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No Desktop after version upgrade

Thinks look dark! After doing a system upgrade from 22.04 to 23.04 my laptop displays a black screen, not even wallpaper. However, I can login via ssh. I've flailed about in ignorance and gdm.service ...
StevePoling's user avatar
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22.04 black login screen on Early 2008 iMac

for some days now I only get a black screen after booting. Detailed error description: During the boot, the display resolution seems to be messed up and everything is displayed in a distorted manner. ...
L3br4nd's user avatar
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22.04 upgrade from 20.04 - stuck after login; lightdm problem?

Yesterday I upgraded my Ubuntu 20.04 Pixelbook (full Ubuntu, no Chrome nonsense) to 22.04. However, the system now gets stuck immediately after login. After I successfully log in, the login prompt ...
Kreuzfeld's user avatar
2 votes
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Ubuntu 20.04 Can't get passed login after update

4 days ago, I decided to install the update that "Software and Updates" has been suggesting for a while. After the progress dialog was gone, I closed the laptop lid, expecting it to sleep(...
AliAndArdDev's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

How do I set user background for lightDM login screen?

I am quite lost on how to set user-specific background. There does not seem to be many resources on this matter. Setting background from gnome-control-center does not work. org.gnome.settings-daemon....
Abastro's user avatar
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Lightdm(with slick-greeter) only starts AFTER tty login

I recently installed slick-greeter, and have wrestled with various configuration issues, and spent quite some time searching various threads across various distros for the issue I'm seeing. That is, ...
Sean Saibot's user avatar
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Ubuntu gets stuck in a login loop unless a different user logs in

I'm trying not to make a duplicate of a previous question, but I do have the same problem. I'm using gdm3 and have purged, and reinstalled multiple times. A different user 'test' and sudo startx work. ...
Michael Boterf's user avatar
0 votes
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Login Greeter takes 20~30 sec (after bootup apparently finished) to appear

I looked into this question among a few others (on and off SO) for a solution. The upvoted (but not accepted) answer to that question, suggests entropy might be a problem. I have infact from the ...
Duck Dodgers's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

lightdm crash (once) & thereafter login screen shows "failed to authenticate" - impossible to login

OS: ubuntu 20.04 with lightdm HW: Raspberry Pi 4B 8GB History: this system has worked for well over a year without issues. There was a random crash of the sound system (this has happened before), my ...
asoundmove's user avatar
0 votes
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Login Screen Issue: First lightdm needs to be killed to get X session to work

I'm running MATE 20.04 and have a problem each time I reboot. Instead of getting the lightdm login screen When I have the grub option "silent" set I get a blank screen (it's all black but ...
mikemtnbikes's user avatar
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How to display CLI display manager after remotely stopping Lightdm?

I have a Raspberry Pi with a local monitor, local keyboard and mouse. Generally I would use it as a web server, but sometimes I will watch any TV with it. I think my Raspberry Pi heats up a little ...
Bart's user avatar
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Slick-greeter wont stay persistent in Xubuntu

I'm running Xubuntu 20.04 and I've installed slick-greeter, I've also run sudo apt-get autoremove lightdm-gtk-greeter and yet when my computer wakes up from a sleep it still goes back to the lightdm-...
StratusFearMe21's user avatar
1 vote
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Using LightGM-webkit-greeter and get dark screen

OS: Ubuntu 18.04 I want to change login screen, so I do the following: sudo apt-get install lightdm-webkit-greeter nano /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf /* [SeatDefaults] greeter-session=lightdm-webkit-...
ChufanSuki's user avatar
0 votes
3 answers

gdm3 login loop, lightdm works in Ubuntu 20.04

A lot of people seem to have this issue, and many people have been able to fix it, but I have used every fix (besides reinstalling Ubuntu or creating a new user and moving stuff over) and have not ...
Everett Flynn's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How to select lightdm greeter theme or appearance?

I'm testing Ubuntu 20.04 LTS with many desktop environments installed. Currently I have the following: $ dpkg -l | grep -i greet ii arctica-greeter 0.99....
N0rbert's user avatar
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Black screen login loop when using GDM3

Problem Hello everyone! I am having a problem with my Ubuntu computer using GDM3. My machine gets to the GDM3 login screen just fine, but whenever I type in my password and hit the button to log in ...
james's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04 lightdm does not work properly

I do not like gdm on Ubuntu 18.04 so I have replaced it with good old lightdm and unity-greeter with the following command: sudo apt install lightdm unity-greeter I've also selected lightdm in ...
danielleontiev's user avatar
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Problem: Ubuntu 18.04 greeter will not display more than 50 users

How can I make all my usernames show up in the greeter in Ubuntu 18.04 (desktop)? I've tried various different greeters including unity-greeter kylin-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-kde-greeter ...
John Bunter's user avatar
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No config file found for LightDM

I am trying to change the greeter-session in LightDm, but I am unable to find any lightdm.conf in etc/ lightdm. This is what's inside etc/lightdm - The lightdm.conf.d folder is empty. Also file ...
user9586876's user avatar
3 votes
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Ubuntu 18 login loop + startx works

So recently I got stuck in a login loop on Ubuntu 18. I tried some solutions posted here but none of them works for me so far. Here's what I tried by accessing terminal from login screen: Checking ...
fgoudra's user avatar
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I cannot log in to my account on Ubuntu desktop

I see the log-in screen but when I select one and enter the password it fails to log me in. It easily enters into guest account by the way. I suspected there is some graphical problem and checked ...
Sia's user avatar
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2 votes
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Problem with lock screen after suspend

I'm running Ubuntu 18.10, and I've changed my login screen to lightdm (since I don't like the gdm3 screen), but whenever my laptop suspends, it'll still show the gnome lock screen to log back in. ...
user avatar
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My changes to com.canonical.unity-greeter file won't take effect

I've installed lightdm and messed around with my login screen settings, but now that I want to use the standard 16.04 login screen(minus the dot-grid) the changes won't take effect. unity-greeter ...
bubbleblort's user avatar
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Stuck in login loop Ubuntu 16.04

I need some advice for working towards a resolution to my current login loop issue in Ubuntu Desktop 16.04. When I try to sign in locally, after I input the correct password, the gui prompts for the ...
jjeremydiaz-rex's user avatar
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18.04 login fails after screen lock

After doing an update today, I can no longer login after a screen lock. I enter my password, the screen goes black and then returns to the login screen. The only way to login again is to reboot. ...
Andrew Howell's user avatar
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LightDM login freezes after successful authentication

I can't seem to log in on Ubuntu 16.04.4 with lightdm, even though authentication is successful. I am able to use the console just fine, but I need to be able to use graphical browsers from time to ...
icedwater's user avatar
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Ubuntu18.04.1 LTS gets stuck in a login loop

My Ubuntu is stuck in a login loop when trying to enter my desktop. When I login, the screen gets black and soon after that the login screen comes back. I saw this solution: solution But when I ...
Fidelis Okafor's user avatar
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Remove session chooser from unity-greeter

Is there a clean way to either hide the session chooser "Select desktop environment" widget from the unity-greeter screen, or force a particular user to use a particular desktop environment (even if ...
Thomas Van Ness Leavitt's user avatar
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Cannot login into my session after trying to resolve no launcher no manu bar problem

I had run following commands from terminal as the unity launcher and manu bar were missing, as given in Ubuntu 16.04 Unity No desktop just background wallpaper. Commands: sudo rm -fr ~/.cache/...
Sarath's user avatar
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1 answer

Changing the background of the login screen changes the design of the login screen

In 16.04, to change the background of the login screen, I followed the accepted answer at How do I change the login screen in Ubuntu 16.04+?, however, when I selected the new background, the theme of ...
Shubs's user avatar
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Ubuntu Login loop, can't login either in console

I just made a Xubuntu 64-bit system using VirtualBox and I can only log in with guest, when I try to login with my account it just stays in the login screen. I've seen a similar question (Ubuntu gets ...
Paul Lemarchand's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

LightDM login screen configuration [closed]

I'm using Debian Stretch and my LoginScreen looks like this. I wonder if it is possible to make it look like the ubuntu version? Especially I'd like to have the graphical user selector instead of a ...
lukasl1991's user avatar
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Automatically get logged out as I try to login [duplicate]

I just started having this problem on 17.04. As I try to login on Ubuntu the screen just goes black for a second, and then I end up back on the login screen. I have tried reinstalling lightdm, that ...
ALEX's user avatar
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Ubuntu Mate -- Reboot or Shutdown on Logoff?

I'm using Ubuntu Mate 16.04. I would like to configure the system so that it reboots or shuts down on logoff. Here's what I have done so far: I created /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/50-ubuntu-mate.conf ...
b_laoshi's user avatar
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3 votes
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Ubuntu 17.04 with GNOME stuck in login loop

So I am using ubuntu 17 with GNOME and I can't login in anymore on my laptop. I have looked up this issue and I have tried several of the methods suggested: Uninstall and reinstall lightdm Uninstall ...
reckless's user avatar
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Ubuntu gets stuck loading account

Ubnutu gets stuck while loading my account. You can see the wallpaper and move the mouse. In the corner you can see ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I am able to start a tty shell with Ctrl+Alt+F1. I think it might ...
Greg Whitten's user avatar
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Keyboard layout in lightdm greeter is not consistent

I'm having a very frustrating keyboard configuration issue. I have read all the references I can find for X11/xkb and lightdm, but I still can't figure this out. We have a computer that is shared by ...
James Duvall's user avatar
6 votes
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How to change the color of the 'Incorrect Password' text

I want to be able to change the 'Incorrect Password' text to a different color in the lightdm login screen, but I can't figure out how. I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS, Unity 7.4, and I have the following ...
cheesits456's user avatar
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No login screen after uninstalling lightdm

I did sudo apt-get remove lightdm After logging out I no longer get the login screen. Just a blank screen with a blinking cursor top left. Rebooting results in the same. I'd like to restore to the ...
Steven's user avatar
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Lightdm can't start guest session

Something weird happened to my lightdm after removing the Gnome shell. The input fields has become white instead of the standard transparent, and, most importantly, I am unable to start guest sessions....
tjespe's user avatar
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Garbled greeter/login screen

I have recently (as in beginning of 2017 recently) started having issues with garbled greeter/login screen. Once it happens, it does not fix itself even if I switch to console and back. When I type my ...
wilx's user avatar
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Ubuntu Stuck In Login Loop After Reinstall

I reinstalled Ubuntu 16.04 LTS due to getting stuck at the splash-screen for an unexplainable reason. However, now I get caught in a login loop instead. My hardware is a Dell XPS-13 9350. I appear to ...
Luke Shirley's user avatar
6 votes
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How to determine which lightdm greeter is in use?

For those who don't know, greeter is basically the login screen. In case of Lightdm specifically, there are several versions of it: unity-greeter kylin-greeter lightdm-gtk-greeter lightdm-kde-greeter ...
Sergiy Kolodyazhnyy's user avatar
1 vote
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lightdm login screen almost unusable with NVidia drivers

I cannot use lightdm to login, while using NVIDIA drivers. I just see a tiny area at the left corner with the icons, and the password text field. Though I can login, I can't choose my session or login....
Salil's user avatar
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10 votes
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Can sign in to xfce but not to Ubuntu Desktop environment after update

I recently updated my Ubuntu 14.04 installation and upon rebooting I am no longer able to sign into the Ubuntu Desktop environment. I've tried several approaches such as: renaming .Xauthority and ...
Olumide's user avatar
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can't login in lightdm (16.10) with xdmcp

Using Xming from a Windows I can get the lighdm login screen. After introducing the right password, the Xserver window goes grid gray and then the login screen is shown again. Any clue? (thanks in ...
rssh22's user avatar
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Login Loop ubuntu 14.04

My Ubuntu 14.04 is stuck when trying to login my desktop. The screen goes black and soon after that the login screen comes back. I've tried ubuntu 14.04 login loop problem and Ubuntu gets stuck in ...
user3927463's user avatar
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How do I restore the default Ubuntu Unity 16.04 login screen? [duplicate]

Background: I wanted to change the wallpaper background of my Ubuntu Unity 16.04 login screen. I installed lightdm-gtk-gtreeter-settings and only changed the wallpaper as shown below. However, now ...
orschiro's user avatar
  • 13.4k
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Which package provides this login screen? [closed]

I would like to identify the package that provides the following login screen:
orschiro's user avatar
  • 13.4k
4 votes
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Getting rid of an unknown user

My login screen has started listing as an alternate user a word which I have used in the past as a password for certain applications. However, when I try to delete it I am told it does not exist, and ...
jimberry's user avatar