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QEUM KVM unable to start default network

I am trying to spin up a VM using KVM on Ubuntu. I am faced with an error when trying to set up Network settings no matter the choice: Unable to complete install: 'Requested operation is not valid: ...
Asem Khen's user avatar
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nmcli hotspot dhcp not working

I have ubuntu server arm64 22.04 running on a raspberry pi for use as a wifi hotspot with the internet connection provided by a cellular modem. I'm using networkmanager and modemmanager to manage the ...
mark groeneveld's user avatar
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dnsmasq and NetworkManager DNS

I have a small network of computers that can be moved between sites. These computers are connected to a switch, and one of them acts as DHCP server and DNS server via dnsmasq for this network, let's ...
Victor's user avatar
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Failed to configure NetworkManager to use dnsmasq

I am using openconnect to connect to vpn and vpn-slice for vpn splitting. openconnect modifies /etc/resolv.conf after start, but that doesn't help with vpn domain names resolving. To work around that, ...
Ilya Sazonov's user avatar
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Configuring ubuntu as router

I have a device which sends meter data to its maker site, using the MQTT protocol. I intend to capture this information, routing it to my ubuntu PC, where I have setup a docker container with RabbitMQ ...
Luis's user avatar
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How do I set up dnsmasq for loopback to a local machine?

I recently changed my ISP and discovered a few days ago that I can't access from other computers or gadgets connected to the same home network, a domain I'm self-hosting (linked via a DDNS provider) ...
Mark Lee's user avatar
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Trying to resolve .local to using dnsmasq and Network Manager

I am on ubuntu 20.04 and I am trying to develop php projects locally. What I want is to be able to mass virtual host local projects and when I create a project and add the .local to the project name, ...
CodeConnoisseur's user avatar
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No Internet Connection Following CodeReady Containers VM Setup

I'm running Ubuntu 18.04 LTS and am having trouble connecting to the internet. Network Manager indicates I'm connected to my wireless router, but there is a '?' symbol where the wifi symbol should be ...
cjt's user avatar
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How to NetworkManager, resolvconf, and dsnmasq work together?

Running Kubuntu 16.04 Sometimes the name resolution gets slow. In previous Ubuntu versions, the problem was usually in resolv.conf and was easy to fix. In 16.04 all the DNS resolution is hidden in a ...
xenoid's user avatar
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DNSMasq forwarding doesn't work!

I want only one DNS for all my local network, when this DNS doesn't know a domain name I want that it ask to router DNS( or Google( and I installed and configured DNSMASQ,...
Jorge Fernandes's user avatar
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Do I need DNS Server?

I use internet (personal connection from ISP). My operating System is Ubuntu 18.4. I am aware of /etc/hosts file, but it has limitation with wild card entries (to block websites). I wanted to know if ...
Porcupine's user avatar
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systemd starts dnsmasq before starting network manager?

Looks to me that my systemd starts dnsmasq before starting network manager. How can I confirm this? How can I force systemd starts dnsmasq after starting network manager? Reason behind this is, as ...
xpt's user avatar
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Use dnsmasq as system DNS service

Following How to disable systemd-resolved and resolve DNS with dnsmasq? However, I followed it as much as I could, but still wasn't able to properly replace systemd-resolved with dnsmasq -- If i put ...
xpt's user avatar
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NetworkManager writing to resolv.conf every reboot, breaking dnsmasq?

I am on Ubuntu 18.04 using the netplan configuration which renders using NetworkManager: # Let NetworkManager manage all devices on this system network: version: 2 renderer: NetworkManager Every ...
jsstuball's user avatar
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Lost editing DNS config in Ubuntu 18.04

Objective For personal use, I need to add a custom server running on that resolves queries for .hyperboria domains. What I've done There used to be a file called /etc/resolv.conf ...
soundblaster's user avatar
10 votes
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dnsmasq : failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already in use

I'm trying to configure dnsmasq to work along with NetworkManager, the problem is when I try to run the service it fails with: dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket for port 53: Address already ...
Ravexina's user avatar
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Use a DNS server for a particular domain when on VPN

I want to use a particular domain name server for a given domain only when connected to the VPN. The rest of the lookups should be resolved by another domain name server, including that same domain if ...
dacabdi's user avatar
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How can I prevent DNS leakage when using a VPN in Ubuntu 18.04?

I recently installed Ubuntu 18.04. I want to ensure that my DNS requests use my VPN DNS rather than my ISP DNS. In 16.04, preventing DNS leakage was easy: just disable the dnsmasq entry in /etc/...
user203748's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

How to Add dnsmasq and keep systemd-resolved (18.04 to 20.04)

I want to get fast dns resolution with dnsmasq and keep the default systemd-resolved. Looking for an elegant way to do this's user avatar
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18.04: Bionic Beaver: enforce static /etc/resolv.conf

Previously, on Ubuntu 16.04, I felt betrayed when an Ubuntu update installed dnsmasq package, configured it, and gave it precedence over my own super-stable, ultra-fast, and own-configured BIND DNS ...
M  K's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04 unable to reach DNS after upgrade

I recently upgrade my Ubuntu Virtual Machine (VirtualBox 5.2.8) from ubuntu 16.04 to 18.04 using do-release-upgrade -d. There were lots of issues during the upgrade. I kept having to restart/resume ...
Wanderer's user avatar
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NetworkManager add dns entries when connecting to certain dhcp servers

I have an owncloud server on my home network that uses ssl certificates. As a result, clients need to connect using the server's FQDN: I am using an dynamic dns service to map ...
spierepf's user avatar
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Unable to access the Internet at Starbucks - used to work with Ubuntu 16.04

For close to 6 months I haven't been able to have access to the Internet with the Starbucks wifi. Ubuntu sees the Wifi and is able to establish a connection. But then when I click access/accept... it ...
jnbdz's user avatar
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Creating a network with lxd on xenial-backports

I want to start using lxc container on an Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial machine. I am using lxd 2.21 from the xenial-backports repository. It works fine up to the point where I want to give my containers ...
mat's user avatar
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Hotspot with dnsmasq to resolve local hosts

I have a Hotspot configured to share my wired Internet connection with other devices, the hotspot is started using nmcli con up Hotspot ifname virtual. The hostspot is up and use the IP ...
rafrsr's user avatar
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IP and DNS Connection problems in Zesty

first of all, NetworkManager sets my DNS to No DNS service is running by default. I installed dnsmasq, but it still fails to look names up. I added some dns servers to the resolv.conf.d/...
Gretchen Maculo's user avatar
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Default DNS nameserver for Ubuntu 17.10

While looking some old dnsnameserver posts, just noticed the following points. Default nameserver for Ubuntu desktop 12.04 was Ubuntu desktop 14.04 was Ubuntu desktop 17.10 is ...
Rooney's user avatar
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How to pass on DNS servers to another interface?

I have two ethernet interfaces, eth0, and eth1 on ubuntu 17.04. eth0 is configured for DHCP and obtains an IP address, gateway, and DNS servers. This is a mobile PC so these change everytime. ...
beedix's user avatar
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dnsmasq for local resolution works after running dhclient, then stops working after a few minutes

I'm running into a strange issue. For the record, I'm using Ubuntu 17.10. I'm trying to configure a custom TLD, call it .mytld, to resolve to so I can host local websites without needing to ...
momotaro's user avatar
25 votes
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DNS not working after upgrade 17.04 to 17.10

I've just upgraded my laptop from Xubuntu 17.04 to 17.10. After the final reboot, DNS has stopped working. This is obviously a problem! I can ping known IP addresses; just no DNS resolution. I've not ...
Conor O'Neill's user avatar
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How to cache dnscrypt-proxy with dnsmasq+resolvconf?

Due to my ISP intercepting some DNS requests and return 'redirected' A records, I want to use dnscrypt-proxy on my computer (my workstation, actually, running Ubuntu 16.04) What I have done is ...
pepoluan's user avatar
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Configuring NetworkManager to use systemd-resolved without dnsmasq in 17.04

After upgrading to 17.04 from 16.04 I can't figure out how host name resolution system is meant to be configured. First, I've noticed that after upgrade search domains have disappeared from /etc/...
Oleg Andriyanov's user avatar
6 votes
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Which upstream nameservers do dnsmasq/NetworkManager use really?

I'm trying to do some troubleshooting and installing dnscrypt(-proxy) on my Laptop. I want to find out which DNS servers effectively are used by my standard Ubuntu installation (w/ NetworkManager and ...
Florian Heinle's user avatar
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How to get rid of dnsmasq listening at which isn't started via systemd?

I'm debugging an issue on my "WiFi router" (firmware bug or network configuration mistake) and would like to selectively turn off potential error sources in my LAN. After disabling the dnsmasq.service ...
Kalle Richter's user avatar
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Connection info shows correct DNS but resolvconf does not show the same

The problem: My DNS is getting hijacked by my ISP, when I enter a webpage, sometimes it redirects me to "Download Bill" page. I've tried to see why this happens, then I found something else. I have ...
JorgeeFG's user avatar
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dnsmasq breaks apt-get

I installed dnsmasq and configured it the way I wanted... I hope. So everything was working great, but now when I try to sudo apt-get update It doesn't really work, it goes very slow and it can't ...
yank7's user avatar
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Ubuntu ignores my GUI entered nameservers?

I'm on Lubuntu 16.04 and have problems resolving names of my company's network through VPN. It's not so clear to me what has the last say on my system dnsmasq/resolvconf/network-manager... and would ...
some user's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04: curl, wget, ssh could not resolve host from dnsmasq with IPv6

Spent a lot of time googling for the problem but did not found answer for it. Given: fresh Ubuntu 16.04 installation, which implies IPv6 is enabled and network-manager service is using dnsmasq for ...
Vitaljok's user avatar
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dnsmasq not working when plugging in wired network

When connecting my Dell XPS13 laptop to a wired network via a Dell WD15 docking station, I'm unable to use the internet. I've identified that it's a DNS issue and dnsmasq is misbehaving. Killing ...
Arnold Daniels's user avatar
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How could I turn off\on dnsmasq?

Is there any way to switch on/off dnsmasq? Obvious command systemctl status\start\stop dnsmasq gives nothing as it seems that dnsmasq.service file does not exist. Question arose as I found in docs ...
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A DNS issue occasionally preventing access to some websites

I've begun having this problem after upgrading to Ubuntu 16.10 but it may not related with it: Now and then, suddenly I cannot access a website which I visit frequently. Google Chrome says; "This ...
Sadi's user avatar
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Internet stop after removing network-manger and installing dnsmasq

I'm running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS on a MacBook Pro. After removing network-manager and installing dnsmasq, I lost internet connectivity. I'm connecting to the internet through the wireless interface (wlan0)...
Juan-Carlos Perez's user avatar
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Can't configure my pc to use VPN nameserver

I'm on Lubuntu 16.04 and connect to my company's vpn usually via network-manager, nmcli also works for me. But either way I have problems to resolve a internal host by it's name via a browser. I ...
some user's user avatar
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DNSMASQ - Why is this running?

So, I was poking around htop, and looked at what processes were running. For some reason, a process called dnsmasq is running. The full command is /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --no-resolv --keep-in-foreground --...
James Bond's user avatar
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link local (fe80::) addresses without scope make their way into /etc/resolv.conf and cause problems

I'm having intermittent connectivity issues. An ipv6 link local address gets automatically added to my /etc/resolv.conf, and that seems to cause libc's resolver to fail resolving. I would like to know ...
init_js's user avatar
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How to control startup options of dnsmasq?

I'm on Ubuntu 16.04 Xenial and Network Manager started dnsmasq for me with these options: ~/ ps awux|grep dnsmasq nobody 2649 0.0 0.0 54488 3588 ? S Mai23 0:00 /usr/sbin/dnsmasq --...
alexs77's user avatar
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Trying to change the nameservers, I am stuck by the complexity I found

I am trying to change the nameservers being used by my Ubuntu machine (just my laptop, not a server). In the good old days in which I was using Slackware I just needed to edit /etc/resolv.conf and my ...
fstab's user avatar
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/var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf nameserver contents

Xubuntu 15.10 using Ethernet From my understanding, /var/run/dnsmasq/resolv.conf should contain the nameservers used by dnsmasq to resolve addresses and is configured by a script called by network-...
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Restricted internet access on 14.04. Teamviewer works, websites don't load

I now know it is not a DNS issue, because I can't even ping I've added the output of tracepath My machine running the most up-to-date version of 14.04 Trusty. The mobo has two ...
ubawesomtu's user avatar
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Why is a nameserver address not removed from resolv.conf when disconnecting from my work network?

Using networkmanager and dnsmasq. When I'm at work I have a wifi connection that is statically configured with IP, dns server, and domain search. When I connect, resolv.conf has both the server and ...
Dev Null's user avatar
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