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Questions tagged [kali]

Questions that are only about Kali Linux and not about Ubuntu are off-topic here! Please ask them on Unix & Linux Q&A. Kali Linux is a Linux distribution based on Debian. It is often used for security testing and comes with a huge set of tools for that. It is not a general-purpose Linux desktop distribution.

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33 votes
4 answers

Proper Installation of Kali linux tools in Ubuntu

I think everyone has known - we need to install katoolin to use Kali Linux Tools on Ubuntu. Before did anything I had looked through the internet and also found out these solutions: Can I install Kali ...
fuser's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

i am getting an error while upgrading apt upgrade [closed]

The following packages have unmet dependencies: libwacom9 : Depends: libwacom-common (= 2.1.0-2) but 1.12-1 is to be installed E: Broken packages getting this error when using apt upgrade
alone GAMERS's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

extract files within an exe file

I am trying to work through practical malware analysis and there are a series of labs hidden within an exe file. Since I just need the files to analyse , and would rather not download an entire ...
razeal113's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Sharing SWAP and /home beteween Ubuntu 15.10 and Kali Linux 2.0

I am currently running Ubuntu-15.10 on my machine and I am planning to install KaliLinux alongside Ubuntu. I would like to know 2 things before I proceed. (As both Questions are related and similar, ...
Severus Tux's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How to stop Katoolin from crashing Ubuntu?

I updated from 14.04 to 16.04 and used katoolin to add some Kali tools. After restart, the boot up of Linux ran codes, but stopped at a certain point never to load login. So I reinstalled 16.04, ran ...
Freddy Fields's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Accessing Ubuntu WSL files from Kali WSL and vice versa

I have 2 wsl distros running on my pc, Ubuntu and Kali Linux. I have some programs installed and some files on my kali linux system that I want to access or edit through the Ubuntu distro. How can I ...
InfoDaneMent's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Create bootable pendrive with distr

I want to create bootable pendrive (on Ubuntu) with other distr. I don't want to install this distr on my computer, rather plug a pendrive time to time and use this distr to the test and learning (...
Konfus2234's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Is installing Kali Tools from Katoolin same as using Kali Linux itself?

Katoolin is the best method to use Kali Tools on Ubuntu. However it states a warning like: "Please remove all Kali repositories before updating the system". What exactly are the implications of this ...
T.Linux's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Unable to locate package libssl-dev and I cant find a solution [closed]

I am trying to install libssl-dev but I keep getting error "Unable to locate package libssl-dev"
S. Karki's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Virtualbox guest additions installed but not working - version conflict

This is my setup. Host Guest Ubuntu 12.04 LTS Kali Linux Gnome 3.22.2 3.11.0-26-generic ...
Kameshwaran's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Find Kali Security tester tools after installation [duplicate]

I'm a 'beginner' with Ubuntu. I tried it already a few times. I also tried Kali, etc already. I think Ubuntu is very useful, and has many possiblities. But I missed one thing from Kali. The Security ...
user398943's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Google Chrome install errors [closed]

Ok I have browsed all the other google chrome install things but all them have not helped me. Most say sudo apt-get install -f or sudo apt-get -f install But that does not work for me. I get the ...
Martin Eldredge's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Uninstall Kali Linux from triple boot

I have Windows 10, Ubuntu 16.04 and Kali installed. The grub is of Ubuntu. I would like to remove Kali but I have no idea as to how to do it. Can someone help me ?
13point5's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why is Ubuntu's grub2 menu made the default grub menu? Is it possible to change it?

I have 2 hard disks — a 240 GB SSD and a 2 TB standard disk. I put Windows, Linux Mint, and Ubuntu 16.04 on the SSD, the sda and Fedora and Kali Linux on the 2 TB disk, sdb. Now, as I was installing ...
skrowten_hermit's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Armitage won't start: parse error

I installed Armitage along with Metasploit and Postgresql but Armitage is not connecting. Starting Postgresql works fine sudo service postgresql start * Starting PostgreSQL 9.3 database server ...
Halnex's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

Dual booting Ubuntu and Kali vs Ubuntu and Windows

Good day everyone, I recently made the switch from windows 10 to Ubuntu 18.04 after weeks of research regarding dual booting Windows and Linux(Ubuntu & Kali). I've concluded that the very ...
SupahHacka's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Can't access a folder copied from Linux to Windows

I'm fairly new to file system's issues especially mounting a file system. I've poked around and found no optimal solution I've had Kali Linux on a partition with EXT4 or EXT3 (I'm not sure) and ...
user10089632's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How to delete Kali in dual-boot with Ubuntu?

I have two OSes, Kali and Ubuntu. But I would like to delete Kali and allocate all the disk space to Ubuntu. When I boot, I get the Kali menu. How can I do this, if I do not have access to Ubuntu? ...
Anastasis Pap.'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Send and receive files via lan [closed]

So I got an Kali linux machine and a Ubuntu machine, I want to send files from Kali to Ubuntu via lan if it is posible i wanna do it with any native program Hope someone can help me ^^
taku's user avatar
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Adding PGP key in Open Terminal

Trying to install Kali tools into UBUNTU 14.04. But couldn't figure out how to Add PGP key in Open Terminal as told here Installing Kali tools into UBUNTU 14.04 LTS Can anyone please tell me how to ...
B_G's user avatar
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2 answers

Uninstalling Kali Linux and restoring the GRUB of Ubuntu from a triple boot [duplicate]

I have a system which has triple booted Windows 10, Ubuntu 16.04 and Kali Linux. I installed them in that order, so right now when I turn on the computer the GRUB from Kali Linux is what loads. I ...
Sriram R's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Dual booting Ubuntu 16.04 with Kali Linux as main OS

I have Kali Linux as my main OS when I boot up my laptop, I am currently downloading Ubuntu version 16.04 and am wondering how I would be able to have the option to dual boot so I can choose which OS ...
Victor Slater's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Encrypt Kali and Ubuntu in Dualboot

I have a fairly large hard disk and am trying to dual boot Kali Linux and Ubuntu with encryption. My problem is that depending on which OS I created as the last one, I can only boot the last one and ...
xXPerditorXx's user avatar
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0 answers

Problem with triple boot system

Got a new laptop with one NVMe drive and one SSD drive and wanted to do the following: Have one encrypted Ubuntu partition and one encrypted (with Bitlocker) windows-partition, both on the NVMe drive. ...
Ruberth's user avatar
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Trouble With fcrackzip in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

So for the past two days I've been trying to figure this out by myself but I'm relatively inexperienced. My dad gave me a zip file that was password protected because he forgot the password and wanted ...
FrustatedEasily's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Nvidia problem with linux

I have tried to install ubuntu multiple times but every time it had some kind of problem with my graphics card i cant lower the brightness in Ubuntu 14.4 LTS and in 17 it doesn't even load the ...
Moeinh77's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Boot from USB if connected, else boot from Hard disk [closed]

I recently installed a persistent and live Kali Linux system on a USB. I want my system to boot into Kali if the USB is connected, else continue on and load GRUB (I have set up dual-boot with Ubuntu ...
Hari Krishnan's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Ubuntu is not Starting, System Running in Low Graphics Error show but it isn't the problem

Actually I have added the Kali sources list in the ubuntu sources list two days ago. I added that for installing an application. Now after two days my ubuntu machine was giving crash reports, when i ...
Ibn E Abdullah's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Can I use Lubuntu as a live USB?

I was thinking about throwing away my spare laptop hard drive and replace it with a USB. Is a 8GB 3.0 USB good enough to run lubuntu and kali linux within lubuntu (in VB)? Thanks in advance.
woaso's user avatar
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0 answers

Trying to install Kali menu using katoolin but its showing you have unmet dependenies.How do I fix it? [duplicate]

Here is the screenshot of the problem
Akash K Roy's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Ubuntu 16 won't dual boot with Kali

I installed Kali Linux on 1 partition and after that I installed Ubuntu 16.04 on the other one but when I start my PC , the only boot option is "Kali-grub" or "advanced options for kali ". When I ...
David Marjanovic's user avatar
1 vote
2 answers

Partitioning in a Win / Ubuntu dual boot over 2 Tb HDD

I have a 2.8 TB HDD with Windows 10 installed. It's broken into: 100 MB system recovery partition 2 TB NTFS C: drive primary partition 450 MB system reserved primary partition 750 GB unallocated I ...
Dualbootwoes's user avatar
1 vote
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Ubuntu Installer unable to find Hard Drive (HD is working, please read)

I'm actually stuck since 3 days on this problem, after googling the last 60 hours about it i'm trying to ask here before loosing any faith. I resume here the story to let you understand the situation ...
Kranio23's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Cannot mount USB after I boot Kali on it

I wanted to install Kali linux as second OS so I boot it on USB. Then I found out that I cant resize my partition and I should first boot Ubuntu on USB and resize from 'Try Ubuntu' but when I tried to ...
Deyan Dimitrov's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

I cant install kali to virtual box using Ubuntu as host. I get this error: [closed]

This is the error I get: Failed to open the optical disk file /home/dan/Downloads/kali-linux-1.1.0a-amd64.iso. Could not get the storage format of the medium '/home/dan/Downloads/kali-linux-1.1.0a-...
Linuxuser001's user avatar
0 votes
2 answers

how do I attack Ubuntu with Kali when ports are close?

I installed Ubuntu 14 and Kali. I want to attack Ubuntu with nmap (Kali). I scan with nmap -sS ip -O but all 1000 ports are closed. Can I do an attack? Which attack? (I install Bro IDS on Ubuntu, it ...
ssh's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

How do I install john the ripper 1.9 instead of 1.8

I need to use john the ripper for a project. I install using: $ sudo apt install john which installs version 1.8. I then try cracking a very simple file: $ john --format=raw-MD5 passwordFoobarFile ...
NotQuiteSo1337's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

USB WIFI not detecting in virtual box

I'm trying to connect my wifi adapter to kali linux in virtual box, but when I'm trying to add usb wifi in settings it's not being virtual box is showing no devices. When I used same usb wifi in ...
Abhi4mu's user avatar
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1 answer

How to install and use exiftool to get GPS information of a photo [closed]

I want to install exiftool and get a location information of a photo. please help. thank you
Zuhaer's user avatar
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1 answer

Tried using Katoolin without knowing what it did, Ubuntu is broken now [duplicate]

Some background info I'm running a dual boot with Windows 10 and Ubuntu 20.04 I did something stupid like this because I've used Windows my whole life so I didn't realize what apt can do if I'm not ...
SpaceEnthusiast's user avatar
0 votes
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How can I install new Kali Linux theme in Ubuntu 16.04?

Question to those who used the new Kali Linux. For more info about new theme, look on that screenshots in that news. How I can install new Dark Theme and Terminal Color Scheme for my Ubuntu 16.04 ? ...
0xD34F's user avatar
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Katoolin tools borked spotify: how to uninstall?

What I did was: Install the Kali Linux tools on my ubuntu 18.04 LTS using the katoolin tool. Then I installed all the information gathering tools using the katoolin script. The thing is that when I ...
Abhijeet Singh Tomer's user avatar
0 votes
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Do i have to create 2 swap partition if i want to install Ubuntu and Kali in different Hard drive but same Machine

I have dual boot my laptop with Ubuntu 16.04 and Windows 7 in 1TB Hard drive, apparently my laptop can use another Hard drive and i decided to install Kali 2016.1 for learning purpose in that Hard ...
ridwanakf's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

"An error occurred while loading the archive" when extracting Kali Linux.7z on Ubuntu

I'm downloading Kali Linux 2016.1 for Virtual Box, which only had a torrented .7z file available, but I'm not able to extract it with Archive manager or p7zip. After installing sudo apt-get install ...
Zach's user avatar
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1 answer

Why do I need to edit /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward to be able to arpspoof? [closed]

I have been researching the SSL Strip attack (a.k.a. arpspoof) attack. In this attack I need to edit the ip_forward file. This attack works successfully, but I want to know why do I need to change /...
Mr_Null_Byte's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Katoolin error on Ubuntu 14.0.4 [duplicate]

I already install Katoolin Package on my Ubuntu like below: But the problem is when I want to use & install some package of it (ex. wifi Package) the error happens like this: You might want to ...
Skye's user avatar
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Bootable usb Secure boot error on an Acer aspire e1 win10

I've got a windows 10 machine and have been trying for a while using different software to get the bootable usb to work (couldn't make it work with a few distros I tried) I downloaded the iso, used ...
AlphaOmega's user avatar
0 votes
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Err:5 kali-rolling Release 404 Not Found [IP: 443] [duplicate]

i typed: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:obsproject/obs-studio it response: Repository: 'deb kali-rolling main' Description: Latest stable ...
Lieutenant UniX's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 katlooon installation errors when running git commands and directory doesnt exist

im on ubuntu 22.04(?) and im trying to install kali repo apps (im still learning Linux i might sound confusing) and i installed git in terminal but when trying to get katloon it installs the first ...
Nickalos's user avatar
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XDG_RUNTIME_DIR is not set!

I installed Hyprland. But after login to my Xfce DE I tried to start TTY. But TTY doesn't start. When I tried to start Hyprland I got the error message showing below: [CRITICAL] Critical error thrown: ...
178_Naimur Rahman's user avatar