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Questions tagged [launcher]

The Launcher is one of the main access points for applications in Unity interface. It provides quick access for launching applications and managing running applications. If your question is about creating or managing application launchers in Ubuntu, use the [.desktop] tag instead. For the Dock in Ubuntu 17.10 and later releases with GNOME 3, use [ubuntu-dock] tag.

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464 votes
16 answers

How can I edit/create new launcher items in Unity by hand?

Will Unity allow making custom launcher icons from .desktop files or via menu editing system? (Right now the launcher doesn't give the option to "keep in launcher" on all programs. For some programs ...
Ike's user avatar
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258 votes
7 answers

Can I move the Unity launcher?

I can’t get used to the new Unity system. I’d like to move the left Unity panel to the bottom of screen (like Windows 7 – more similar is better). But I can't find a way. Is it possible?
Benjamin's user avatar
  • 10.2k
250 votes
16 answers

How to pin Eclipse to the Unity launcher?

How can I pin eclipse indigo 3.7 I have 'installed' at /opt/ to the taskbar? I have tried launching eclipse and right-clicking to choose the 'keep in launcher' option. But when I click that icon, ...
nunos's user avatar
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220 votes
6 answers

How can I set up PyCharm to launch from the Launcher?

I have installed PyCharm on my brand new Ubuntu 13.10 laptop. To launch PyCharm, I find I must navigate to the directory that pycharm lives in, and execute it from there as such: cd home/matt/...
tumultous_rooster's user avatar
213 votes
2 answers

How to add programs to the Unity Launcher or Ubuntu Dock?

How can I add new programs to the launcher (or the dock in Ubuntu 17.10 and later) in Ubuntu?
Michał Tabor's user avatar
198 votes
9 answers

How to add Android Studio to the launcher?

I'm trying to install Android Studio so that I can launch it from a launcher instead of via terminal. Android Studio > Tools > Create Desktop Entry doesn't do anything Can someone give specific ...
spences10's user avatar
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189 votes
9 answers

Is there an easy way to rearrange or move the icons in the Unity launcher?

It looks like the only time that you can choose where an icon goes on the unity launcher, is when you add it. Is there a way to rearrange the order of an icon after it has been added?
JannieT's user avatar
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159 votes
14 answers

How to execute a script just by double clicking like .EXE files in Windows?

How can I make a bash script executable by double clicking just like .exe files in Windows? I tried creating a launcher and assigning the script to it, but there are two consequences: the terminal ...
user avatar
156 votes
10 answers

How can I find *.desktop files?

To the best of my knowledge, all shortcuts in the Unity Launcher have a corresponding *.desktop file. I have one shortcut (for skrooge) that doesn't have an icon. How can I find the *.desktop file ...
KOVIKO's user avatar
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155 votes
6 answers

Where are the Unity Launcher .desktop files?

I'd like to know which folder the Unity Launcher .desktop files are stored in, as they're not anymore in /.gconf/desktop and I need to add a custom application to the launcher bar (adding it in /usr/...
Tigull's user avatar
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144 votes
2 answers

How to add a shell script to launcher as shortcut [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How can I edit/create new launcher items in Unity by hand? How can I create launchers on my desktop? I want to add some shell scripts in my launcher as shortcuts.. They are ...
Nirmik's user avatar
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137 votes
46 answers

What Custom Launchers and Unity Quicklists are available?

Please note that right now, most of the information contained below is outdated and cannot be updated. Be careful, most of this won't work on Ubuntu 12.04 and newer. Creating a custom launcher for ...
134 votes
2 answers

External links are opened as blank tabs in new browser window in Chrome

Since I installed Ubuntu (fresh install on a new machine), and set Google Chrome as default browser, whenever I open links from external apps these are open as blank tabs in new browser window (no ...
unfulvio's user avatar
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134 votes
3 answers

Set variable in .desktop file

Is there a way to set the enviroment variable in .desktop file? I'm trying to run application (eclipse) with custom gtk style, so basically I want to get the following result by runing a .desktop file:...
dotintegral's user avatar
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116 votes
9 answers

How can I configure Unity's launcher auto-hide behavior?

This has been an issue for me with Unity since its release. I'd like to make the the launcher auto-hide. Especially on Netbooks, where screens are small, the launcher is quite wide, making it ...
wilsonliam's user avatar
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114 votes
10 answers

How can I create launcher icon for PhpStorm?

I have PhpStorm on my PC, to launch it I have to go to phpstorm/bin/ and launch, how can I pin this to launcher so that I dont have to go into folders every time?
Chelios's user avatar
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106 votes
2 answers

Creating a .desktop file for a new application

I just installed the lastest version of UGENE. I works fine but in order to use it, I have to enter the following in the terminal: cd ugene-1.11.5/ then execute ./ugene -ui to launch UGENE GUI. This ...
cooldood3490's user avatar
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97 votes
14 answers

Can I use the Unity launcher icon to minimize applications/windows?

I don't know if this is a feature or a bug, but clicking on an active application's launcher icon doesn't minimize it. It is terribly inconvenient for folks using a persistent Unity bar to click ...
Eternal Owl's user avatar
89 votes
6 answers

How to disable the grouping of windows on the launcher?

For example, I ran Firefox and opened Askubuntu. Then opened some link in a new window. As a result, I have two windows of Firefox and one icon of Firefox on the launcher. I want to have an icon for ...
Dimitrijj's user avatar
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84 votes
8 answers

How do I put a web application on the Launcher?

Sometimes I see pictures of screenshots with people with web applications and nice icons on their launcher, how can I set this up?
Jorge Castro's user avatar
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80 votes
11 answers

How do I add a launcher for .sh applications?

I have installed ubuntu (11.04). I installed phpstorm which is simply an archive for you to extract and shove in your /opt directory. To run it you would use /opt/PhpStorm-103.243/bin/ ...
Hailwood's user avatar
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79 votes
15 answers

How to add a "Show desktop" icon to the launcher?

I recently upgraded from 10.04 to 12.04, and there is no show desktop in the launcher. I know I can use Ctrl+Super+D, but is there a way to get it in the launcher? Edit: I just installed the "show ...
Aleksandar Maricak's user avatar
72 votes
18 answers

Programs installed via snap not showing up in Launcher

Just updated to Ubuntu 16.04 & trying snap packages for first time. So I needed meshlab to view some stl files. Ran in to issue with p-i-t-n log in. Found that command line install of snap ...
Ron's user avatar
  • 869
68 votes
5 answers

How to resize the Unity launcher?

I want to resize the Unity launcher. Is that possible?
edi's user avatar
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60 votes
8 answers

How can I remove launcher drive icons?

I can't disable showing drive's icons in Launcher bar. I have looked for that option both in CCSM (it used to be in Experimental tab) and in dconf-editor (desktop->unity) and it is missing. How can I ...
conualfy's user avatar
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56 votes
3 answers

Untrusted application launcher?

Some time ago, Ubuntu introduced a Security "feature", that would only allow trusted .desktop apps to be run, on other apps it would pop up a message. Nothing new so far, However, said Message used ...
user avatar
55 votes
19 answers

How do I remove the Unity launcher?

How can we remove the launcher that come with Unity on this new Ubuntu version ?
MEM's user avatar
  • 11.1k
52 votes
8 answers

Desktop shortcut to create a new desktop shortcut doesn't do anything [duplicate]

It's weird that creating desktop shortcuts is currently so primitive. I found the following: Create Shortcut / launcher on Desktop in Ubuntu 12.04 That helps. However, if there's something wrong ...
David M. Karr's user avatar
52 votes
4 answers

Setting to only show applications of current workspace in launcher?

Is it possible to have the opened applications of the current workspace in the launcher but not the ones from other workspaces?
user165749's user avatar
46 votes
8 answers

How can I remove duplicate icons for "launched" java programs in the launcher?

When launching java programs (like IntelliJ IDEA and Crashplan) in Natty's Unity launcher, duplicate icons are shown (see image). For IntelliJ I created the .desktop file, for Crashplan the .desktop ...
Tim's user avatar
  • 563
41 votes
3 answers

Get path to application?

How can a user determine the path to an application being showed in launcher? This is meant for non-programmers or experts, so terminal commands are not really suited for them. Why: we need to make ...
xamiro's user avatar
  • 555
40 votes
9 answers

Creating an application launcher icon for Android Studio

I currently launch android studio by going to /path-to-android-studio/bin and running ./ and it works fine. However, I want to create a launcher on the Dash and side menu for launching it ...
jayant's user avatar
  • 403
40 votes
6 answers

How do I start a second instance of a program from Unity's launcher?

It's all in the title. Eg. if I have a gnome-terminal opened and I click on the gnome-terminal launcher icon, the running terminal will focus and no new instance will pop-up. Also, there is no item ...
htorque's user avatar
  • 65.1k
39 votes
7 answers

Run Android Studio after installation (and other programs)

I downloaded Android Studio from the official website, started the installer with the terminal ( it installed completely, wrote some lines of code, closed Android Studio, now I don't know ...
nintschger's user avatar
39 votes
2 answers

How to remove a launcher from a Gnome Panel?

My kids put some bogus launcher on top bar (I have no idea how) : How can I remove it? I get only next options : properties and launch.
BЈовић's user avatar
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37 votes
12 answers

How do I add a custom launcher?

I started by searching guides. I found this guide but neither of the main methods works anymore in 11.10. The first solution, I have created the desktop file, however the file location given as ....
sayth's user avatar
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37 votes
9 answers

How to remove the Unity Amazon package in 16.04?

I was able to go to the ubuntu software center before and remove it and now it doesn't show up since the switch to the gnome software store. Trying the terminal method of removing the shopping lens ...
Klyn's user avatar
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35 votes
5 answers

How to disable all scopes, filters and dash plugins?

The Dash is overloading me with stuff I don't need, down to the weather and food recipes (?!) when I'm just looking for a file or app. Also I can't figure out how to set it to include music files ...
Han Cnx's user avatar
  • 651
34 votes
5 answers

Google Chrome opens in a new window in a new launcher icon

When I open Google Chrome on Ubuntu 14.04, it opens a new window on a different launcher icon (I have Chrome in my Launcher pinned) and the title of the window is a tab that I don't have open any more....
captainGeech's user avatar
34 votes
7 answers

How can I change the Unity launcher delay?

I find the sidebar to appear and disappear terribly slow. How can I change the delay?
Aron Rotteveel's user avatar
33 votes
8 answers

How to set an icon for Eclipse?

I want to set icon for Launcher. it has file named icon.xpm, but its being ignored by the icon set wizard. I tried to change it to .ico file, but it is still getting ignore. any ideas?
UAdapter's user avatar
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33 votes
3 answers

How to autohide the Launcher

In Unity there is a Launcher on the left. One can easily change settings so that it hides automatically and appears only if the mouse cursor hits the left border of the screen (this is what I did). ...
Roman's user avatar
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33 votes
0 answers

Is there a Unity equivalent of the GNOME panel 'show desktop' applet? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to add a “Show desktop” icon to the launcher? I miss the symbol to show the desktop with just one click when using Unity instead of the classic desktop. Is there a ...
melodram's user avatar
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32 votes
2 answers

How to "ungroup" windows from an icon on the launcher? [duplicate]

When I have more than one instance of a program running and I minimize all of them, they are grouped in a single icon on the launcher. For example, I'm chatting with three people on Emesene: Joe, Mary ...
user48949's user avatar
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31 votes
7 answers

How do I diagnose "There was an error launching the application"?

I created a my-app.desktop file for a program I wrote. When I double-click it, I get the error message "There was an error launching the application". How can I get more detailed information about ...
Kevin Reid's user avatar
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31 votes
8 answers

How to add Minecraft to the Unity launcher?

I'm having trouble getting Minecraft to launch when I add it to the launcher. If the game is running, I can right click on the icon in the launcher and select "keep in launcher" and the icon stays, ...
aboutros's user avatar
  • 830
30 votes
6 answers

How does one create a custom application launcher for Wine installed apps?

I'm able to locate stuff with the dash home then drag it down to the launcher bar on the left of the desktop, but what if the application installed via Wine isn't found via the dash search? I've right ...
Sn3akyP3t3's user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to assign shortcuts to launch applications?

I need some short cuts to launch applications, as opening them from the dash takes time. Is it possible to launch applications from a custom key combination?
Abhishek's user avatar
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30 votes
3 answers

How do I make a custom launcher for terminal applications?

I have some command line applications (and remote servers) that I want to make individual launchers for on the Unity launcher, how do I do that?
Jorge Castro's user avatar
  • 72.2k
29 votes
2 answers

Do GUI based application execute shell commands in the background?

I have migrated to Ubuntu 16.04 just 2 days ago from Windows. I like the way we can customise the Unity Desktop. I am just playing around with the look and feel of the Desktop environment. Just like ...
thewebjackal's user avatar

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