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Questions tagged [language-support]

Questions related to the language support provided by Ubuntu.

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170 votes
9 answers

How to switch language keyboard combination?

I would like to type Hebrew in Ubuntu. I tried downloading the Hebrew language pack and then setting alt-shift as my layout-change shortcut in the Options section of "Keyboard Layout". However, when ...
Itay Moav -Malimovka's user avatar
70 votes
6 answers

warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change locale

I want to switch to French locale. So I tried the below command: myUbundu@myUbundu-desktop:~$ export LC_ALL=fr_FR But I am getting the warning -bash: warning: setlocale: LC_ALL: cannot change ...
Lunar Mushrooms's user avatar
70 votes
3 answers

How to change Date/Time format to English?

I have installed Ubuntu 13.04 and set my local time/date and its working, the only thing that's bugging me is that I cannot change it to English. I would like to do this because it is hard to read and ...
Qasim's user avatar
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58 votes
8 answers

How do I get Chinese input to work?

How do I configure Ubuntu to input Chinese?
davidyu's user avatar
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57 votes
3 answers

How do I change the language via a terminal?

Using system settings I changed my language to Arabic and deleted the English language from the settings. Then the computer lagged and it logged out - now I can't log back in because the login is in ...
McGee's user avatar
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52 votes
2 answers

'unsupported locale setting' fault by command-not-found

I recently installed Ubuntu 12.10 by keeping the home folders from Linux Mint 13 distribution. The system installed fine, but at the beginning everything was in Chinese (even the text in the Terminal)....
Beni Bogosel's user avatar
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48 votes
10 answers

How do I insert an umlaut on the u in ubuntu?

I have already activated the compose key (left CTRL). According to all the forums I've read, I have to punch in Compose, followed by "u. This is what I get as a result: ´u' I am really stuck here. ...
Steff Muller's user avatar
44 votes
3 answers

Using Alt + Keycode for accents?

In Windows, we can use Alt+Keycode (for example, 130) to get an e acute, but it does not work this way in Ubuntu/Debian. Is it possible to have the same keycodes work in Ubuntu?
JonYork's user avatar
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42 votes
7 answers

Changing ubuntu server's language to english

I just got myself a dedicated server that's running Ubuntu 13.10 64BIT and it is in French language ( Is there any way to install an English language package ? I'm a Linux newbie ...
weeGstrom's user avatar
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42 votes
1 answer

How do I install a new language pack for Tesseract on 16.04

Just installed gscan2pdf v1.3.9 as well as Tesseract. As for the latter, first it appeared at the bottom of my Installed Software list, but now it seems to be gone, although still working (I think). ...
m.a.a.'s user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

How can I install one language by command-line

I'm trying to have everything ready to install a new desktop with a few command line instructions. Unfortunately, to install the language packages, I couldn't find how to do it. I can run gnome-...
samb's user avatar
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30 votes
2 answers

Ubuntu 18.04 Doesn't actually change the language for input

I am trying to type in Arabic as well as in English. I set up the Arabic keyboard using the following steps: Settings -> Region & Language -> + -> Arabic I also added Arabic (QWERTY) just to ...
Zatara7's user avatar
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30 votes
0 answers

How can I switch input language with CapsLock on Ubuntu 18.04? [duplicate]

How can I switch input language with CapsLock on Ubuntu 18.04? For some reason when I try to set CapsLock as a switching key it enables Caps, but doesn't set it as switching language key. When this ...
PocketSam's user avatar
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29 votes
7 answers

How to change keyboard layout in Lubuntu 15.10?

I have recently upgraded my PC from Lubuntu 14.10 to 15.10. Before the upgrade my keyboard layout matched my Danish keyboard. But after the upgrade I probably have a standard English/US layout. ...
Chau's user avatar
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27 votes
2 answers

Two keyboards two language layouts

I want to connect two keyboard sets to my computer. Is it possible to set each for a specific language. So that there's no need to change language each time. For example: keyboard 1 types russian ...
Minimus Heximus's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

How to install ibus-avro in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?

I tried to install ibus-avro, using the procedure that applied in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. This procedure does not work in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. Is there any other procedure to install avro in my new version of ...
Md Mahbub Alam's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Temporarily change language for terminal messages/warnings/errors

Messages in my terminal are displayed using Russian language by default, which is my native one. For just a moment I want them to be in English (eg. to paste in forums), then switch back to the ...
takeshin's user avatar
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26 votes
4 answers

How do I enable writing in Indian languages?

I am looking for a step by step method for enabling write in indian languages (hindi and gujarati) in Ubuntu applications (browser, LibreOffice, Pidgin etc..). Could anyone please provide me a method ...
kamyogi's user avatar
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25 votes
6 answers

Numeric Keypad - switch comma "," to period "." (German keyboard layout)

The German decimal mark standard is a comma (e.g. 1.400,50 one-thousand-fourhundred-euro-and-fifty-cent). Most apps use the US standard period. Is there a way to quickly switch the comma to a period ...
somethis's user avatar
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24 votes
4 answers

Indian languages not suppoted in Ubuntu 16.04?

I noticed that some Indian languages (eg : Kannada) are not supported in Ubuntu 16.04. See this screenshot: Even with file names : This was not happening in earlier Ubuntu editions. How can I ...
Severus Tux's user avatar
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24 votes
2 answers

What programming language is Ubuntu Terminal written in?

This may seem like a very rookie question for you Linux-users, but I just started using Linux. Thanks.
ReddZedd's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

How do I switch to another language?

How do you switch Ubuntu to another (human) language without reinstalling it?
SpashHit's user avatar
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23 votes
1 answer

Is it possible to change language for user interface temporarily?

I use Ubuntu 12.04 with German UI. However, when I ask questions here or anywhere else on Stack Exchange, and I am adding screenshots, I would prefer having them in English. Thus, my question is: How ...
mcbetz's user avatar
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22 votes
5 answers

Switching language by Alt + Shift after update from Ubuntu 22.04 beta to release is not working

Switching language settings made by Tweaks tool (gnome-tweak-tool) like described in accepted answer here. After performing update to release version by sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade ...
Anton Samokat's user avatar
21 votes
2 answers

Change git's language to English without changing the locale

My locale is German. LANG=de_DE.UTF-8. I would like to keep it. Is it possible to change git's language to English without changing the locale?
sergej's user avatar
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21 votes
2 answers

What do the 4 keyboard input method systems mean?

I am trying to install another language support (in addition to the default US). Checking that language checkbox in "Install / Remove Languages..." wasn't too difficult. :) But now I want to add ...
Android Eve's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

How do I change the calendar language? [duplicate]

I installed ubuntu 13.04 with the default language English, yet the calendar is displayed in local language ( Arabic ) , is there a way to change the calendar language to English ? Screen shot:
user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

What is the correct way to fix an assertion in loadlocale.c?

I have recently updated Ubuntu to 18.04. After this, issuing the command ld constantly failed with the following assertion: loadlocale.c:129: _nl_intern_locale_data: Assertion `cnt < (sizeof (...
Alex Hoppus's user avatar
18 votes
3 answers

how do I go about removing all the language packs I don't need

I just noticed that in /usr/share/help I have the ubuntu help files in 70 different languages. I only speak 2, and I only really compute in one. I also noticed that it is full of broken symbolic links ...
blanket_cat's user avatar
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17 votes
3 answers

Change the language of the home/user/ folders automatically

When I changed my language/locale settings, a window popped up asking me if I wanted to rename Documents, Music, Video, Downloads, to the new language. I was worried that this might be some ...
AlKaef's user avatar
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17 votes
8 answers

How to change/fix system's locale when you setup in a language not official in your country?

How do I set up a global locale for the computer? I have recently installed Kubuntu 14.04LTS in english but since I am in Spain, I chose Spain as a country and then changed locale options so that I ...
Calabacin's user avatar
  • 365
17 votes
4 answers

How to change user's language (locale) back to English? [duplicate]

I made the mistake of trying out some settings through Administration -> Language Support. Now my user account has LANG set to fi_FI.utf8, even though I want to use en_US.utf8. (This is kind-of a ...
Jonik's user avatar
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17 votes
5 answers

How to NOT show keyboard layout chooser popup when changing language in GNOME 3

Since I installed 17.10, when switching language with the assigned keyboard shortcut I get this switcher "window" that obstructs me from typing for a couple of seconds. And yes, a couple of seconds is ...
nikosal's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

How to change language only for terminal

I'm using Arabic as the default language but there are some issues when displaying it in terminal. So I want to change the language only in terminal to English, how can I do that ?
Burawi's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Text cursor color should change according to language

OK, there is a language indicator/selector at top of Unity (I am on Ubuntu 12.04). And I was thinking that text cursor color could be a nice way of current language indication. I'm using three ...
B.I.'s user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

How to change text entry in Ubuntu 18.04

I was using Ubuntu 16.04. There it was so easy to change the text entry option. Settings > Text entry. But when I switch to Ubuntu 18.04 I can't find such option. So how can I write in another ...
philoopher97's user avatar
15 votes
5 answers

How do I switch between keyboard layouts?

I want to switch between English and another language. I have tried Lubuntu and it was easy, I figured it out from the friendly menus. But in Ubuntu everything is so cryptic.
Georgios's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Change calendar language to English

The calendar in Ubuntu is not in English. I've installed on two separate machines and the language is still the same. The language system wide is English.
Samuel Wanjiku's user avatar
15 votes
6 answers

How to change language of a specific application?

Is it possible to change the language of a particular application so that when opened it shows in Spanish for example while the rest are in English? I have Spanish and English installed in Ubuntu and ...
Luis Alvarado's user avatar
15 votes
4 answers

Language change doesn't work in ubuntu 15.04

Recently I've installed Ubuntu 15.04, everything had worked fine, but suddenly language change stopped working. I don't know what could be the cause of this, because I didn't notice it right away. Now,...
Artem Malinko's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Spanish accents on US keyboard

I have a good-old fashioned US keyboard. Looks like English (US). How can I get Spanish accents on Ubuntu 12.04 ? This article says I can use RightAlt + a but the aritcle goes only to 11.04. ...
john mangual's user avatar
14 votes
5 answers

What is the best dictionary/translator? [closed]

I want a dictionary or translator that uses or is similar to to Google translation for translating from English to Arabic, vice-versa or between any languages, so, what is the best one? It would be ...
Black Block's user avatar
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14 votes
1 answer

Change decimal mark in calculator

In Germany we use , as decimal mark instead of .. Since I installed my Ubuntu in English, the Ubuntu default calculator (gcalctool) uses the . and I can't use the , on my German numpad. I already set ...
André Stannek's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Set default language to English (US) in 12.04

I accidentally installed Canadian English instead of US English when I did my install. How can I set this back? When I go to System Settings > Language Support English and English (Canada) are ...
Mittenchops's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Show flags instead of labels in the keyboard layout language indicator in GNOME shell

Is there a way to show flags instead of labels in the language indicator in the top panel, in gnome-shell (3.28)? I found this setting in dconf-editor: /org/gnome/libgnomekbd/indicator/show-flags But ...
Jimmy Scionti's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

How to install, select and use different keyboard layouts of the same language in Lubuntu?

In Lubuntu's Language Support application I see no way of differentiating between different types of the same language (English US, UK, etc) nor between different types of keyboard layouts for the ...
user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Why is overriding the LANG environment variable not changing the language for me?

I'm trying to run an application in another language as my current environment. To start out simple, I wanted to change the language of ls. Here's what I read all over the place (see below for ...
gertvdijk's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Tool for measuring readability of English text

Is there a command line program that takes a file containing English text, analyzes the text, and outputs its readability scores? For example, if one feeds the program a text, the program should ...
Flux's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Where is the LANGUAGE environment variable set?

In what configuration file is the LANGUAGE environment variable set? (Or how can I change it by other means?) Background: I was playing around with language settings in kubuntu and installed Russian ...
lnmaurer's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

How to change system language?

I use Ubuntu-Gnome 13.04 and I can't change system language. I set it to Polish with "language & regions". It was though because there is no option for adding so i installed: language-pack-pl ...
xliiv's user avatar
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