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Questions tagged [lxpanel]

The application that provides the panel in LXDE.

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3 answers

What desktop environments feature a searchable "Start" menu/launcher?

Aside from Unity, KDE and Cinnamon, which of the many desktop environments support incremental search among the start menu items, including not just applications, but recent documents? That is, which ...
Dan Dascalescu's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Correct sensor location to use for Temperature Monitor in lxpanel?

The Temperature Monitor in lxpanel (I'm using Lubuntu 12.10) is automatically detecting one of my sensors but I would like to give it an alternate one. Here is the output of sensors: Adapter: ...
alexpotato's user avatar
7 votes
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LXPanel: Show active window title & close/min-max/restore buttons

IMPORTANT EDIT: I have now found out that these plug-ins are possible, but do not exist. I submitted a request on the LXDE SourceForge page here. They responded, saying they like the idea, but the ...
Juraj Fiala's user avatar
5 votes
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How to display free disk space in Lubuntu/LXDE?

In Xubuntu/Xfce the xfpanel has an add-on for that (Free Space Checker). Is there something similar for lxpanel or otherwise in LXDE/Lubuntu - or maybe a program with a similar service for all ...
user avatar
5 votes
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How to increase the size of lxpanel in Lubuntu?

Somebody that's visually impaired finds the icons on the panel very small. I'd like to increase the size of the panel.
H3R3T1K's user avatar
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Hide app from tray in LXDE (Lubuntu)

In XFCE it is possible to hide app from tray, using tray settings (for example set steam not to appear in tray, using xfce settings). I need such a feature in Lubuntu, however LXPanel doesn't seem to ...
user1873947's user avatar
4 votes
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Is it possible to have in Lubuntu 12.04 the new Keyboard Layout Handler of 12.10?

Lubuntu 12.10 has a new version of LXPanel (0.5.11) and a new "Keyboard Layout Handler" with more settings than the older "Keyboard Layout Switcher". 12.04 "Keyboard Layout Switcher" settings: 12....
user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What does this info mean when I fire `dpkg -l lxpanel`?

When trying to see the version of LXPanel and fire dpkg -l lxpanel, I get ~$ dpkg -l lxpanel Desired=Unknown/Install/Remove/Purge/Hold | Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-...
user avatar
3 votes
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How to enable Dropbox panel icon at startup in Lubuntu?

I installed Dropbox in Lubuntu. It works perfectly, but panel icon is not shown, because Nautilus is not default file-manager in Lubuntu. I've been searching for several forum pages at Askubuntu, ...
Redbob's user avatar
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4 answers

Lubuntu 15.04 lost battery indicator

I installed Lubuntu 15.04 and everything is working fine except one annoying feature: battery information is not shown any more. In Lubuntu 14.10 the indicator is available:
Unto's user avatar
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1 answer

How to customize lxpanel/menu on lubuntu?

Does anyone know "how to add item PCManFM or some programs likes terminal, anjuta or more programs on panel menu". The configuration file located on ~/.config/lxpanel/lubuntu/panels, but I dont know ...
al akhfiya's user avatar
3 votes
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why can't I restart lxpanel and openbox?

My lubuntu 18.04 desktop isn't responding. So I would like to restart it. Only virtual consoles respond, so I ctrl alt f2 to switch to one. I first kill lxpanel and openbox processes, so they are ...
Tim's user avatar
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Is there any way to create a LXDE customized panel as a launcher?

I am currently using (and enjoying) Lubuntu 12.10 on an older desktop, since the last time I tested it, it has improved a lot, but I really got used to Unity workflow and it has become quite an habit ...
cnavigator's user avatar
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How to change the icon of an application on the LxPanel in Lubuntu?

After installing Lubuntu 12.10, I decided to install IDLE 3 (from the official Ubuntu repository), but something unexpected happened: its icon gets bigger than the LxPanel and all the another ...
Zignd's user avatar
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2 answers

network icon problem in lxpanel in lubuntu

I have recently installed lubuntu-desktop in Ubuntu 12.04. In the lxpanel I have a network icon which shows my current network connection status. I have a wired connection [ethernet] which connects ...
Shantanu Dutta's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I add "root" privileges in LxPanel launcher?

how can I add "root" privileges in LxPanel launcher (in Lubuntu)? I would like have launcher for Synaptic, but Synaptic need root privileges. Have anyone any idea how it do it?
Petr's user avatar
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How to turn off or delete the default lubuntu panel in 14.04?

I am right now experimenting with cairo dock and so far so good. I want to turn off the default lubuntu panel for which currently i dont find a need for. anyone with know how pls help me do this. ...
newforubuntulinux's user avatar
2 votes
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How can I easily install indicators for lxpanel?

I'm running Ubuntu 10.04.3 Server Edition and I need to get the indicator applets for LXpanel. I've tried looking through, but the package for lxpanel indicators is only for ...
Thomas Boxley's user avatar
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lxpanel configuration

Somewhere between lxpanel 0.6.1 and lxpanel 0.9.? the look of icons for running programs on the panel changed. The old way, you just get an icon The new way, you get icon + info Is there a ...
Organic Marble's user avatar
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Lubuntu taskbar doesn't update window titles

I've recently installed Lubuntu 15.04, and everything is fine, except one (very annoying) little thing. My taskbar correctly shows all windows, displaying their title, but it doesn't update those ...
jesjimher's user avatar
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Bluetooth Indicator Applet menu disappears before I can click on it if Panel is set to auto-hide

I've just installed Lubuntu 15.10 on an old netbook that was dying under the weight of Windows 7, and so far I'm loving it. Much of what I learned when I had to do admin on Unix systems back in the ...
Stefan Vorkoetter's user avatar
2 votes
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Problems after changing from PCManFM to Nautilus

I have to use LXDE because of the age of my system, and I quite like it. But after I changed the default file manager from PCManFM to Nautilus (via this) and restarted, I just get a background color ...
RPiAwesomeness's user avatar
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Sublime Text 2 in Lubuntu shows default icon from system

I installed Sublime Text 2 by PPA in Lubuntu 16.10 and all works fine. The only problem is that Sublime Text show a default icon in the panel's window list: Any idea how to fix this?
unknownmx's user avatar
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Can I have Unity/eOS/OS X - like top panel that merges with maximized window's title bar in LXDE?

Everything is in the title: Can I set up a panel in LXDE so it merges with window's title bar when the window is maximized? Like it is in Unity, Elementary OS or OS X.
Radovan Bezak's user avatar
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lubuntu (lxde desktop) - is there any device notifier in panel?

I have lubuntu 13.04 and I'd like to know if there is any device notifier to show in lxde panel in order to safetely remove safely or manage usb and other device without opening lxde folder manager? ...
Frank's user avatar
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How can I see indicator-sync in LXPanel?

I've installed indicator-sync (Universe) but he doesn't appear in the panel. How can I fix that?
Tiago Carrondo's user avatar
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5 answers

Lubuntu, panel items are not arranged in proper way

My Lubuntu panel contains some running applets, but they are not arranged in order, and there is empty space between them. This particularly annoys me when using minimized windows. Take a look at the ...
Raja G's user avatar
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3 answers

How to change the lxpanel language?

i would like to know if its possible to easily change the lxpanel interface language to portuguese for example. If its not built in feature, where can i start to find the resources for changing it ...
gog's user avatar
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Building lxpanel on ubuntu and looking for meeting wireless-tools-devel dependency

I'm posting this hoping someone will benefit from this too. I've spent a lot of time looking everywhere for solution. When trying to compile lxpanel it fails on wireless-tools-devel requirement.
yatsek's user avatar
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How can I change lxpanel digital clock font size?

I'd like to change the font size used to render the time in LXPanel's digital clock. I see the lxpanel config file has a font setting, but it appears to affect the window bars/button labels; I want ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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2 answers

Lubuntu 16.04 - indicator applet area of the LXPanel won't work

The icons of the indicators and applications (e.g. nm-applet or Telegram) disappeared from the LXPanel's indicator applet area (but the area is still there but doesn't show anything). How can I ...
G.P.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Lubuntu weather applet location settings

How is one supposed to set their location for this thing? I've tried several ways to tell it where I am, and it's not accepting anything I type into it -- and I'm in a major US city, no less.
Fred McKinney's user avatar
1 vote
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lxpanelctl not working!

lxpanelctl does nothing! Either when I launch it with the keyboard shortcut or from terminal. When I enter lxpanelctl menu or lxpanelctl run in the terminal window, nothing happens. The case is the ...
deshmukh's user avatar
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How to use NetSpeed with LXDE?

I am using Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS with LXDE because I prefer minimalism and functionality. GNOME 3 is unacceptably heavy on system resources. MATE (based on GNOME 2) is much better, but still too heavy. ...
Zen99's user avatar
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1 answer

Lubuntu 18.04 / lxpanel 0.9.3 accidental removal of 2nd toolbar

A transparent, auto-hiding button bar was created on the left edge of the screen. It had all my most-frequently used programs on it. Was trying to add another program and accidentally clicked "Remove "...
rdtsc's user avatar
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3 answers

Lubuntu 18.04 lxde indicator applet and applications are not working

I am sort of new lubuntu, I have installed redshift and kde-connect which was perfectly indicated in indicator applet. After restarting my laptop indicator applet and application of it started not ...
Aras Ahmedov's user avatar
1 vote
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When minimized lxpanel's 2nd level selection is unselectable [closed]

On Lubuntu 18.04-1 using LXDE default setup initially. Displaying the panel on left works fine for selecting a VPN Connection under Connections lxpanel. When I set minimize in Advanced tab, ...
Le Snelson's user avatar
1 vote
3 answers

How do I fix Fcitx from freezing my keyboard and mouse click?

I first tried a four-year-old solution and then, after it became clear that clicking the keyboard icon of Fcitx was freezing my system via locking up lxpanel, I uninstalled packages as followed under #...
Internet User's user avatar
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Duplication of indicator applets on panel after suspend on LXDE

I am using Lubuntu 16.04 and after every suspend some of my indicator applets are duplicated, so that for example after seven suspends my panel looks like this: How can I avoid this or repair it?
Egor Panasenko's user avatar
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How can I add a web browser address bar to lxpanel?

Do you know if there is any way I can add the Firefox address bar to Lubuntu's panels? Or a widget, I don't know. I don't want to disappear with Firefox's bar, just want to open the browser by typing ...
Elvis Alves's user avatar
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Network icon in LXPanel

The network applet in LXPanel apparently isn't using a symbolic icon at <16px as it doesn't respect the color configuration of any system theme. Screenshot here. I'm on Lubuntu 16.04. How can I ...
Juan's user avatar
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blueman vs network manager

Flavor: Lubuntu 16.04 At first: I am aware that there are numerous questions concerning a missing nm-applet icon in a lubuntu/lxde panel, but my case differs and I could not find one of the solutions ...
dessert's user avatar
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Add menu element on right click on taskbar

I am using openbox with lxpanel and pcmanfm. Not sure what program handle that right click on the TaskBar. I would like to add an element to the menu and execute a specific command. (wmctrl or ...
bob dylan's user avatar
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Lubuntu 14.04.1, new installation. Error: "unable to mount /boot"

This is a nearly new install of Lubuntu 14.04.1 LTS and I'm getting an error at beginning of every boot, beginning about the 6th boot after install. The PC is a 2004 HP ze4200 laptop: 1.8 ghz Celeron ...
Jopower's user avatar
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Why LXPanel 0.5.11 asks for a new dependency in Precise but not in Quantal?

LXPanel 0.5.11 that is default in Lubuntu Quantal has enhanced features compared to the older version that is default in Lubuntu Precise (0.5.8). The new version of LXPanel is available for Precise. ...
user avatar
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How to make lxpanel show up on both the monitors

I recently installed lxpnael for having a all open windows list. It shows up by default only on one of my monitors can I show it also on my other monitor? also can I also do it this way - the lxpanel ...
epsilon8's user avatar
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How to fix lxpanel showing wifi twice?

If I click System Tools > Fcitx and click the keyboard, my computer will freeze until I kill lxpanel, and my wifi is showing twice, as shown in the following image. I will ask how to fix Fcitx in a ...
Internet User's user avatar
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Launch only one chromium instance

I'm running Chromium from snap storage at Ubuntu 20.04 with Openbox and minimal install. How can I run only one instance of Chromium browser by each additional click in panel (lxpanel) or launch ...
klpu39's user avatar
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Hiding/disabling system-tray update notifier when there are no updates

I'm using LXQt in Lubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa. I want to reduce clutter on my system tray, and specifically, the update manager/notifier icon. I would like it to only be visible when there actually are ...
einpoklum's user avatar
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How to set LXPanel opacity?

In appearance settings there is "Solid Background" option checked with 0 opacity, but LXPanel background is same as wallpaper, not the window it covers. How to make it right? Here are two screenshots:
Lorrey's user avatar
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