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Setup Static IP for USB Ethernet Adapter Ubuntu Server

im using a USB Ethernet Adapter for my machine and I would like to setup static IP for that. Ive been following tutorials from other sources but it only applies to cable ethernet. Im using Ubuntu ...
Vu Le therealvubeoo's user avatar
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Nmcli and nmtui can't read password for wifi network

Ubuntu 23.10 here. When using Network Manager in KDE, I can connect to the wifi network via the Network Manager applet. Connections are saved with passwords so I don't need to enter a password for ...
QkiZ's user avatar
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How to return Ubuntu to GUI mode after accidentally deleting network-manager?

My laptop recently couldn't enter GUI mode and could only enter CLI mode. I've looked for a solution on the internet but most people suggest doing: sudo apt-get --reinstall ubuntu-desktop ...
Dzaki Sultan Rabbani's user avatar
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Why does IPv6 host route gets lost the second time I run "nmcli device reapply port1"?

I set the IPv6 address of port1 with nmcli: /usr/bin/nmcli connection modify port1 ipv6.method manual ipv6.address 1510::2/64 /usr/bin/nmcli device reapply port1 The first time I run this, the IPv6 ...
L G's user avatar
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Creating a bridge device using nmcli

I am trying to create a bridge device in Ubuntu 22.04, so I can set it a a default network for KVM guests. I need bi-directional external (non-NAT communication from and to the guests. I followed this ...
Pinguinim's user avatar
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dns probe finished nxdomain linux ubuntu 20.04

I'm having problems with my DNS in Ubuntu. The webpage won't show up. I've been trouble shooting for hours. I have tried clearing the cache but none of the commands work. I have tried it this way ...
Henry Stanley's user avatar
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I can't connect to WiFi via ubuntu 18.04 terminal

root@secure-OS:~# wpa_passphrase " Galaxy Xcover 4E575" 777777 | sudo tee /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf tee: /etc/wpa_supplicant.conf: Read-only file system network={ ssid="Galaxy ...
Keketso Mphiri's user avatar
2 votes
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nmcli: Proper way of scanning WiFi networks

I am writing a script where I need to switch WiFi networks. How should I scan if the WiFi I want to connect is available or not? I tried the following: nmcli dev wifi list Issue: It lists previously ...
Ajaib Singh's user avatar
1 vote
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ubuntu server 18.04 set dns server name without change after reboot

I am new in ubuntu. When installing Ubuntu, I set the network settings manually and manually set up the IP and DNS server in installation wizard , but now I after installation complete can not change ...
Amir133's user avatar
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Can't connect to ProtonVPN using CLI?

I can't connect to ProtonVPN using its official client from pypi on my Ubuntu 20.04 but on the same WiFi and using the same DNS ( and its android app I can seamlessly connect. I don't have a ...
Masked Man's user avatar
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Network Manager couldn't reserve IP configuration

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04 LTS I connected to Ethernet to install Network Manager using the following command sudo apt-get install network-manager All went perfectly with no errors. I then start Network ...
vain_alibi's user avatar
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CLI equivalent to Network Settings "Network Proxy" manual options? [duplicate]

My company uses a proxy configuration to access internal resources, and I'm the only dev using Ubuntu (20.04) so I've been rolling my own equivalent to their Mac script. I can get everything working ...
K. Adam's user avatar
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connect to wifi from console without retry on wrong pwd

I'm currently trying to have a c++ software to connect to a network. I use nmcli to connect to the network, and it works perfectly fine. The issue is, if the pwd given to the software for a network ...
elleryn's user avatar
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2 answers

How to disconnect and connect the wired connection from the command line?

In Ubuntu's system configuration menu, section "Network," there's a section called "Wired" with an On/Off slider button. What is the command-line equivalent of pushing that slider to the Off position ...
Fabiana Cecin's user avatar
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can't paste the project file into the htdocs on ubuntu [duplicate]

for command sudo usermod -R root.xamppusers /opt/lampp/htdocs shows usermod: invalid chroot path 'root.xamppusers'
roy's user avatar
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How to configure ProtonVPN

I just installed OpenVPN and ProtonVPN but missed something, I followed the command line installation on ProtonVPN site and it says I am connected when attempting to initalize but does not change my ...
FuzzyWuzzaG's user avatar
5 votes
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Openvpn connection problem using network manager

I have problem with connecting to vpn my company gave me those files along with a password I tried to import them this way 1- I go to Network Setting 2- then I press the plus button to add new ...
Neji Soltani's user avatar
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Why does changing the hotspot SSID not work?

I'm on Ubuntu 18.04 and I'm able to setup a wifi hotspot in the UI (as described for example here) which works perfectly. I now want to change the SSID and the password of the hotspot. I tried doing ...
kramer65's user avatar
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Toggle WLAN Hotspot Gnome Taskbar

I have a mobile broadband connection that I am often sharing via hotspot on Ubuntu 18.04.2 LTS and Gnome 3.28.2. I can perfectly do this (as described for example here) via GUI. But I would like to ...
schiggn's user avatar
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Cannot connect to wifi via command line

I am simply trying to connect to my WPA2 network using the command line. I have tried what seems like everything for the past few hours, but no success. Attempt #1 So I have tried to edit the /etc/...
user3447014's user avatar
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how to use gdbus to set an IP address

I'm researching how to change IP addresses (and DHCP settings) from a workstation app I'm writing which is why I need/want to use dbus for this purpose. It's complicated! So I'm trying to learn by ...
VorpalSword's user avatar
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Start a Networkmanager GUI from Commandline

I have setup a kiosk system, it uses xorg, openbox and chromium-browser. It is started via systemd like that: #/etc/systemd/system/ [Unit] After=systemd-user-sessions.service [Service] User=...
philipp's user avatar
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13 votes
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Get a list of network manager network connections with Bash?

I want to get a list of Ethernet and wireless connections from the terminal. Those connections are listed in NetworkManager's GUI and include info like the connection's SSID. The next step is to ...
Yurij's user avatar
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How do I to set the DNS server for a device using nmcli?

How do I set the DNS server to be and through the CLI with nmcli? $ nmcli device show eno1 GENERAL.DEVICE: eno1 GENERAL.TYPE: ...
Thufir's user avatar
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Any command to set/update static IP address (no hack)?

Unlike many threads, I see my on both 14.04 and 16.04 the NIC configs are stored in /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections, which is still discussed on some threads but not many AFAI have seen. And I ...
IsaacS's user avatar
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How to randomly change the MAC on each boot in 16.04

On previous Ubuntus this was easily achieved with macchanger, but it seems not to work on 16.04. The MAC just seems to reset to the default as soon as a connection to the Internet is reestablished. ...
fpghost's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14.04: script not running in /etc/network/if-up.d

wireless-info pasteit I am trying to have Ubuntu run this script in /etc/network/if-up.d/ to bring up my wireless AP via hostapd once the eth0 network is up: #!/bin/sh # filename: /...
orion_134's user avatar
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What is the new syntax for `nmcli show` and `nmcli modify`?

This has been asked before at - but never answered. So I'll try asking here: You can see from diverse posts ...
sdbbs's user avatar
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No WiFi upon reboot - how can I run a command on reboot that restarts the service, or otherwse fix it?

When I restart my computer there is no WiFi connection. When I click on the WiFi symbol in the upper right corner and remove the tick at Activate Network and the set it again afterwards, it solves my ...
YukiJ's user avatar
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Why is my MAC address being reset when connecting to a wireless network after spoofing it?

Simply put, I am adding strings to a script that I run upon login to spoof my MAC address for anonymity. I have installed macchanger on my Ubuntu 16.04 machine and I am experimenting with it from the ...
UnixForce's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14.04: How to add an Ethernet connection from command line that's editable in Network Manager GUI?

On Ubuntu 14.04, how can I add an Ethernet connection from the command line that's editable in the Network Manager GUI? I have studied nmcli which is the command line tool for the Network Manager. ...
yaobin's user avatar
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nmcli: How to get the "last used" connection

I'm trying to configure an auto wifi connection script for a remote system. You can connect to saved connection with this command: $ sudo nmcli c up "connection name" There are occasions where the ...
L. D. James's user avatar
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Provide password to `nmcli con up` in terminal 14.04

I am trying to connect to my VPN using terminal. My VPN password is a TOTP, so cannot save it to the connection conf file. When I try to connect, a dialog appear to enter password. I want to do it in ...
barunsthakur's user avatar
10 votes
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How to release an IP address and renew from the commandline?

I am using modern versions of Ubuntu that use network-manager, and I would like release and renew my network settings through the commandline. In the olden days when Ubuntu used the interfaces file, ...
David's user avatar
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Get wireless access points name or ssid which do not prompt for password using shell script in ubuntu

I just want to get wireless access points name or ssid list which do not prompt to enter password using shell script in ubuntu. Or I can say that I want to get ssid or wireless access point name list ...
User2546's user avatar
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How to forget wireless networks from command line?

Using the command line, how can I make the system forget the wireless networks I previously connected to?
thedp's user avatar
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TAB press for auto-complete does not work for some service names [duplicate]

I can run following command on my Ubuntu 14.04.3 Terminal without any problem: sudo service network-manager restart [sudo] password for username: network-manager stop/waiting network-manager start/...
PHP Learner's user avatar
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Check VPN connection status (connect/disconnect) from the command line

How to check that a VPN connection is connected or disconnected using command line?
Saeed Zarinfam's user avatar
3 votes
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Add multiple wifi networks on command line

I'm mantaining a post-install script for my ubuntu. I'd like to add wifi network connections by bash, so I'd automaticall connect to them later, but I can't figure out a way to do this. Is there a ...
fett2k's user avatar
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Network traffic blocker by ip and port

I'm getting continues traffic to my AWS ubuntu server. Those traffic increase my bandwidth billing in a high level. Is there any ip port blocker tool or a way to block those traffics?
sugunan's user avatar
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iwlist set essid -> Operation already in progress

I am trying to connect to an AP with iwconfig in the command line: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid "APname" Every time I execute it, I got the following errors: Error for wireless request "Set ESSID" (...
Jeon's user avatar
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How do you make sure that new hostname is successfully broadcast to the network?

I am trying to reset my hostname, but I am not sure if the broadcast is successful or not, is there a way to check? user:~$ sudo hostname newhostname user:~$ sudo dhclient sudo: unable to resolve ...
user411754's user avatar
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Creating a WWAN profile in NMCLI, or alternate way of connecting to 3G via CLI?

I need to connect to the internet via a TP-Link MA260. After spending hours with usb_modeswitch and other tools, I finally got the device to be recognised as a modem and have the interface wwan0. I'...
wilhil's user avatar
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How can I update a Network Manager connection from the command line?

I have a bunch of Ubuntu machines on my work ethernet LAN and I need to modify the default gateway. I'd rather not traipse round, interrupt people's work, to right click an applet, preferring instead ...
artfulrobot's user avatar
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How do I run GUI version of NetworkManager on DWM?

I was using wicd-gtk to connect to networks but for some reason it doesn't connect me to some networks and NetworkManager seems to be working fine. How can I launch GUI version of NetworkManager if I ...
syntagma's user avatar
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Configure GSM connection using shell (nmcli)

I have a system without X display and I want to use nmcli to configure my usb cell modem. I can get the modem working using Ubuntu Desktops GSM-Wizard (X/GUI). But what is the console alternative on ...
Robert's user avatar
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Network-admin for server?

I am running a 12.04 distro. I am looking for something that can run in command line on my server that would give me access to change the network settings. Similar programs would be network-admin or ...
Keith's user avatar
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Run root script or command as root in startup application in Ubuntu 14.04 [duplicate]

I have a wireless adapter that used to work in ubuntu 13.10 (dwa 171) after installing drivers for it. Now it won't work the same way anymore since I upgraded to ubuntu 14.04. I've found the only way ...
answerSeeker's user avatar
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find mac address of all connected systems [duplicate]

How can I find out how many system are connected to the local network and how can I get all IP and mac address of these systems. Is their any command/package to show the IP details? Can I use this ...
Pankaj Verma's user avatar
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Problem with `sudo airmon-ng start wlan0`

I have Ubuntu 14.04 on Macbook Pro. I've tried to run: sudo airmon-ng start wlan0 then the result was: Found 5 processes that could cause trouble. If airodump-ng, aireplay-ng or airtun-ng stops ...
user307115's user avatar