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Dual nic server with open client http port unreachable

I am setting up a poe switch connected to my ubuntu server 20.04. I am running an amd 5700 with some generic parts in a minipc that is being used as an nvr. I have a internet facing nic, eno1, where ...
Losthatter's user avatar
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"System has not been booted with systemd as init system (PID 1). Can't operate. Failed to connect to bus: Host is down" not WSL

When I install docker and try to run it, sudo systemctl start docker, it says it can't run as the title says.(Not WSL) So when I run it with the sudo service docker start command, it turns off again ...
pepperonipizza97's user avatar
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Restrict access to Docker container port to ip adresses

There are several docker containers on my server, exposing ports. Now I try to restrict the access to the ports to IP-Adresses being able to insert rules without allowing the policy. I apply IP-Tables ...
bvsta's user avatar
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Automatically created iptables rules created by Docker seem strange

Here are the rules that I don't understand (those are created automatically by docker on my ubuntu machine): -A FORWARD -i docker0 ! -o docker0 -j ACCEPT -A FORWARD -i docker0 -o docker0 -j ACCEPT So ...
Магомед Рабаданов's user avatar
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How can I make my docker containers use my proxy?

I have two Ubuntu servers. Machine A (Internet is heavily restricted) Machine B Also I have one Socks5 tunnel on machine A. My Socks5 proxy command on machine A: ssh -D 3080 -q -C -N -f root@Machine-...
HiStack's user avatar
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How to chose internet source for Docker container on Ubuntu

Containers are basically using the internet interface that my "Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS" is using but once I have multiple internet source I don't know how to make the container's use another ...
Anessk.16's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Ubuntu 22.04: docker: containers not accessible from outside

having a fresh off the shelf Ubuntu 22.04 installation and installed docker according the book. I also spinned up three containers using docker-compose and they show fine using docker ps. CONTAINER ID ...
Philipp's user avatar
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Open server port 80 and redirect to container IP

I'm not an heavy user of unix based systems. And I have some trouble opening a server's port (80) to the public and redirect it to a running container. So basically, I have a running container on a ...
Cromm's user avatar
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Docker daemon fail to run 'MASQUERADE': No such file or directory

I have some issue to install and run the docker daemon on Ubuntu 21.04. During the install of the packages I am getting this bit of fail message : Job for docker.service failed because the control ...
SuperMarco's user avatar
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How do I open ports 443 and 8080 on a virtual Ubuntu Server 20.04.3?

I am running Ubuntu 20.04.3 server as a virtual server. My virtual server was virtualized with VMware and the delivery was automatic. I'm going to set it to use outline and I have to open ports 443 ...
pezhman masoumi's user avatar
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help with dns name conflict vpn and docker

I need to access an url via VPN, ( but seems it is conflicting with an docker route ( ~$ ping PING (127.0.0....
Bruno Colaço's user avatar
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Docker iptables seems to limit upload speed in Ubuntu 20.04

I faced the following issue: Docker itself create some iptables default rules. Once they are applied, my upload speed get slowed down to 500 mbit. Once I reinstall iptables to clear the rules, it get ...
mrv1337's user avatar
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How can I restart iptables in Ubuntu 20.04?

To manage my firewall I use ufw. But Docker modifies itpables rules directly. I'm trying to do some testing to see what the effect of setting "iptables": false in /etc/docker/daemon.json, ...
bmaupin's user avatar
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Configuring ubuntu as router

I have a device which sends meter data to its maker site, using the MQTT protocol. I intend to capture this information, routing it to my ubuntu PC, where I have setup a docker container with RabbitMQ ...
Luis's user avatar
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L2TP VPN connected but no traffic / not working

I'm using Kubuntu 20.04 and having issues with L2TP VPN By the way it was working fine up until today, would connect and all traffic was fine. Now the VPN connects but I cant do anything.. even www....
Storms786's user avatar
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On new linux kernel 5.8rc7 in Ubuntu 20 docker will not start

I have installed the new Linux kernel 5.8rc (not stable) using the mainline installer. Almost everything I tested worked fine except for Docker which would not start. Looking at the logs the issue ...
Gellweiler's user avatar
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No SSH access after accidentally denied ssh in ufw/iptables on Snappy Ubuntu Core

I´m running Snappy Ubuntu Core 18.04 on Intel Nuc, located on other location then where I live permanently. Now I have accidentally denied SSH in iptables with use of ufw and SSH connection is not ...
Ismar Slomic's user avatar
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Facing problem in forwarding traffic on port 2222 to docker :22

None of the below commands works please help! sudo iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -d -p tcp --dport 2222 -j DNAT --to-destination sudo iptables -A DOCKER ! -i docker0 -o ...
Vishvendra Singh's user avatar
3 votes
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Port is closed for outside connections

I have an instance with docker. One docker container listens for 9017 port but it is not available by public ip. I disabled ufw and cleared iptables. root@docker-1gb-fra1-01:/home# ufw disable ...
4ybaka's user avatar
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Two network cards - block port on one of them

I have two NICs eno1 (ip: and eno2 ( I also have a service on a specific port (lets say 8888) running. I want to allow traffic over eno1 to that service, but want to drop ...
kiltek's user avatar
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Ubuntu 16.04. Iptables on postrouting do not recognize docker0 bridge

Help please. Iptables on POSTROUTING do not recognize docker0 bridge. May be there is some other issue, but seems that the packets not go thru the rules in which docker bridge is source of the ...
bojack's user avatar
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4 votes
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Docker Transparent Squid Proxy

I am trying to run a squid3 transparent proxy in a docker image, on my laptop. Then on the same laptop I want to use the transparent proxy. The reason for the proxy is to abstract a corporate proxy ...
ex0b1t's user avatar
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Forwarding interfaces inside a docker container

I have created a docker container executing the following command docker run -it --net=none --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --name firewall ubuntu /bin/bash after I have attached it two interfaces eth0 and eth1....
Mazzy's user avatar
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What are the IP addresses in my iptables chain FORWARD settings in a Dokku/docker setup?

I've been playing around with Dokku on DigitalOcean (following this guide) and I'm trying to understand current firewall settings. So here's my setup: Ubuntu 14.04 Dokku Docker (as part of Dokku) ...
Rob's user avatar
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