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Use TPROXY feature of iptables with Ubuntu 22.04

I'm trying to use the TPROXY feature of iptables. For example : iptables -A PREROUTING -t mangle -p tcp -i eth0 -j TPROXY --on-port 5000 --tproxy-mark 1 This feature works perfectly on Ubuntu 16.04 (...
Noxivs's user avatar
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Route traffic from VPN to web proxy

I'm struggling for days to do this: I've got an Openvpn installed on a ubuntu server, I want this traffic to be routed to a web proxy (socks5), so it will look like this : Device->VPN->Proxy->...
Rimcus's user avatar
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I need a secure method to access the internet over a hotel's open wi-fi (TOR proxy?)

I need to communicate securely over a hotels open wi-fi. I've read many articles and how-to's. Using a TOR server/proxy sounds good. I can't access my bank, my email, etc. through the clear-text ...
user907818's user avatar
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How to forward traffic on various ports through a wireguard vpn using iptables/ufw

I have 2 machines running ubuntu 22.04, we will call them server and proxy. The proxy is a vps with an static public ip, and the server is running behind a nat. I want to route all traffic on some ...
Laikar's user avatar
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Running an Ubuntu wireless access point with NTLM

An ubuntu 18.04 server is located in our company behind a corporate proxy and should serve as an access point using a wifi usb adapter (wlan0 interface). Authentication is done via NTLM and CNTLM is ...
Hector Lorenzo's user avatar
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Squid Proxy - The requested URL could not be retrieved

I'm trying to redirect all of my subnet traffic to a squid proxy using iptables on the router gateway (the squid proxy is located in the LAN). The redirection works (cache & access file respond ...
zo_av's user avatar
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How to prepare a server for proxy on Ubuntu 16.04

I'm trying to prepare a proxy server using Ubuntu 16.04, my server has the following nics: enp4s0 Link encap:Ethernet HWaddr 00:15:c5:f6:c0:36 inet addr: Bcast:192.168.0....
Redbob's user avatar
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Updating repositories returns an error

While installing DansGuardian, as per the instructions in the following link:Dansguardian Content Filtering With Transparent Proxy On Ubuntu 9.10 Karmic, I set the iptables using sudo iptables -t nat -...
Giridhar Shyamkumar's user avatar
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sudo apt-get install not working after deleting squid and iptables

I am facing issues with running apt-get update and apt-get install on my system. This is after deleting squid, iptables and dansguardian. I was trying to install DansGuardian, and ran the following ...
Giridhar Shyamkumar's user avatar
4 votes
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How to get Docker images to use my transparent/intercept squid on the host without touching Docker images?

I have a squid instance running on my server which is connected to through eth0 with and serves as gateway for the LAN through p18p1 with
Kalle Richter's user avatar
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Forward FTP to another Server

I am trying to forward all incoming FTP Connections at Server A to another Server B. I tried this using iptables and am able to connect in first step. The problem is that after entering the passive ...
D0vev's user avatar
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Setting up Tor as a Transparent Proxy

I have been following this guide at Tor Project. The problem is I do not know what to do with the iptables ruleset. Where do I copy it to? I've been using the Tor network for years now but only on ...
jjj's user avatar
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Docker Transparent Squid Proxy

I am trying to run a squid3 transparent proxy in a docker image, on my laptop. Then on the same laptop I want to use the transparent proxy. The reason for the proxy is to abstract a corporate proxy ...
ex0b1t's user avatar
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how to remove squid to work as nat that already configured in ubuntu?

I'm running squid3 in my Ubuntu 14.04 and tried remote proxy use for study purposes . When I try remote access with another computer in the University LAN, I encounter empty cache log. So I have tried ...
NIMISHAN's user avatar
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Transparent proxy listening on sub-interfaces

I have iptables and squid on the same box. HTTP traffic doesn't seem to be going through the transparent proxy when I change my rules on the filter table. What is the best point to filter http ...
umpzavelli's user avatar
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VirtualBox, Ubuntu clients, internal network proxy to supply internet

Probably this question was asked many times, but I seem to be unable to find proper solution. Here is my setup: Two virtual machines(Ubuntu 12.04) M1 and M2. M1 has 2 network adapters: eth0 set to ...
user1784828's user avatar
7 votes
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iptables doesn't redirect http traffic to my Squid proxy!

I arranged a transparent Squid proxy which listens to port 3128 on localhost, to block some web sites. I've tested the proxy using Firefox, and it works. Then I ran this, hoping to redirect all the ...
Naveen's user avatar
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Error message when entering iptables command (table does not exist)

I have been trying to install Spotify, but when logging in I get a message saying I have an error 101. This appears to be related to either my proxy settings or to my firewall. Following instructions ...
Chris's user avatar
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squid + iptables not working

I would like to setup a proxy on my ubuntu VM to test a PHP script that must use a proxy. I installed Squid and made some things with iptables command. I wrote : sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --...
Peter's user avatar
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Use a proxy which connects to the school proxy

How to get my computer use a proxy ON my computer, which connects to the school proxy ? The reason I ask this, is because I need all programs on my computer, absolutely the whole system to go through ...
denNorske's user avatar
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iptables rule to force all browsers to use proxy

I have installed squid as my proxy server in Ubuntu 10.04 standalone system which has a single NIC. Why i have installed Squid in a standalone system is because of my friends who uses my system to ...
karthick87's user avatar
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