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Questions tagged [iptables]

Iptables is used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of IP packet filter rules in the Linux kernel.

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How to block all connections on all ports using iptables?

I am trying to protect myself from ddos and limiting all users with more then 5 connection request to connect to my server. I am trying to use this one, but it is not working, it actually blocks even ...
MaxIT's user avatar
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How to exclude 1 ip from iptable rules?

I want to block all ip's with > 200 connections to access my server with this rule: iptables -A INPUT -p udp --dport 100:65535 -m connlimit --connlimit-above 200 -j REJECT but at the same time I ...
MaxIT's user avatar
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Script that will scan for number of connections and ban those above 100

since I lately have some DDOS attacks, i need help in creating the script that will do following: -Screen the IPs on all ports with total number of connections using netstat -Ban all IP's that are ...
MaxIT's user avatar
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How to find out the program from iptables log

Testing the ping on ubuntu 22.04: Host A IPv6: 1111:1111:1111:1111:1111:1111:1111:1111 Host B IPv6: 2222:2222:2222:2222:2222:2222:2222:2222 Host A: Now execute a ping from Host A with the following ...
stackbiz's user avatar
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How to fix MGR: dropped slow initial connection with pptpd?

I have a pptd server installed on a remote BareMetal server I have followed the tutorial here to the dot: However I get MGR: dropped slow initial connection I have tried everything I can think of ...
Max's user avatar
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How to chose internet source for Docker container on Ubuntu

Containers are basically using the internet interface that my "Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS" is using but once I have multiple internet source I don't know how to make the container's use another ...
Anessk.16's user avatar
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Ubuntu as router with netplan & dnsmasq - can't reach websites

I have setup Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as a router for the following scenario: Client ( <--> Switch <--> Ubuntu Router eth0 ( <--> Ubuntu Router enx2887ba778049 (...
Sebastian's user avatar
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Setup additional interface

I have a dedicated server with Ubuntu Server 18.04. I need an additional IP-address so I leased a cheap VDS, then I've setup pptpd on VDS and pptp on dedicated server. Then I configured a VPN-...
Semyon Bayandin's user avatar
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Ubuntu server does not accept any request from outside

I have a database in ubuntu server, and it works on server, the port is 5436.However, I can not connect it from outside. I use ufw order it lists as below [17] 5436 (v6) ALLOW IN ...
Elvin Jafarov's user avatar
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Route all traffic from one server to another

I have two servers. First one is from a local datacenter. OpenVPN is installed on Ubuntu 22.04. Clients connect to this server and get an IP from pool. Clients are configured to redirect ...
Omid Shojaee's user avatar
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iptables - Port forwarding with keeping source IP

I have a Ubuntu Server with two interfaces: enp1s0 and ham0 (private network). In interface ham0 my IP-address is Another machine in this network has IP-address I tried to ...
Semyon Bayandin's user avatar
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DDoS Attack - Iptables bad configuration

I have Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS. I am under a DDoS attack and don't know how to limit the connections made by multiple IP's (avobe 500). I saw some post, like this or this, but don't know how to follow the ...
Mario Navarro Claras's user avatar
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unable to set the openvpn network to look for a specific subnet behind a specific client

I have an openvpn network I have client with the ip and that client have this subnet I want the entire openvpn network to look for the subnet in Here'...
yaseen's user avatar
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Iptables logging in Ubuntu

I have set up Cowrie (2222) and SSH (2233) on a Ubuntu server, to block all traffic except Cowrie and SSH, I have run the following commands: iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 2222 -j ACCEPT iptables -...
Jimbob's user avatar
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Cannot connect to home ubuntu server using public static IP address outside of LAN

Running ubuntu 22.04 I have a test express.js app running and I can connect to it via as local ip and also as (static public IP):3000 but only from devices connected to my WiFi. As ...
Newbie's user avatar
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Your Outline Server was installed correctly, but we are not able to connect to it

I'm trying to config Outline VPN and I bought a Droplet from Digitalocean with Ubuntu 22. So, my server generated URI string correctly: CONGRATULATIONS! Your Outline server is up and running. To ...
Kiyarash's user avatar
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Can't access Ubuntu Server with SSH after doing something with iptables

I'm trying to run a MC-Server on an Ubuntu Sever (Oracle Cloud). I already port forwarded 25565 and 22 but still couldn't access the server. I found these commands on another tutorial, but when I ...
Julian M's user avatar
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iptables/ ufw problem with getting emails

I have a very difficult problem that I can't seen to solve. I have an Ubuntu Server 20.04.5 LTS set up as a firewall/ router, so it has two interfaces. One internet connected and the other lan ...
Jabin's user avatar
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My Ubuntu Server Ports got locked

I just tried to join to my Jenkins on my VPS as usual. When I try to access the URL it returns the error code ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT. This happens as well with port 8080 for my website and other ...
Joanmi's user avatar
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DNS only works when I have a port 53 UDP outbound rule *AND INBOUND* rule

I'm locking down both inbound and outbound ports with iptables -P INPUT DROP iptables -P OUTPUT DROP Then, I allow certain traffic to certain servers SSH from my network to the server (inbound) HTTP ...
geekygeek's user avatar
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Should I be concerned about these UFW blocked traffic?

I just installed ufw on a newly provisioned Ubuntu 22.04 Server. It is currently set up to deny all traffic except ssh on an alternate port. I'm getting this pattern of blocked traffic: Oct 6 10:09:...
William Oliver's user avatar
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DNATing DNS requests that aren't going to a particular server. iptables : No chain/target/match by that name

I have some chains that I create in iptables iptables -N dns-requests iptables -N wg0-filter I then create a filter, to pass DNS traffic that are on Port 53. iptables -A wg0-filter -p tcp --dport 53 -...
geekygeek's user avatar
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Link process to connections blocked by UFW

I have an UFW setup with by default all incoming and outgoing connections blocked, and allow only to/from a wireguard interface. All services are working, but in /var/log/ufw.log, there's repeated TCP ...
mayukhc's user avatar
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How to read and alter packet info when forwarding

I have two laptops running ubuntu(both 20.04.4 LTS x86_64) and im trying to use one as a router(lets call them laptop1 and laptop2 and laptop2 is acting as a router). So far ive used the ip route ...
hirad davari's user avatar
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How can I get iptables to block YouTube packets?

I have a Raspberry Pi and use it as a router. I would like to construct a packet-filtered network, but I'm not sure how to achieve this. What I did is like this: sudo iptables -w -N YOUTUBE sudo ...
noraworld's user avatar
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IP - Tables NAT ens19 <> ens18

I am hoping someone good with IP tables can give me some pointers. I am attempting a DNAT with 2 interfaces, Basically what I am trying to do is anything from one interface needs to be pushed to a ...
David Short's user avatar
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SMTP IP forwarding to another machine

Apologies if this is a silly mistake this is the first time ive had to set up port forwarding. I have two machines I have one machine set up as a DMZ ( when all traffic inbound will hit ...
Donald's user avatar
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Translate iptables rule to UFW

I need to translate these rules: iptables -A firewall -p udp –dest -j ACCEPT iptables -A firewall -p igmp –dest -j ACCEPT To UFW rules. Don't know how to set -A -dest -j....
PhönixGeist's user avatar
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UFW ALLOW rules not working and being ignored

We're setting up some zero trust environments and are needing to block all incoming and outgoing ports, except for allowing the office IP to go in (for administrative purposes), and port 80 and 443 to ...
James Gedny's user avatar
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How can I force all clients to use Squid Proxy server on hotspot

I have two wifi interfaces, one is inbuilt and another is a USB adapter. As research, I want to use hostapd to start a hotspot and give users IP addresses using dnsmasq. I used nftables following this ...
Lyton_Spurz's user avatar
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How to forward traffic on various ports through a wireguard vpn using iptables/ufw

I have 2 machines running ubuntu 22.04, we will call them server and proxy. The proxy is a vps with an static public ip, and the server is running behind a nat. I want to route all traffic on some ...
Laikar's user avatar
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Undoing iptables -F

How do I undo the iptables -F command on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS? From iptables manual: -F, --flush [chain] Flush the selected chain (all the chains in the table if none is given). This is equivalent to ...
SO_32's user avatar
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22.04 - ufw/ip tables could not fetch rule set

I'm trying to get UFW up and running on a Raspberry Pi 4 running Ubuntu server 22.04. But I am at a loss. # via SSH session: ~$ sudo ufw status ERROR: problem running iptables: iptables v1.8.7 (...
Kcore's user avatar
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How To Permanently keep port 80 open On Ubuntu Server

I just installed Ubuntu Web Server and at the end of the install, it mentioned to me that I could go to IP address. Did that and got the great saying "can't connect". I figure port 80 didn't ...
Dan's user avatar
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How do I install iptables-dev on Ubuntu 20.04 with apt?

I tried the following: sudo apt install iptables-dev But get this error Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree Reading state information... Done Package iptables-dev is not available, ...
Dave's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04: docker: containers not accessible from outside

having a fresh off the shelf Ubuntu 22.04 installation and installed docker according the book. I also spinned up three containers using docker-compose and they show fine using docker ps. CONTAINER ID ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Port 9000 Open in FW But Not Showing In NMAP

I am running an Ubuntu 20.0.4 LTS virtual server. I need to be able to access http://localhost:9000/ from within the server for a service I am trying to run, but I keep getting 'Connection refused' ...
jasmines's user avatar
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Limit packet size with iptables

I need to make a packet size limit on all ports (tcp and udp) for incoming connections with iptables so that it does not exceed 1500 bytes. If this rule is violated, then the IP from which the packet ...
mooncdx's user avatar
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Ubuntu server 22.04 VM Openvpn connection issues

I'm currently working on a homelab project and built a home server using VMWare ESXI 7. On this Hypervisor i run two ubuntu 22.04 server images, one for file sharing and one to serve as a vpn server. ...
Guillaume Favrot's user avatar
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How do I get ssh to start working?

I turn an unused laptop into an Ubuntu server and everything was working great. I connected to it through ssh on my Windows 10 computer and was able to set up and access Nextcloud to upload all my ...
Price's user avatar
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IPTABLES doesn't drop packets on closed ports

So I've tried creating rules on iptables that block all packets on ports other than 21,22,27015 but floods/packets are able to reach and load my network from ports like 50 or 60. Here's my list of ...
Ubuntu User's user avatar
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How to remove request limit in ufw / iptables

I have a flask script that handles incoming requests. There can be a lot of such requests in a short period of time, however, if I understand correctly, then initially the firewall has some kind of ...
Koke's user avatar
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Can't get Chain "MASQUERADE" to work on WSL2 Kernel

I'm trying to build custom Kernel for my specific requirement where I need the chain MASQUERADE to be available. I'm using to build my kernel. I've set ...
Rocky's user avatar
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accepting request to connect on DB port only from a DNS

I'm trying to add an INPUT rule to my server so that only specific address can connect to my DB. So far I tried this iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m string --string --algo bm --dport 5432 -j ...
El Pandario's user avatar
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Sending packets on a dead port then stopping when accepting

I have programmed iptables to protect my Ubuntu installation. I have SSH but I have put it on another port than 22 for brute-force attacks. However this morning, a single ip tried to connect every 30s-...
JoelCrypto's user avatar
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IPtables not restored

I installed iptables and iptables-persistent in order to save the rules and apply them after reboot, however whenever I try to restore or save I get this errors: with sudo netfilter-persistent save : ...
Yuki1112's user avatar
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Problem with port forwarding eth0 > ppp0

I am having a server with public IP (eth0 : IP: and having in the same way a VPN connection (ppp0:, when I am doing telnet in the server: root@vps:/# telnet 25 Trying ...
Serversru's user avatar
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Not able to load iptables

I am trying install iptables for UFW but having issues with it. Here is how I am installing iptables: agganu@agganuserver:~$ sudo apt-get install iptables Reading package lists... Done Building ...
anugun's user avatar
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How to port forward my ubuntu 22.04 using iptables

Do you know how to gives iptables rules to my machine in order to allow trafic from my public interfaces(wlp3s0) to my private interfaces(lo). Kinda with this topology: =>
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I can't find my public interfaces

I need to port forward my Ubuntu 22.04 desktop, so I can establish remote shell between my home desktop and my portatil; which should be with this topology: ip public:8443 => ip private ip:8443. ...
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