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How to match the --out-interface to the same --in-interface in iptables

The system have multiple interfaces: eth0, eth1, eth2, ... br0, br1, br2, ...etc. The following rule will allow packets from "br0" to "br0": iptables -A FORWARD -i br0 -o br0 -j ...
stackbiz's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 as a router. 2 LAN (LAN with Internet + LAN with AP). AP network do not see IP addresses from first network

it's been a while when I setup similar config... that's why I'm a bit confused. So I have box with Ubuntu 22.04 with two LAN cards. My network looks like that. ROUTER []: UBUNTU BOX [...
syncerror's user avatar
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Is it possible to connect a WiFi route to some server and forward every connection to that server?

I'm facing some package loss issues I'm having in my home-network. I'm looking at some log entries and some game reports I've detected, a somewhat strange IP route added, and a snort made me some ...
Tekomo Nakama's user avatar
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Share two network interfaces on linux

I have a Linux PC (ubuntu 22.04) with a network layout as below: Internet <-> Router <-> PC <-> edge device <-> Switch <-> APs <-> devices And with two Lan ...
Firouziam's user avatar
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How to complete MASQUERADE with NetPlan?

I'm an Ubuntu newbie, I'm going to use Ubuntu to set up a KVM virtual machine, I only have a public IP, I know how to configure it in ifupdown, but I want to configure it in NetPlan. My configuration ...
user1558234's user avatar
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Make server globally reachable on IPv6

I've been hosting a globally-reachable Minecraft server on my desktop Ubuntu computer at home for about 1 month, on IPv4, using my ISP's router NAT configuration. Recently, my ISP (SFR, a French ...
MrAnima's user avatar
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Configuring ubuntu as router

I have a device which sends meter data to its maker site, using the MQTT protocol. I intend to capture this information, routing it to my ubuntu PC, where I have setup a docker container with RabbitMQ ...
Luis's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04 route delete permanently

I want to delete a route permanently on Ubuntu 18.04. The route is the following,route -n: Kernel IP routing table Destination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface ....
question_1's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04 Focal, Network Manager Hotspot, 'No Internet connection'

After upgrade Ubuntu 18.04 to 20.04, I noticed Hotspot feature seemed working, and phones were able to connect by wifi, but then they reported No internet connection After checking network-manager ...
Angel's user avatar
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How to prevent NetworkManager from changing iptables?

Every time I turn on/off a device in my local network the NetworkManager automatically adds/removes the set of rules in iptables. The extracts from /var/log/syslog: NetworkManager[799]: <info> ...
IvanPetrov's user avatar
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Setup Ubuntu Router with a subnet

I'd like to set up a private subnetwork within my home network. I've already read a few articles about this, but I'm not sure how exactly the /etc/network/interface file has to be set up under Linux. ...
Hector Lorenzo's user avatar
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ipv6 on Protectli / Ubuntu firewall appliance LAN does not route to xfinity gateway

I'm setting up a new firewall/router on a Protectli appliance with 4 Gbit interfaces, running Ubuntu 18.04. Comcast (xfinity) is delegating /64 ipv6 to me, and setting up subnets on Linksys routers ...
George Jardine's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04 - Wi-fi , IP is on a network different than my gateway

I have a partitioned Lenovo pc. One partition with Ubuntu desktop 16.04, one with Windows 10. Windows has internet connection, Ubuntu does not. It is on a different network. I tried gathering some ...
lorelou's user avatar
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vpn killswitch with iptables and NetworkManager dispatcher scripts

Here's how I thought this could work: vpn connection goes down NetworkManager then runs through dispatcher scripts on a connection change, sees the vpn-down action. script sees the vpn-down action ...
dagrha's user avatar
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Wired Connection not working on 18.04(LTS). Please Help

$ ifconfig enp0s25: flags=4163<UP,BROADCAST,RUNNING,MULTICAST> mtu 1500 ether 28:d2:44:44:0a:1c txqueuelen 1000 (Ethernet) RX packets 13959 bytes 1516430 (1.5 MB) RX errors 0 ...
Kanishk Saxena's user avatar
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Port forwarding for RStudio Server

I have installed RStudio Server on my PC. Normaly i could have access to RStudio via web with my IP address and port 8787. But my PC is connected to the Internet trough router and it does not work in ...
filius_arator's user avatar
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Network manager is adding unwanted rules to iptables

I am trying to create a wifi router using ubuntu 16 and network manager. I can create the wifi hotspot and an ethernet connection but no device that sits downstream over ethernet can ping a device ...
nbroeking's user avatar
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What's the best way to work with multiple IP address simultaneously?

I learned how to add multiple IP address, based on the Debian instruction here: Multiple_IP_addresses_on_one_Interface and thread: how-do-i-add-an-additional-ip-address-to-etc-network-interfaces # ...
Osiris's user avatar
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WCCP + SQUID = client browser "This page can’t be displayed"

I implement this scenario: ISP <==> ASA <==> SWITCH <==> LAN + SQUID Squid server is within the same INSIDE ASA Interface but different VLAN. tcpdump -nni wccp0 -p tcp and port 80 ...
Dian Andriani's user avatar
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Access internet over Wifi instead of ethernet

I am setting up networking on my ODROID C1 running Ubuntu 16.04.1 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.10.104-181 armv7l) . Internet access over WiFi works fine but when I plug-in the ethernet cable (which has no ...
user343272's user avatar
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Masquerade over USB Ethernet Problem

I am trying to create a hotspot with a captive portal for my company. First thing I needed to do was share my internet access. So, what I am trying to do is, have internet cable plugged into eth0, ...
Omar D.'s user avatar
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Noob user. No network (wired). Cannot ping router

Let me start by saying I am pretty new to Linux, so forgive my unavoidable noobness and thank you for readning this. I am trying to set up a good environment to learn programming and familiarize ...
Hagbard Celine's user avatar
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ip address configuration in ubuntu 12.10 [duplicate]

I am unable to edit /etc/network/interfaces and /etc/resolv.conf file with vi editor. How can I access the file as a owner? This is my network settings in Windows 7. I want to configure it in ubuntu ...
user205787's user avatar
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How to forward port to shared wired connection?

I connect to my wireless network through NetworkManager. In addition I have another computer connected to the first one through ethernet. I'm using NetworkManager to share the wireless connection of ...
big_gie's user avatar
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How to forward an Internet connection to another network?

Can somebody please make a short & sweet tutorial telling how to forward an Internet connection to different network interfaces in Ubuntu...? This is the idea: I'm using a 3G usb modem to get ...
Naveen's user avatar
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