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Questions tagged [libreoffice]

Questions about LibreOffice and the included applications (Writer, Calc, Impress, Base, Draw, Math). Unless the question is a general how-to, user should always tell which version of LibreOffice in use.

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245 votes
12 answers

How to uninstall LibreOffice?

Which package should I remove to completely remove libreoffice? I have no need for office tools. That's the one gripe I have with package managers like apt, there's no simple way to perform the ...
lapin's user avatar
  • 2,715
149 votes
10 answers

How to install a LibreOffice Language Tools (Spelling Check, Thesaurus...)

What are the steps to install the Spelling Check and other language supports for LibreOffice. For example spanish, french, italian, etc..
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
96 votes
6 answers

How do I install LibreOffice 4?

I want to download and install LibreOffice 4. How can I do this?
Seth's user avatar
  • 58.3k
82 votes
7 answers

How can I convert an ODT file to a PDF?

Does anyone know how to convert an ODT file (LibreOffice) to PDF?
SoftTimur's user avatar
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65 votes
3 answers

How to open a file with LibreOffice Writer from Terminal?

I use LibreOffice Writer a lot, but I really do hate getting around in a GUI, I much prefer the CLI, so is there any way to open a file using LibreOffice Writer through the Terminal?
user avatar
65 votes
12 answers

LibreOffice always shows recovery process at startup due to failing recovery items

LibreOffice always starts with the recovery process for me now. It has a number of 'documents to recover' for which recovery fails. I have no need for these documents anymore. How to tell LibreOffice ...
Jasper van den Bosch's user avatar
60 votes
8 answers

How to copy/paste a table from LibreOffice Calc to LibreOffice Writer

I am trying to copy/paste a 4 column table from LibreOffice Calc to LibreOffice Writer but when I paste it, it makes a table extraction from Calc. I also created a table in LibreOffice Writer using ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
60 votes
9 answers

How do I install the latest stable version of LibreOffice?

LibreOffice is seeing some dramatic improvements each version and subversion that goes out. I would like to have always the latest version of LibreOffice on my machine(s). I know of the PPA that ...
ECII's user avatar
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55 votes
5 answers

What is the difference between OpenOffice and the newly created LibreOffice?

What is the difference between OpenOffice and LibreOffice? I understand that LibreOffice is another fork that is going to be developed. I have used OpenOffice since v1 and am wondering if there is a ...
RunningUtes's user avatar
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51 votes
5 answers

How to convert .tex into .odt?

I wish to convert a .tex file into an .odt file. Can you suggest a good step-by-step solution?
Tal Galili's user avatar
50 votes
9 answers

How to wrap text in a cell in LibreOffice Calc

How can I wrap text in a single cell in LibreOffice Calc??
Elysium's user avatar
  • 11k
45 votes
6 answers

How to type science equations in Libre Office?

How to insert equations or formula while writing notes in Libre Office?
user26567's user avatar
  • 551
44 votes
5 answers

How to find duplicate rows in gnumeric or Libreoffice calc

I have gnumeric and libreoffice calc. How to find duplicate rows? if I could use libreoffice, it's better, but anything is good for me. I have the latest stable version of both software
Lynob's user avatar
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42 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to open an Access 2010 database file without using Wine or VirtualBox?

I have a .accdb file created with Microsoft Office 2010 and I want to know if it is possible to open it with some native Ubuntu application like LibreOffice or OpenOffice, I know LibreOffice has ...
Jeggy's user avatar
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41 votes
7 answers

LibreOffice Spell Checker doesn't work?

I was a little surprised to discover that in LibreOffice (, the spell check doesn't actually work. I was surprised since spell checkers have been around since....80's? Not a difficult thing. ...
Michael's user avatar
  • 525
39 votes
4 answers

Is there a PPA with the latest version of LibreOffice?

There was recently another release of LibreOffice, but it is a pain to have to manually go to their website and download the packages every time there is a new release. Is there a PPA that always has ...
Isaiah's user avatar
  • 59.7k
39 votes
9 answers

How does one find out the command line corresponding to GUI app (eg, LibreOffice Writer)?

How can I run LibreOffice Writer from the command line? Basically, what is its command and how do I get to know what's the command to run a particular application in general?
Ederico's user avatar
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38 votes
9 answers

How do I update LibreOffice to next point release in 14.04?

I want to update my LibreOffice (whole package). Is there a way to do it without uninstalling old and then installing new? If there is no option for updating directly, how should I do it otherwise? ...
Muhamed Huseinbašić's user avatar
38 votes
5 answers

No page number in first page

I am writing a document and it is required that the first page (title page) has no page number and the second page starts with page 2. I don't know how to remove the footed only in page 1 and leaving ...
ECII's user avatar
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36 votes
7 answers

How to kill libreoffice from command line

I am using Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS 64 bit. My LibreOffice suite (especially Writer) freezes. How can I kill LibreOffice and Can I kill only the writer? (not the Calc,Impress,..) I tried to search for the ...
kamil's user avatar
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35 votes
3 answers

LibreOffice Calc - Delete empty rows

I'm using LibreOffice Calc and my data sheet contains a couple of empty rows. For example: I'd like to know how I can delete all empty rows from the selection. As a workaround I've tried to copy the ...
a_guest's user avatar
  • 609
34 votes
5 answers

How to change a LibreOffice Impress presentation from 4:3 to 16:9 ratio?

This is possible in Microsoft Office via File->Page Setup, but in Impress no such option is available?. Is it possible to at all? If so how?
Uri Herrera's user avatar
33 votes
8 answers

Does Libre Office have an equivalent of OneNote, or is there another alternative?

I know that LibreOffice is a bit like Microsoft Office, but I can't find the equivalent of OneNote, something that I used a lot before I moved over to Ubuntu, and I do miss the features that it had. ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 33k
33 votes
2 answers

How to install LibreOffice? (replacing

On 10.10 how do I get rid of, and install LibreOffice without borking my system?
TheXed's user avatar
  • 26.8k
31 votes
9 answers

LibreOffice missing certain Microsoft fonts

I don't have these fonts: times new roman, arial and calibri..., like in microsoft office? What can I do?
Veerman's user avatar
  • 879
28 votes
7 answers

How to open Mac documents .page, on LibreOffice

I need to open text documents. "page" and keynote presentations also keep in osx, how do I open or install this extension in libreoffice?
Samuaz's user avatar
  • 601
28 votes
7 answers

LibreOffice - Calibri font availible when opening a doc but not in dropdown

When I open a document sent to me by a colleague Calibri seems to work font as expected with the document: But when I create a document on the same computer the Calibri font isn't available in the ...
Philip Kirkbride's user avatar
28 votes
1 answer

saving xls as csv with libreoffice calc

I am using LibreOffice Build ID: 350m1(Build:2) and would like to run LibreOffice calc from the terminal to open an .xls document and output to .csv. I can do this via the GUI by just opening ...
Eddie Martinez's user avatar
27 votes
6 answers

How to "cat" or "less" a libreoffice writer .odt file?

Is there a way to cat or less a .odt file just as antiword does for .doc files?
Avio's user avatar
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27 votes
1 answer

Moving a pane in LibreOffice back to the main window

I accidentally moved a pane in LibreOffice from it's nice docked position to a new window. Now I can't move back it. As you can see, the Slide Pane is floating as it's own window and not docked like ...
Marco Ceppi's user avatar
  • 48.3k
27 votes
7 answers

How do I digitally sign PDFs in 2019?

This older post is either pointing to mostly dead software or the answers are not fully applicable. I want to take a PDF document, stick in an image of my signature and have this be digitally signed ...
RedM's user avatar
  • 393
26 votes
8 answers

How can I remove fonts that I never use, from libreoffice and linux in general?

There are a lot of extra fonts that all seem to look alike and just annoy me in the drop down list. Is there anyway I can erase them from the system?
Milise's user avatar
  • 269
25 votes
1 answer

How do you add slide presenter notes in LibreOffice Impress?

How do you add slide presenter notes in LibreOffice Impress? I need to add a transcript to read for each slide during my presentation. (It should also serve as notes for the student if viewing the ...
DBinJP's user avatar
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25 votes
1 answer

How to save files in pdf format?

Recently I'm having trouble with my LibreOffice app. It seems that it doesn't support PDF format to save documents. Do you guys know any way around this problem? I looked around for converters and ...
Darmon Constantin Mihail's user avatar
25 votes
4 answers

How to maintain document compatibility between LibreOffice and other office suites?

When I save a document in LibreOffice and try to open it in Office 2007 for example, most or all of the paragraphs moved somehow. For what I found out is that the document has Widows and Orphans. How ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
24 votes
16 answers

Is there any way to use microsoft office in ubuntu without using wine? or any other alternative similar to microsoft office which uses the same format

I am using Ubuntu and I need to do my project work. When I use libre office for the work purpose it stores in odt format and converting from odt to docx format changes the alignment of words and ...
NAIDU's user avatar
  • 453
24 votes
1 answer

Why is LibreOffice default instead of

I have read before some articles about (OOO). They were saying that because of the status of OOO before it is maintained by Apache, the distros avoided distributing OOO along with the ...
wakeup's user avatar
  • 945
24 votes
1 answer

How do I stop LibreOffice from removing forward slashes around text and making that text italic?

When I type in LibreOffice: /usr/dirk/documents it is shown on the screen as usrdirk/documents The forward slashes around usr are gone, usr is shown in italics. Any idea which setting I have to make ...
Dirk's user avatar
  • 299
24 votes
2 answers

Install LibreOffice-Writer Only not LibreOffice whole package

I have Installed Ubuntu 18.04.2 minimal Installation. I will use only LibreOffice-Writer, Is there a way to Install Only this?
PRATAP's user avatar
  • 22.7k
23 votes
6 answers

How do you refresh formulas in OpenOffice/LibreOffice Calc?

I started using LibreOffice and when I had laid out the formulas I pressed F9 like I normally did in Excel and nothing happened. I couldn't figure out the keyboard shortcut to refresh and neither ...
Lisandro Vaccaro's user avatar
23 votes
6 answers

Sheet name font size on LibreOffice Calc is too small

I am using LibreOffice (Ubuntu 12.04) and the buttons to switch tabs in Calc are written with small fonts. They're so small I can't even read what is written on them. I could not find a way ...
Rafael's user avatar
  • 675
23 votes
4 answers

Why does my Xubuntu LibreOffice look ugly?

My LibreOffice installation looks like Windows 95. The rest of my Xubuntu looks okay. Why? How can I fix it? Click on the image for a full-resolution picture. On the screenshot Leafpad and ...
Honza Javorek's user avatar
23 votes
5 answers

How do I change hyperlink colours in LibreOffice Impress?

I have a lot of Powerpoint slides that I converted to LibreOffice Impress. The resulting hyperlinks are very faded, very hard to see. I can't seem to find any way to change the colour of hyperlinks ...
Marita Moll's user avatar
22 votes
11 answers

Type Greek letters as well as physics symbols in LibreOffice Impress?

I am preparing a presentation on some physics concept for which I need to write e.g. phi, phi dagger, and Hamiltoninan symbol. Is there a way to do it with LibreOffice impress?
kernel_panic's user avatar
  • 11.8k
22 votes
6 answers

code highlight extension for Libre Office writer

I recently wrote a repport for school with a lot of code in it. The only way I found to wrok was to highlight it with STRONG and that is really quite ugly. So is there a code highlightning extension ...
Alvar's user avatar
  • 17.1k
22 votes
7 answers

What LibreOffice format works best in MS Office?

For a school project I need to collaborate with a lot of different people, and they all use MS Office. Of course they all have problems with opening .odt files. (even though MS says that Office should ...
Gladen's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

How to set LibreOffice to use Persian / Arabic-Indic / Hindi page numbers?

I want to have my page numbers in LibreOffice Impress to be in Persian. Which means ۰۱۲۳۴۵۶۷۸۹ instead of 0123456789.
semekh's user avatar
  • 569
21 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between "Save as" and "Save a copy"?

Programs like LibreOffice and PDF readers sometimes need to open a file (say, the user downloaded and opened a file from Firefox) as read-only. When that is the case, and the user wants to save the ...
Richard's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

Where are the shapes in LibreOffice Draw?

I haven't been able to draw anything useful on LibreOffice Draw. Where are the different shapes to make diagrams? All I can find are basic shapes that I would find on Microsoft Word (squares, circles, ...
Mike G's user avatar
  • 213
21 votes
1 answer

Convert .csv file to .ods using terminal

Is it possible convert .csv files to .ods files using command line? I have a lot archives to convert and I don't want convert them one by one.
Mariane Campos's user avatar

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