplan connects to one of them and if it switched off, only manual switch wpa_cli -i wlp2s0 ...
QuAzI's user avatar
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Migrate from ifupdown to netplan

I try to migrate from ifupdown to netplan, but the result is always not same. What is the correct netplan configuration for networking configuration like this: auto lo iface lo inet loopback auto ...
khgasd652k's user avatar
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Connect Multiple Interfaces on Raspberry Pi

I use my raspi as a local DNS resolver (Pi-hole). My router has 2 networks "Home" & "Guest". As usual, the guest client can't reach my raspi as it is on the home network so the ...
OrigamiOfficial's user avatar
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Wlan0 will not connect to WiFi?

I'm trying to run a USB Wi-Fi dongle off Ubuntu Server. I edited /etc/netplan/*.yaml and I'm running multiple network interfaces, which all work as intended. See the lines below for the Wi-Fi setting. ...
Douglas Yeaman's user avatar
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Migrate Ubuntu server from NetPlan to NetworkManager without disconnection (possibly over SSH)

I see that Ubuntu server after the installation comes as default with NetPlan with a DHCP configuration (at least in Ubuntu 22.04 focal fossa). Some users don't want NetPlan and just want ...
Valerio Bozz's user avatar
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Netplan static address plus dhcp address on same interface with priority to static address

I have a small home server than I occasionally move between networks. I want it to have a static IP for accessing services running on it, but also a DHCP IP so that when I move networks it will always ...
user309043's user avatar
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How do I execute a script upon network connection?

I've spent hours attempting this via the if-up.d method as described in: Question 258580 The script just won't trigger and I realized that this method is outdated because Ubuntu no longer uses etc/...
hoatzin's user avatar
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Temporary failure in (DNS) Name Resolution / 20.04

"Temporary failure in (DNS) Name Resolution" Background: I work in healthcare security with approximately ~125 servers across a dozen clients across the US The appliances are both physical ...
Renevant's user avatar
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network is down for 5 min and up again for 3 min

I have started to see a very weird behavior on Ubuntu 20.04.4 (5.4.0-121-generic) when the network is going down for 5 minutes and then is up for 3 minutes. The strange thing that when the network is ...
Ms.Simpson's user avatar
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Fail to up interface wlan0 in ubuntu server 22.04 Raspberry Pi

Im having issues after installing ubuntu server 22.04 on raspberry pi 4 The interface wlan0 is down. After following the official tutorial from ubuntu (
Galois's user avatar
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Configuring Extra Public /24 Subnet with different gateway

I have a server where an internal adapter is configured as followed: network: version: 2 renderer: networkd ethernets: enp3s4f0: dhcp4: no addresses: [ ] ...
Gongas's user avatar
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Netplan configuration - renaming network interfaces

I'm no fan of netplan, a simple renaming operation that's taking hours can't be seen as progress... I have a physical box, with physical NIC's that I need to bridge. On the test machine it's two ...
word y's user avatar
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dnsmasq and NetworkManager DNS

I have a small network of computers that can be moved between sites. These computers are connected to a switch, and one of them acts as DHCP server and DNS server via dnsmasq for this network, let's ...
Victor's user avatar
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Can I use both systemd-networkd and NetworkManager, or is there an GUI/ncurses alternative to Network Manager?

I am getting used to on my laptop after routinely uninstalling it for several years in favor of ifupdown. This is probably far-fetched, but since it's running a desktop front-end (plasma), ...
Avery Freeman's user avatar
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Cannot setup static IP with Raspberry Pi on Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop

I Ubuntu 20.04 Desktop OS running on Raspberry Pi 4. I have connected a printer to the Pi's ethernet port, and I have troubles in assigning a static IP using netplan. The problem is I cannot find the ...
jxw's user avatar
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Using netplan to setup a shared connection

Is it possible to set up a shared connection (DHCP server) on an interface using just the netplan configuration? I can use NetworkManager as follows to set up a shared connection: sudo nmcli c add con-...
blessedone's user avatar
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Active-backup bonding in netplan using cellural modem

I try to set up active-backup bonding in netplan with a modem (ppp0) as a backup. Ppp0 interface works correctly on its own and was created using network manager in line with the guide on official ...
Starid's user avatar
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DHCP address keeps getting generated with netplan and bonded interface

I have a bonded interface set up with netplan. Config is as follows: # This is the network config written by 'subiquity' network: bonds: bond0: addresses: [] ...
DevOpsSauce's user avatar
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Netplan Multiple NICS/VLANS

I'm running Ubuntu Server 20.04 and having issues configuring Netplan for 2 nics on 2 different subnets. I'm getting constant random disconnects. # This is the network config written by 'subiquity' ...
DJFraz's user avatar
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Can't change default connection in Network Manager

I know that ubuntu-server uses networkd by default but some features of gnome doesn't play well with it so I'm trying to replace with Network Manager. The problem is that Network Manager's default ...
123's user avatar
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Netplan error when trying a configuration

I am running Ubuntu server 20.04.3 LTS on a remote Raspberry Pi 4. It is connected through WiFi to a remote router (IP, and I had configured networking with netplan. However after some ...
Panos's user avatar
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Internal network with Netplan in Ubuntu 21.04

I'm trying to implement a simple internal network (client - router - server) in Ubuntu 21.04 on VirtualBox. I'm new to Netplan and I have the configuration for Ubuntu previous releases (16.04) with ...
Geek65's user avatar
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netplan yaml file apply error while setting up Bridge and Bonding port on Ubuntu server 18.04

I try to setup a bridge and bonding port on Ubuntu 18.04 server, got a error message: /etc/netplan/00-netcfg.yaml:15:33: Error in network definition: unknown key 'interfaces' ...
ComputerLam2000's user avatar
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What is the purpose of Netplan in Ubuntu? [duplicate]

Recently I've decided to find out how to configure the network in Ubuntu 20.04. Several years ago I used /etc/network/interfaces for this purpose, but now everything changed. As I've found for Ubuntu ...
0e39bf7b's user avatar
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How do I create a wireless access point using only one wireless NIC but 2 different SSID:s?

I would like to create a wireless access point using only one wireless NIC but having 2 different SSID:s, is this even possible? It would be perfect if clients connecting to the different SSID:s also ...
Level9's user avatar
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Network Configuration Gone - Unable to Reset or Apply Netplan

I'm not sure what's going on or what happened. I run an Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS machine headless. It performed an update sometime overnight and when I logged in, it prompted me that it needed a reboot. So ...
Jeff Weese's user avatar
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netplan conflicts when changing AP when rederer: NetworkManager

I'm having some problems setting up the "access-points": in netplan , when the renderer: NetworkManager . My yaml is cat /etc/netplan/00-installer-config.yaml network: version: 2 ...
freddie_ventura's user avatar
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Is Netplan capable of setting link negotiation settings?

I set a static IP with Netplan on my desktop, but the link negotiation keeps resetting to "Ignore" every reboot on my Plasma desktop. How can I make it permanent?
YamiYukiSenpai's user avatar
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netplan using wrong backends

Background I have a netplan .yaml configuration file in /etc/netplan/. The first few lines are as follows: network: version: 2 renderer: networkd ethernets: # ...and so it continues... When I ...
Jake Levi's user avatar
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Source of IP address

Probably a noob question, but I need some help in trying to determine where an IP address originates from. So I have a Raspberry 4 with Ubuntu 20.10 installed. I've initially configured a static IP ...
Michael Waterman's user avatar
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NetworkManager can't update settings if Netplan config exists

I am using 18.04.4. I configure an interface using netplan (/etc/netplan/enp0s3.yaml), set a static IP, and set the renderer as NetworkManager. My file looks like: network: version: 2 renderer:...
Mick J's user avatar
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Netplan configuration problems in Ubuntu 20.04?

I would like to know how could I change interface names in Ubuntu 20.04. I have configured the /etc/netplan/01-network-manager-all.yaml file as follow: # Let NetworkManager manage all devices on this ...
anmomu92's user avatar
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Only lo interface in /etc/netplan Ubuntu 20.04

I build a PC with a Gigabyte GA-MA790XT-UD4P motherboard. And i installed Ubuntu 20.04 as OS. But i realized i was not connected to the internet. Until suddenly i saw that my Ubuntu machine only has ...
Mike milkshake's user avatar
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How to set IPV4 address disabled in Ubuntu 20.04 using netplan?

I am trying to set IPV4 address as disabled. but it is setting a link-local address. Here is my config.yaml. If i apply netplan apply, link-local ipv4 address is set for the connection with ipv4 ...
Sakthi Nathiarasan's user avatar