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Questions tagged [music-player]

Application that can play most music files (.mp3, .ogg, etc.)

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103 votes
12 answers

How to play mp3 files from the command line?

I have installed Ubuntu 11.10 server.. so command line only. I need to be able to play audio (.mp3 & .wav) files via the command line! I've installed the MPD & Audacious packages... and ...
user51760's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

Does RhythmBox have any command line interface or method of interprocess communication?

I'd really like to communicate with rhythmbox with a web server so I can remotely change the music playing from my smartphone. Is there a command-line interface for rhythmbox to do things like the ...
Athan Clark's user avatar
22 votes
6 answers

How to display lyrics of songs?

When I was using Windows, I had an application called MiniLyrics which let me display the lyrics of the music files played. The application automatically downloads the lyrics and displays them while ...
jokerdino's user avatar
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18 votes
11 answers

Foobar2000-like music player?

I've been thinking about switching to Ubuntu full time, but there are still some programs left behind that I haven't found any equivalent to yet. Does anyone know of a music player similar to ...
Ryan's user avatar
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16 votes
5 answers

How to make Spotify the default music player?

"Spotify for linux" doesn't show up in default applications menu for Music (system info section in system settings). Therefore, it also doesn't come in Dash and music media keys don't work as well. ...
hemanv2's user avatar
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16 votes
2 answers

Using headset controls like a smart phone

I have a generic pair of smartphone earphones that have the button (along with a microphone) and I would like to use the button as a pause/play key in Ubuntu, like I would on an Android phones music ...
loklaan's user avatar
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12 votes
8 answers

Apple Music on Ubuntu

How can I use Apple Music on Ubuntu, if its possible? Im thinking about switching over from spotify, but Im not sure if its worth it if I cant access the music from my desktop. Thank you!
Alain's user avatar
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12 votes
10 answers

Music player that plays Youtube playlists

I have tried all music players recommended in answers for similar questions, but I haven't found a player meeting the following requirements: Plays youtube playlists smoothly (caches the audio before ...
takeshin's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Can I safely remove Banshee?

I prefer Clementine as my music player. I'd like to completely remove the default player (currently Banshee) and replace it with Clementine. Can I do this, without breaking Ubuntu?
JayMad4's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

What player can I use to repeat a specific part of an audio file?

What player can I use to repeat a specific part of an audio file? e.g. I need an audio file to repeat from second 10 to 22, in a loop. This can be done via mplayer, but mplayer is not visual and is ...
B Faley's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

What players do support flac files with embeded cue sheet?

I recently got some FLAC files with embeded cue sheet. Though, the info of the sheet file doesn't seem to show up in Rhythmbox; Banshee; Amarok or Audatious. Which media players support this kind of ...
Pedro Rolo's user avatar
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8 votes
7 answers

Lightweight music player

Is there any ultra lightweight music player for Ubuntu (like foobar)? Preferably with Unity taskbar integration.
takeshin's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Python (v2.7) requires to install plugins to create media files of the following type: Vorbis encoder

This is the message I get when I try to rip a cd from any player. I usually use the stock Rhythmbox but have tried others to no avail. I have just updated to 12.10 from 12.04 and I had no problems in ...
LibraryGeekAdam's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Launch a music player using play/pause key when player is not running

I would like to acheive the following behaviour: If a music player (Banshee in my case) is running, the Play/Pause media key on the keyboard causes the music player to play/pause the music. If the ...
zegkljan's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Why is there no guayadeque in 16.04?

I noticed today that there is no Guayadeque in Ubuntu 16.04. It was there in 15.10. Such a cool player, I couldn't find it in Ubuntu Xenial repository. Could anyone point out a reference for Ubuntu ...
MonetsChemist's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Rhythmbox does not remember my music

I am adding my music stored in an NTFS drive into Rhythmbox. It stays in the library for that session. However, when I shut down and restart, all imported music is lost from the library (even after ...
twostepsfromhell's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

What music players (or related applications) are there that would allow displaying/editing embedded lyrics of music tracks?

I use OSD Lyrics and CoverGloobus. They are good, they search and eventually download lyrics, when they can find them. The sources used by OSD Lyrics, for example, are rather limited (although I love ...
user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

How to install mp3 plugin? [duplicate]

I just installed Ubuntu desktop 13.04 in my computer, dual boot with windows 7. How to install mp3 plugin? Because I want to listen to music and watch movie, but the player requires plugin? How to ...
Khairul's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to install Guayadeque on 16.04?

I've seen on this post (Why is there no guayadeque in 16.04?) why there is no Guayadeque in the repositories in 16.04, but how can we install it ? We should be able to do it if we install gstreamer0....
neodyme's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Terminal command to control the standard Music/Video Player(Play/Stop/Next..)

After googling for a while now I'm unable(-.-) to find a solution for this: I want to tell my standard(as noted in settings) music/video player to play/stop/next via terminal. But with a global ...
Simon Schubert's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What music player shows "similar bands you might like" feature

In 11.04 I used banshee or rhythmbox because it had a feature that told me, when I was listening to a song what other bands from other similar groups I would enjoy. Most of the time it was correct or ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Rhythmbox (or any music player) doesn't change songs properties

I have some songs in my Rhythmbox, but I cannot change their properties, i.e., I cannot write anything in the properties window. It seems to be block or something like that. I thought that such files ...
Alejandro's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Are there any good music mixers available, equivalent to Windows "MP3 Tunes"?

In Windows my dad used to have a program called MP3 Tunes. I have tried running it with Wine, and it worked. But strange things kept happening to the program, so it's not a reliable way to play music. ...
RobinJ's user avatar
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4 votes
8 answers

Music player with 'searchable' media library ?

I have been looking quite few days for that but I have not found an answer. I am trying to find a good music player for ubuntu in which I would be able to search the media library like in winamp ( ...
Patryk's user avatar
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4 votes
7 answers

Is there a music player that doesn't play video or show photos?

I want a music player that can't play video or show photos. I don't have any other requirements. Are there any music players that fit my description?
Alvar's user avatar
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4 votes
8 answers

Music player that works with a large library of music files [closed]

I'm looking for a fast and functional music player that can work with a huge library of music files. Banshee is quite OK, however it uses too much resources on my laptop and hangs from time to time. ...
Karolis's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How do I Install lollypop in Ubuntu?

I recently discovered Lollypop, A GNOME music player, it looks awesome. How do I install it under Ubuntu?
blade19899's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Does the iPod Shuffle 4th Gen work well with Rhythmbox?

I'm thinking about getting an iPod Shuffle 4th gen., but if it doesn't work well with Ubuntu 12.04/Rhythmbox it's a no-go. Does anyone have any experiences with this combination? Thank you in ...
clappboard's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Deezer app on Ubuntu?

Do you know any solutions that can run Deezer? There is no native app, so it would be wonderful to find some working alternatives
Valery Noname's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Way to play only songs that were last played before a certain date in amarok

I want to make a dynamic playlist in amarok (version 2.8.0-0ubuntu3) which plays songs that I haven't heard in a while, for example should it contain only songs that were last played in 2013 or ...
fifaltra's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Can I auto-start music player after connecting headphones?

Is there a way to start my default music player after connecting the headphones or earphones ? If there is nothing in the form of a GUI, I don't mind writing a script for it, but I need some starting ...
Dan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Uninstall gmusic browser

I would like to uninstall gmusic browser from my xubuntu installation. I find it does not meet my playback requirements. How do I go about this?
Marundu Muturi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Script to monitor window title changes

Here's the deal: I use the lastfm package to listen my Last.FM (duh)... And I want to show some notify-osd notifications when a new music starts. As long the program don't supports it, I want to ...
Thiago Belem's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to determine, from the command line, whether rhythmbox is playing?

rhythmbox-client --print-playing tells me the name of a song, regardless of whether it is actually playing. I simply need to know whether or not sound is currently being generated by rhythmbox (so ...
CPBL's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

What Linux program reads Atrac3+?

I have about 20 files of music in the format .aa3. Which Linux-compatible program reads that format?
Nick Bailuc's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Any audio player with segment repeat?

I'm trying to learn to play some music by ears, but I'm not very good musician and I need to listen to some parts of composition hundreds of times before I correctly can play it. Can you guys suggest ...
Михаил Павлов's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Music players with ALSA output option

Currently using kubuntu 16.04 with deadbeef player. I would really like different gui cause of the ammount of music on my drive, deadbeef is not a good idea when you have 1tb+ music. I've tried ...
fixxxera's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Access advanced features and commands of GUI from rhythmbox-client?

Does rhythmbox-client include actions like loading a playlist and playing it, viewing playlists or list of songs, shuffling the playlist and current play order? Basically can I do everything i can do ...
udiboy1209's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Replacement for foobar2000's "Move files" functionality?

So I'm a recent Ubuntu convert and love it, but theres one thing I need help with: organising my music library. Previously on Windows I used foobar2000, and had one playlist called "Incoming" where I ...
neilkimmett's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

What music player for Ubuntu is *most* like Cog?

Cog is, far and away, my favourite music player. File browser on the left panel, pull a folder into the right panel, it plays the files you pull into the main box. Simple! Easy! Nice! Especially since ...
JeanSibelius's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Music manager with Android sync support?

Primary: How can I manage a large music collection and sync parts of it to an Android device? Secondary: To make it complicated, parts of the collection is stored in multiple formats. Computer ...
Daniel's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Music lens does not play music through default music player

I have set Rhythmbox as my default music player through System Settings > Details, but when I browse and play music from the Unity dash, Banshee opens up and plays the music. How can I have Rhythmbox ...
Severo Raz's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How can I play ".msv" audio file?

.msv is a Sony audio file type. How can I play this file on 12.04?
ysaito8015's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

Simple audio/mp3 player for small files

I have a new voicemail system that attaches mp3s to emails and sends them to me. I'm using Thunderbird for IMAP email. When I try to open them with Rythmbox, I run into trouble because of the ...
Vic Boudolf's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How Can I Edit Songs on a Remote Server?

I have a number of songs I am hosting. I would like to edit their ID3 tags. Downloading and uploading them will take too much time. Is it possible to edit them as they are online? Update Here is ...
Oo Nwoye's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is there a music library player / manager that allows searching for strings in the whole path of music files, not just filenames or ID3 tags?

I organized my music, a long time ago, in folders. Searching for a folder's name, for instance "Girlfriend's albums" in Mediamonkey in Windows would show all mp3 files within that folder, and, ...
funkypitt's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Music players (except Banshee) capable of saving scrobbles while being offline?

I do not have a stable internet connection right now, so I am looking for a native Linux application capable of saving scrobbles while being offline in order to submit them later, at the same time ...
Massimo Suino's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Store Ratings in Quod Libet

I use Quod Libet as music library player. If I rate a song, the rating is successfully stored, but it seems at first only locally. Only if I edit some tags and save them, I get the rating stored in ...
rubo77's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How can I get a music player to watch a folder for new files?

I am using youtube-dl to download a series of short audio files. How can I set up a common music player [1] to monitor a given folder for new files and add them to the current playlist? [1] Rhythmbox,...
lofidevops's user avatar
  • 21.1k
2 votes
1 answer

How to install «Hip Hop» on Ubuntu 14.04

I would like to try Hip Hop on Ubuntu 14.04, but on the website, there is only a .tgz file, and I have no idea how to install it. There is no .deb in the compressed file. Does anyone have an idea ?
ulrich's user avatar
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