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-1 votes
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is this a bug in ubuntu 22.04 lts [duplicate]

scenario when a pc runs ubuntu without root password set , then you can bypass the password of the user. by going to the grub menu and then recovery mode and then root shell prompt and then passwd [...
vijay hari's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can't login at terminal after purge and auto remove

I was using Ubuntu 22.04.4, I installed an app/program that didn't work but wouldn't uninstall. I ran a purge and auto remove command and when the computer rebooted, I knew I borked it! I get a ...
yeochief2002's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Using etc/security/time.conf for groups

how could I set for group "spedytorzy" logon hours 7-15 from Monday to Friday? Actually I have *;*;@spedytorzy;Wk0700-1500 and added to /etc/pam.d/sshd file ,,account required
czehu102's user avatar
2 votes
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non-login shell sources $HOME/[.local/]bin to $PATH and I can't find why

OS: Ubuntu Desktop 22.04 I am initially logged in as user carl. I open a shell and echo $0, I get the confirmation that I am in a non-login shell. ("bash", no dash) But when I then echo $...
nocarea's user avatar
  • 23
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Linux serial console disconnect to trigger user logout

I am trying to force a user-logout from console (physical serial console, or virsh console in case of KVM) on disconnect. I.e., when user is on console, logged in and then disconnects without logging ...
Ani's user avatar
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Cannot access GUI after restarting during python installation

I was installing Python on Ubuntu and suddenly I was not able to find the terminal. I have then restarted the PC now facing the below interface. I am confused what to do. It asks for a username and ...
3-1_Actual's user avatar
1 vote
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How to trigger a notification for any console login?

I'm trying to find a way to trigger a notification script when anyone logs in via a console (so not ssh). There are many examples around that use PAM/pam_exec (for SSH) and these work fine, but after ...
Bin Chicken's user avatar
2 votes
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Custom modt script prevents me from logging in on server. Am I doing something wrong?

I am running Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Server on an old computer I have, and I would like to have a custom script be run when I login to print useful information. I have the script (linked below), placed it in ...
dazzmos's user avatar
  • 21
2 votes
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Frozen Login due to lack of space on Lubuntu 23.04 - Acer Chromebook N15Q10

my issue started after I checked for and applied (I think) a full system upgrade. The issue is that I am faced with a frozen login screen after I've correctly entered my password entered. The mouse ...
qorbex's user avatar
  • 21
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how to perform commands from the "login shell"

I noticed that several programs (ie webstorm) run with their own manager, and thus through the login shell (running through the jetbrains toolbox to manage versions and updates smoothly), which I ...
paul23's user avatar
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Black screen AFTER login on Ubuntu 23.04 with Nvidia graphics and command characters dropping from command when entered

I may have more than one issue, so let me know if I need to create a separate question for one of these issues. ** Update: June 25, 2023 I ended up re-installing Ubuntu 22.04. It took several attempts ...
flabbergasted's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

Deleted python and now can not login into interface

I started learning some python. I already had python2 and python3.8 installed as defaults. But recently installed additional version python3.11. It was not working as expected so i decided to get rid ...
Sharpey's user avatar
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unable to switch to console/terminal from login screen ubunt 22,04

On the login screen if I do CTRL ALT F3 or similar I get a blank screen and my monitor goes into power saving. I am able to login and switch to GUI using F7. Any ideas.
Matthew J's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

How can I have Ubuntu display the output of a commad in the login screen on Ubuntu Server?

I've found this question, but it talks about a version of Ubuntu with a GUI. I'm referring to Ubuntu Server, so no GUI. I've also found this question, but it doesn't look like it will display the ...
cocomac's user avatar
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After latest security patches updation of ubuntu 20.04 version, Domain Joined computers are not recognised as member

After latest security patches updation of ubuntu 20.04 version, Domain Joined computers are not recognised as member. Even Local admin account only login can possible. Last two days facing the issue. ...
Bala's user avatar
  • 11
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1 answer

Ubunu failed to login to desktop and shows black screen command [closed]

am a Mac user and i downloaded Virtual Box version 7, and SEED Ubuntu 16.04 works just fine, but after i logged out from system and came back again to login, it fails then it displays a black Screen ...
Cindy's user avatar
  • 3
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.profile not read anymore after upgrade to 22.04. How to debug?

Yesterday I upgraded my desktop to 22.04.1. Somehow my custom commands in ~/bin/ are not found anymore. It seems I have to manually source .profile in every terminal. Yes, I have a manually created ....
Janghou's user avatar
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Can't display virtual console [duplicate]

I got stuck on a login loop and to try to fix it, I need to access a terminal. I pressed CTRL+ALT+F1-6 but the GUI just freezes and I don't get a terminal. If I CTRL+ALT+F7, I'm back to the GUI where ...
3nws's user avatar
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Can I switch to a different PTS session opened using SSH

I'm using ssh to connect to a Ubuntu Server VM running on my desktop from both the desktop and my laptop like this: krzysztof@Alan: ~$ ▶ w 13:53:46 up 1 day, 18:03, 7 users, load average: 0.32, 0....
Krzysztof J. Obara's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I change a Ubuntu Desktop installation, to a shell login (with startX when I want to go graphical)?

I have a working Ubuntu Desktop 20.04 installation, but there are some things I need to do as root and I need to do them before the X session starts. I needed the help of the Desktop install, to get ...
dick_freebird's user avatar
0 votes
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Weird log in problem with Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

I've been trying to figure this one out all day, and I'm no closer, so I've come to seek ideas. I have a server instance of 20.04 LTS running on a dell blade, it's ran for years with no problems, ...
shawty's user avatar
  • 273
2 votes
1 answer

I get automatically logged out instantly after logging in

In ubuntu terminal whenever I try to log in it instantly logs me out. On one account it just logs me out for no reason and on all other accounts it says Could not chdir to home directory /home/tom: ...
Tomsoz's user avatar
  • 21
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Stop GUI when logging in as a specific user in Lubuntu 20.04 (LXQt)

I have a very limited and rusty knowledge of Lubuntu, and it is my first post here - so please bear with me if the question is obvious, if I break any etiquette rules, or if I am simply not providing ...
Xain's user avatar
  • 1
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Meaning of login_shell off

I have called the command shopt login_shell. The result is login_shell off. What does this result mean exactly?
Fatipati's user avatar
-1 votes
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Cannot log-in into my linux ubuntu and lost my home directory and its files

So today i was learning a bit of linux using my linux ubuntu 20.04, i was learning about autofs. I installed autofs and configured it as was shown on the video i was watching. So it was time to create ...
Lihle's user avatar
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Change password via BASH script using UID

I've created a post-installation automation BASH script for Ubuntu installations. The last thing I want the script to do, is to set the password of UID 1000's password (the user I've created while ...
Pinguinim's user avatar
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10 votes
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when you login to the shell, what program handles evaluation of the credentials?

when you first boot, and you're greeted with the warm glow of a black screen and flashing prompt, what program is that? What program handles evaluation of the credentials? Or rather, what component of ...
j0h's user avatar
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3 votes
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How to create a user using command line with setting to create password upon first login?

I am currently trying to set up a computer lab for an educational environment. I am hoping to use a combination of python and bash scripts to implement the users on all of the computers, and I was ...
Nova72Scotia's user avatar
0 votes
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TTY 1 opens everytime I want to login on ubuntu 21.10 with Gnome 40

Recently a weird thing is happening, every time I try to login into my user account, ubuntu opens something similar to a TTY, but it is not exactly a TTY. So what exactly happens is, I boot up my ...
Error404's user avatar
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Unable to login or reboot after I made computer disk read only and logged out of the dystem

I made the computer disk read only by mistake and after that I logged off from the Ubuntu and switched off my system. When I started my system then it is unable to restart or reboot. Clicked Ctrl+F2 ...
Yanki141's user avatar
0 votes
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Login Loop cannot CTR-ALT-F3 to command promt

I am stuck in a login loop. I see lots of suggestions about getting to a command prompt and either freeing memory, clearing log files, or undoing the last updates and upgrades. Sadly, when I get to ...
GBG's user avatar
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Remove login identification Ubuntu 21.10

I have a special application requiring a "straight" system load, without asking for login credentials. The same process is possible under Windows 10. Basically, I want to automatically login,...
Ginger Opariti's user avatar
0 votes
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How to login as root in Ubuntu? [duplicate]

For some reasons, I need to run the whole GUI as root. So I tried to login root user account from ubuntu. I selected Not Listed? option. And I entered username root then when I enter the password it ...
Just Me's user avatar
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login shell check is not working in .profile

Ubuntu 20.04, 5.8.0-63-generic, gnome-shell, gdm3 My login shell is set to /bin/sh and I have this line in my $HOME/.profile file: shopt -q login_shell > /dev/null 2>&1 || export SHELL=/bin/...
Sayan Dey's user avatar
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1 vote
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Router login using Links2 webrowser for terminal

I can call up the router login page using the Links2 text based webrowser for terminal, and enter details but when I submit the form nothing happens... The router is TL-WR40N, the server is version 18....
alastair--'s user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

I cannot boot into linux, everytime I try I get these errors and it's stuck

/dev/sda5: clean, xxxxx/xxxxx files, xxxxx/xxxx blocks [ 7.387324] systemd[1]: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysusers.service:22: Executable "systemd-sysusers" not found in path "/usr/local/...
Octacinth's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

How is "No such file or directory" getting added to my PATH variable?

Today I noticed that my path has an entry No such file or directory at the end, which causing other problems. My path looks like this: /home/geneorama/gems/bin:/home/geneorama/anaconda3/bin:/home/...
geneorama's user avatar
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Mate Desktop freezes on login

I got a new laptop, and swapped my hard drive into it. it booted right up. when I log in with my typical user account, the screen goes black, and it eventually shuts down. I can log in via the ...
j0h's user avatar
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Can you run a login shell in Xterm?

I'm trying to get a hold of all the interactive/non-interactive login/non-login shells types, and I have a little question to help me put this puzzle together: I understand that when you e.g. login to ...
YoavKlein's user avatar
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4 votes
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Which bash profile file should I use for each scenario?

I have seen many detailed explanations on how .bashrc, .bash_profile and the various other profile files interact, so I'm not after an explanation of how they fit together (I've read many such ...
YorSubs's user avatar
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How to find SQL Server instance name on Ubuntu

I have linux ubuntu 16.04 and running MSSQL Server express Service is up and running. sudo systemctl status mssql-server result mssql-server.service - Microsoft SQL Server Database Engine Loaded: ...
paolo bergomi's user avatar
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20.04 provides only 4 usable character screens (vs 6 on 16.04)

20.04 provides only 4 usable character screens (vs 6 on 16.04) On 20.04 the login/GUI screen is on F2, F1 login/prompt to another GUI screen and F7 is unusable, so I only have 4 character login ...
Owen Townsend's user avatar
1 vote
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vsftpd - Can't login with a custom shell enabled

I set up vsftpd on my Ubuntu 20.04 server. Everything worked fine, I was even able to configure TLS. Now, I don't want the users to use SSH. I also disabled SFTP because of that. I don't want to ...
adazem009's user avatar
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Can't login through login screen after renaming the username

I have renamed my username using the steps explained here. In terminal (Ctrl+Alt+F1) I can login with my newly created username but when I tried to login using login screen it got stuck in a loop. I ...
Eka's user avatar
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currently logged in user account disappeared after removing a different user

I am running Ubuntu 20.04 on a Thinkpad Extreme Gen 2, with Nvidia Drivers 450 from the default repos (if that changes anything) Was doing some development in Objective-C on another user (referring to ...
izder456 dev's user avatar
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How do I change my default root-user to non-root user?

When opening my terminal (Ubuntu16.04) I am logged in as root. Everytime I have to type this command 'su - ' to log in as non-root user. So I already made a non-root user but how do I set this non-...
Younes Boubker's user avatar
1 vote
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issues with login as a superuser

i'm currently working on my Ubuntu 20.04 workstation, and i tried to start a shell session as a superuser using the command su - then it gives me a prompt asking for password, i'm 100% sure i entered ...
elakhdar_ayoub's user avatar
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display dialog box before login ubuntu 16.04 LTS server

Hi i am trying to customize the Ubuntu 16.04 LTS what i want to achieve is i want to display the dialog box with ip address and the button 'ok' before login to terminal means first it display the ...
I'm sK's user avatar
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Ubuntu server does not allow me to log in with the new account

I rencently created a new user throgh console using the following command line sudo useradd -s /bin/bash -d /home/francisco -m -G sudo francisco && sudo passwd francisco The problem is when I ...
Francisco's user avatar
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Auto-Login on ubuntu-mate

I have a problem with auto-login on Ubuntu-Mate on ARM (RPi). I can achieve this when using the GUI, but I need the Pi to auto-login into CLI, which I could easily set in Raspbian by using raspi-...
Phil Busby's user avatar

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