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UFW on ubuntu virtual router not blocking correct traffics

I have a virtual router running on Ubuntu Server 22.04. The virtual router has two ethernet interfaces enp1s0 and enp2s0. The interface enp1s0 is connected to the external network and the interface ...
user12140050's user avatar
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Ubuntu as router with netplan & dnsmasq - can't reach websites

I have setup Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as a router for the following scenario: Client ( <--> Switch <--> Ubuntu Router eth0 ( <--> Ubuntu Router enx2887ba778049 (...
Sebastian's user avatar
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How do I get ssh to start working?

I turn an unused laptop into an Ubuntu server and everything was working great. I connected to it through ssh on my Windows 10 computer and was able to set up and access Nextcloud to upload all my ...
Price's user avatar
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How to setup Linux machine to act as a Router

How to setup Linux machine to act as a Router which is responsible for distributing internet traffic to other devices connected to switch. I want to use this scenario in order to assign Ip-based ...
Safahieh's user avatar
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Home Router NAT Network configuration Ubuntu 20.04

I have Ubuntu 20.04 desktop and home router and I trying to open ports to have an acces from internet. Here is interface info 1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN ...
Alex's user avatar
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Using Ubuntu server 20.04 as router - no internet on clients

I'm trying to setup an Ubuntu box as a small router. It has two NICs and is connected to a switch. I'm following this guide:
imarques's user avatar
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Configuring ubuntu as router

I have a device which sends meter data to its maker site, using the MQTT protocol. I intend to capture this information, routing it to my ubuntu PC, where I have setup a docker container with RabbitMQ ...
Luis's user avatar
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Link-local 169.254.x.x address assigned at boot despite static IP on 20.04 LTS [closed]

I have been struggling to setup my Ubuntu machine as a simple 2-NICs router with NAT, trying to stick to most recent recommended methods, namely netplan for the NICs and ufw for firewall and for ...
bobmorane's user avatar
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Ubuntu as IPv6 router

Draw of network is here. How can I configure Ubuntu server (A) to generate dynamic IP for new end points (like B) but C server should have static IP? (Firewall: A and C server accessible via SSH only ...
gergelymolnarpro's user avatar
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Cannot properly configure a gateway on Ubuntu 16.04

I'm trying to make a gateway using Ubuntu 16.04, my server has the following nics: enp4s0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:15:c5:f6:c0:36 inet addr: Bcast: Mask:...
Redbob's user avatar
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Use iptables as router

I am having the following setup: client: "router" (eth3), (eth2) server-1 server-2 (eth2) 192....
Radje's user avatar
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Ubuntu Router - 2 NICs - cannot ping Internet from internal network

I have read many posts on how to configure 2 NICs, but some help would be very appreciated. I am planning to make a router using an Orange Pi R1. I have installed Ubuntu Xenial Server using an image ...
rnng's user avatar
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Setting Ubuntu server as router can't access internet

Im trying to simulate a network (router, firewall, PCs and server) with several virtual machines running Ubuntu Server. I have followed several tutorials, questions on this froum and so on but I can't ...
Alex_Crw45's user avatar
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Client gets LAN ip but no internet

I've stumbled upon a rather specific problem and I do not have the knowledge to solve it on my own. I've set up a Ubuntu server (16.04.2) which will act as a router. Until now I've configured two ...
Jens Kuipers's user avatar
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iptables and bridging

I have a very simple task but I fail constantly :-(. So here is my simple setup: I want to build up a router with the interface eth0 connected to the open world on the one side and two intefaces, ...
Meffy's user avatar
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2 answers

Forward packets from bonded LAN interface to WAN

I am not able to route packets between the lan side of my ubuntu server and the wan side. I'm looking for some assistance. I have 5 ethernet ports on my server - 1 onboard (eth0, used for wan) and 4 ...
Simply8219's user avatar
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Ubuntu running as router blocks VPN

I have a Ubuntu server 16.01 running as my router, I followed this tutorial: everything works fine, every machine gets an IP, I have internet connection ...
Alfredo M's user avatar
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Ubuntu as router; redirect traffic from 1 client (LAN) to VPN

I have a Ubuntu 14.04.03 router (iptables). Behind it there is a LAN with laptops, tablets, smart TVs, etc. I would like to use VPN on my TV, but there is no such option in the TVs software/firmware. ...
Lux's user avatar
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iptables set-mark doesn't work

My machine has two network interfaces, one is wired (eth0) and the other one is wireless (wlan0). The wired one cannot connect to any external NTP server because there is a firewall outside. The ...
hebothu's user avatar
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IPtables command to block specific port for certain ip

I want to block certain services such as ftp, telnet, http for a certain ip address. What command will I execute in order to achieve this. The only command I have tried is sudo iptables -A INPUT -s ...
user3435500's user avatar
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How can we make our ubuntu server router as gateway mode to router mode?

based on this sample guide link: with this code: iptables –append FORWARD –in-interface eth1 -j ACCEPT it ...
ckknight's user avatar
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ubuntu as multi port router

If I have an 4 (or more) ethernet port linux box, How to setup it as router to handle 4 class c subnet ? for example, eth0 =>, eth1 =>, eth2 =>, eth3 => ...
Fox Mulder's user avatar