
I'm experiencing some difficulties with setting up PiVPN with Wireguard on my Ubuntu server. Here are the details of my setup and the issues I'm facing:


  • Ubuntu Server: Running on my home PC.
  • Local Access: Files are accessible within my home network using SMB.
  • Remote Access Goal: Access the server files from outside my home network.
  • VPN Setup: PiVPN with Wireguard on port 51820.
  • Router Configuration: NAT forwarding set for port 51820.


  • Port Forwarding Check: Despite enabling port forwarding for port 51820, it appears to be closed when checked using online port checking tools.
  • Alternative Attempt: I found that port 80 was open, so I reconfigured Wireguard to use port 80, but it still did not work.

Additional Details:

  • ISP Restrictions: I suspect my ISP might be blocking the port, but I'm not certain.
  • Router Brand/Model: TP-Link Archer C6.

Steps Taken:

  • Verified port forwarding rules in the router.
  • Rechecked Wireguard configuration to ensure it's set to the correct port.
  • Used online tools to check port status (Although i think it only shows open if there is an active connection to that port, i am not sure).


  • What could be the reason for port 51820 appearing closed despite setting up port forwarding?
  • Are there any additional steps I can take to troubleshoot this issue?
  • Could ISP restrictions be the cause, and how can I confirm this?
  • Any other suggestions to get PiVPN with Wireguard working for remote access?
  • Any other way of doing it, by setting up VPS, etc.

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

  • Please edit the question and put in the Ubuntu version info.
    – David
    Commented Jun 7 at 7:08


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