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Questions tagged [libvirt]

libvirt is an open source API, daemon and management tool for managing platform virtualization.

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16 votes
2 answers

virt-install says name is in use, but virsh list --all is empty. Where is virt-install finding this name?

virt-install says name is in use, but virsh list --all says there is nothing. jrwren@delays:{%22}~ $ virt-install -d -n android -r 512 --disk android.qcow2 -s 4 -c /d/cd\ images/android-x86-2.2-...
Jay _silly_evarlast_ Wren's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why does virt-install man page restrict valid mac addresses?

I'd like to use virt-install to create a VM with a specific MAC address. The virt-install man page has this restriction about specifying a MAC address: For Xen virtual machines it is required that ...
Lorin Hochstein's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

AppArmor issues with Libvirt

I have a fresh Ubuntu Server 22.04.3 and Debian 12.1.0 installed and updated. Along with Cockpit and Cockpit virtual machines on both tests machines. I am getting the following errors and warning when ...
Johannes's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

MacVTap in KVM not getting IP address from Local Network DHCP

Trying to create a KVM with MacVTap interface, but there is no ip assigned to it Referring to these docs to create the kvm. Followed the creation of network properly, i.e added interface in the ...
swastik sarkar's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Libvirt-php Creating Domain

Could you tell me how to create a new domain? From PHP API Reference guide: I have seen these functions: (i) libvirt_image_create($conn, $name, $size, $...
Alee's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

QEUM KVM unable to start default network

I am trying to spin up a VM using KVM on Ubuntu. I am faced with an error when trying to set up Network settings no matter the choice: Unable to complete install: 'Requested operation is not valid: ...
Asem Khen's user avatar
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0 answers

Latency issues on KVM VM and kernel 6+

I'm running virtualization on Ubuntu 22.04lts host and when upgrading the kernel to 6.* we start to have issues with latency on the VM machine(qemu+libvirt). The moment I roll back to kernel 5.15 on ...
smkenzyyyy's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

"libvir" not found in "sudo apt install libvir"

I want to install Qemu on ubuntu 22.04 following this tutorial However, when I enter sudo apt install libvir I get E: Unable to locate package libvir Does anyone know whats wrong with my system? (I ...
Prudence Clearwater's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Can I passthrough GPU into kvm without using vfio/iommu?

Most of the tutorials I have seen are based on IOMMU to implement GPU passthrough. However, is there a way to bypass the IOMMU? My kernel is 5.15.126 Update 1: From I found that a <...
Jason Lee's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Attempting to use LibVirt with QEMU on Ubuntu 22.04 without KVM

My understanding is that I can use LibVirt and QEMU on Ubuntu 22.04 without having to use KVM. In order to do this I'm using the following commands: #!/bin/bash sudo apt-get -y update && sudo ...
ChrisAdkin's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Automating Creation of VM through python-libvirt and Providing SSH access

For a Project I am trying to automate the Process of generating Virtual Machines through libvirt using python-libvirt. Using the following dump.xml I create a VM. dump.xml <domain type="kvm&...
Jdszoua29's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

stuck at shutdown: Running guests on default URI, no running guests

I have Ubuntu 22.04. Almost every time I shut down my PC, this happens. I can press CTRL+ALT+F1, to switch to tty1, and then the system will immediately shutdown, but how to solve it permanently?
Mohammad Mostafa Dastjerdi's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

Can't bind/unbind GPU from nvidia to vfio-pci properly on demand without reboot (Ubuntu 22 QEMU KVM OVMF)

I am running into an odd issue. I have been struggling to get GPU passthrough to work properly to a Windows 11 VM and I've finally found something that works but it's not as ideal as I'm hoping for. ...
SpacemanSanchez's user avatar