I've seen a couple older threads that don't provide any answers still in active production so I thought I would ask again. I am looking for a jukebox I can install on ubuntu, or I would even take one that's it own debian based bundle. I am looking for the below features:

  • Spotify connectivity (locked to a selected playlist)
  • The ability for users to add nonexplicit material to the playlist
  • Allow users to queue songs
  • Do not allow users to skip current songs or remove them from playlist
  • Jukebox interface/webpage that can be accessed from a central touchscreen device
  • Web Interface
  • A rating system to "smart shuffle" the playlist playing lower-rated songs less often
  • Ability to output from the server utilizing 3.5mm

I would appreciate any help or insight if someone else has tried doing this already. Thank you!

  • 4
    To close voters: This question asks for a software with very specific features. It's not opinion-based and shouldn't be closed. Commented Jan 8 at 8:23


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