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Questions tagged [ipsec]

Internet Protocol Security (IPsec)

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30 votes
2 answers

Where to add the Pre-Shared Key for the Server Authentication with Network Manager for L2TP/IPSEC?

Previously, I was trying to figure out how to install the L2TP/IPSEC manager code. I guess Ubuntu/Canonical switched away from OpenSwan to StrongSwan, but didn't really announce it. So that was ...
Pretzel's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

VPN L2TP/IPSec client on Ubuntu 16.04 VPN service failed to start

On Ubuntu 16.04, I've already followed a couple of tutorials to rebuild network-manager, also installed via apt-get install network-manager-l2tp network-manager-l2tp-gnome. It was working until ...
Fabiano's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

What am I doing wrong with racoon on ubuntu precise?

I have a working racoon ipsec vpn setup on an ubuntu lucid server. To set it up, I just did an apt-get on the ipsectools package and configured the racoon.conf file. If I take the exact same steps, ...
simon's user avatar
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9 votes
4 answers

L2TP / IPSec failing to connect (Kubuntu 17.10)

I'm trying to connect to the corporate VPN from Kubuntu 17.10. I have network-manager-l2tp installed (version 1.2.8). The output I'm getting: Nov 28 17:20:48 T460 NetworkManager[667]: initiating Main ...
Vanessa Deagan's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

VPN to office without routing all internet traffic

I'm using the Gnome Network manager to connect to my office VPN. It's using StrongSwan IPSec. It connects fine, but all my internet traffic is routed through the office. I don't want this, I only ...
psiphi75's user avatar
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7 votes
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Is L2TP over IPsec possible in Ubuntu 16.04 LTS?

I am trying to connect to a VPN via L2TP over IPsec in Ubuntu 16.04. I know a small handful of posts here and bug reports have begun to document this issue, but I believe my experience, if somewhat ...
Karl's user avatar
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6 votes
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Unable to connect L2TP IPSec VPN from ubuntu 16.04 [duplicate]

I am trying to connect L2TP IPSec VPN connection from my Ubuntu 16.04 laptop. Every time I am facing same error since the same credentials working properly to connect VPNs server from any windows ...
Pratip Ghosh's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

L2TP IPsec VPN client on Ubuntu Desktop 16.04 [closed]

I try to setup a vpn client on my ubuntu desktop. I know that some packet are now deprecated and not supported in 16.04. I've tried to run sudo apt-get install strongswan network-manager-strongswan ...
0x1gene's user avatar
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5 votes
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Openswan's ipsec verify fails on "Two or more interfaces found, checking IP forwarding"

I'm trying to set an L2TP/IPsec VPN. I have installed openswan from the repository on Ubuntu 13.04 Section: universe/net Architecture: amd64 Version: 1:2.6.38-1 and configured it following the ...
Damn Terminal's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to setup Strongswan to auth to LDAP?

I'm trying to create an L2TP/IPSEC VPN server in 20.04 that uses LDAP for user authentication. I'm assuming Strongswan does this. Where, in Strongswan or other configs would I add the LDAP server info?...
Chemdream's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

VPN between Ubuntu server (14.04.1 LTS ) AND Cisco ASA 5510

I have an Ubuntu server (14.04.1 LTS ) that should connect to a Cisco ASA 5510 (Adaptive Security Appliance). I have tried - to use Racoon without any success. Not even phase 1 is successful. The ...
mwangi's user avatar
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1 answer

Juju action requirement missing. Why?

I'm having a lot of trouble with passing the required parameters to a Juju Action. This is the contents of my actions.yaml: create-root-cert: description: "Generate a Root CA Certificate" params: ...
benileo's user avatar
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18.04 VPN l2tp issue - connects but no access to resources

My network setup is somewhat complex, so let's explain it. But first keep in mind that everything works perfectly with ubuntu 16.04, nixOs, several flavours of Arch based distribs, and windows 10. ...
squalou's user avatar
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2 answers

how do I connect to a VPN with ipsec?

I created a config file for my FritzBox 7390 after this german tutorial Now I want to configure my Network-Manager but there is no option for ipsec. Do I need additional packages? I tried to ...
rubo77's user avatar
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Running ipsec start failed on Ubuntu 20.04 in WSL2

I set up a VPN connection to my office's network using StrongSwan. This is on Ubuntu 20.04, running on WSL2 with Windows 10 host. The Steps The following is the complete steps that I did. Install: ...
Iqbal Farabi's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Creating TUN device for IPSEC

Is it possible to create a separate device (like tun made by openvpn) for ipsec? If yes how can I do it?
bonzi's user avatar
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Module xfrm_user is in use

I've installed Openswan in Ubuntu 14.04 using sudo apt-get install l2tp-ipsec-vpn Upon configuration for accessing my client VPN network (every time I had to change the password as it is dynamic), I ...
Manoj Paul's user avatar
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L2TP/IPsec NetworkManager plugin using only username, password and PSK

I've Googled around and found three GUI methods to configure L2TP/IPsec VPN (the last of which is not a NM plugin, but a standalone program): network-manager-l2tp I'd have preferred to use this even ...
Oxwivi's user avatar
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IPsec & cypharing algorithm Linux Ubuntu

What is the package that contain the implementation of IPsec and what is the package that contain the implementation of cypher algorithms that IPsec uses for enctiption?
Ahmad Darwish's user avatar
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apt source pulling old packages

I am trying to pull the source files from an apt repo sudo apt source strongswan This pulls down version 5.6.2. However on the ubuntu 20.04 focal page, it shows 5.8.2-1. Why is this version not being ...
Dave's user avatar
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L2TP IPSEC VPN cannot connect Ubuntu 18.04 Strongswan - PAP authentication failed

I'm trying to connect to a VPN server and it's not working. Output from tail -f /var/log/syslog | grep -E "pppd|charon|NetworkManager|strongSwan|ipsec|l2tp" NetworkManager[22546]: <info&...
Jonathan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Ordering of Interface Configuration with systemd-networkd

I'm using Ubuntu 20.04, with systemd-networkd and Netplan. I have two physical interfaces (ens3 and ens4) which are configured by DHCP (with reservations, so I always get the same addresses). ...
Ralph Bolton's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

How to set up L2TP client on Ubuntu 18.04?

I set up my system according to a tutorial I found on the Internet. I basically installed the necessary dependencies: sudo apt install network-manager sudo apt install network-manager-l2tp sudo apt ...
Michal B.'s user avatar
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How do you connect to VPN with IKEV2 with EAP-TLS authentication on Ubuntu 16.0.4?

I've recently received three files called: vpn-host-certificate.cer company-ca-certificate.cer me.p12 My work environment is Ubuntu 16.0.4. It has been requested that I connect to a VPN that is ...
Joseph Casey's user avatar
2 votes
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UFW keep blocking IPsec

I'm trying to run ikev2 VPN server on Ubuntu 16. UFW list contains: To Action From -- ------ ---- Anywhere DENY 69....
apatsekin's user avatar
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What's a good ipsec client for ubuntu 15.10?

What's a good ipsec client for ubuntu 15.10? The vpn server is libreswan l2tp. The vpnc client for mac/windows connects on 'main' mode but vpnc is forcing 'aggressive' mode. Is it possible to turn ...
roy's user avatar
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How do I connect to an L2TP IPSec VPN using a PSK on 15.04?

I've installed StrongSwan and the network manager helper and I have the options in the applet for VPN, but it only supports certificate configuration, not PSK entry. I've tried to add the PSK into ...
kevpatts's user avatar
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L2TP/IPSec VPN configuration for Ubuntu 13.10 Desktop

My first question here, and I hope someone can help me out. I manage an Astaro/Sophos ASG220 UTM9 fw 9.106-17, and I have an L2TP\IPSec VPN object configured using a pre-shared key for authentication....
user243286's user avatar
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how to connect to ipsec VPN using Ubuntu 13.10

I used L2TP IPsec VPN Manager until upgrading to 13.10 It worked previously. But now it does not work. The ipsec server (Fortigate firewall, logs everything as just fine, then says the client ...
user105939's user avatar
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4 answers

OpenVPN vs. IPSec - which one is faster for tunneling?

Complexity of installation of IPSec is not an issue. I would like to know which one will provide a faster connection for tunneling.
bonzi's user avatar
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Why do I get permission denied error when configuring IPsec on Ubuntu?

When I try to edit the ipsec tools I get the permission denied error. $ /etc/ipsec.conf bash: /etc/ipsec.conf:permission denied. How can I solve this problem?
nina's user avatar
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strongSwan 5.1.2 on Ubuntu Trusty (14.0.4) and AppArmor

I've configured VPN on Ubuntu Trusty with strongSwan 5.1.2 and connections are OK. Daemon is running as root. But when i execute any stroke command via ipsec wrapper in Bash (root connection), it ...
EOLE team's user avatar
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strongMan: /var/run/charon.vici doesn't exist

I was trying to use strongMan to configure strongswan vpn connection. However I encountered the following error: /var/run/charon.vici doesn't exist I have installed strongswan and strongswan-charon ...
wcyat's user avatar
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IPSEC VPN client inside Docker container (Ubuntu)

I want to run IPSEC VPN client inside a Ubuntu docker container, I have install strongswan and all the neccessary packages required for an ipsec client, but the problem arises when i start the ...
Saad's user avatar
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Accidentally deleted the ipsec.conf file - what to do now?

While trying to setup my L2TP/IPSec VPN with strongswan and the network-manager-l2tp on Ubuntu 17.10 I accidentally deleted the ipsec.conf file from /etc. Reinstalling strongswan didn't help to ...
apitsch's user avatar
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Setting up ipsec/l2tp/psk VPN

I am having a hard time getting a VPN setup - can someone point me in the right direction? I am connecting to a fortigate firewall and need l2tp/ipsec/psk support - im using ubuntu studio 14.04
gingamann's user avatar
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Connecting to IPSec IKEv2 VPN from CLI

I have set up an IPSec VPN on an AWS ec2 instance following this The VPN works fine I am able to connect to it from my Phone and Laptops ( Android, Windows, ...
Rohit's user avatar
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Problem with L2TP IPSec VPN from ubuntu 22.04 [duplicate]

I have to connect to a VPN L2TP/Ipsec Under Ubuntu 18.04, I used: IPsec Tunnel to L2TP Server - yes Phase1 = 3des-sha1-modp1024! Phase2 = 3des-sha1! Force UDP encapsulation I have installed Ubuntu 22....
pinguino's user avatar
1 vote
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nmcli not showing connection

I imported L2TP/IPsec VPN connection configuration file from Ubuntu mate 20.04 /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/ to Ubuntu server 20.04 Next, on the Ubuntu server 20.04 PC, I check the nmcli ...
epx's user avatar
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2 answers

Netplan and Ipsec - tell netplan to leave interface alone?

I'm trying to use Strongswan to create an Ipsec tunnel on a server with Netplan. Netplan has currently no configuration for the tunnel1 and tunnel2 interfaces that Ipsec brings up when the tunnels are ...
Ralph Bolton's user avatar
1 vote
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L2TP / IPSec failing to connect (Ubuntu 19.10)

On ubuntu 18.04 LTE VPN connection works properly, but on 19.10 I got: hidden@hidden:~$ tail -f /var/log/syslog hidden NetworkManager[862]: <info> [1574066091.0450] audit: op="connection-...
PMV's user avatar
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18.04 L2TP VPN Config - what am I missing?

I've been trying to get an Ubuntu laptop to connect to our L2TP VPN server, I have tried using both 18.04 and 19.04, following a couple of tutorials which basically amounted to installing network-...
canezar's user avatar
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l2tp vpn Ubuntu 22.04

I've gotten a new laptop and upgraded to 22.04, but I can no longer seem to get the l2tp/ip-sec VPN required for my job working anymore. I'm using the Gnome NetworkManager to configure this (just like ...
cmwarre's user avatar
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isakmp / ike not listening on port 500

I just updated to 20.04 LTS, and installed the strongswan things. I copied a configuration that works on a Debian 10 system (and made some changes to reflect this system). When I do "ipsec ...
Kobodjo's user avatar
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How to set up L2TP client on Ubuntu 20.04?

I did the basics dependencies sudo apt install network-manager sudo apt install network-manager-l2tp sudo apt install network-manager-strongswan But I have a lot of questions: Which IP I should put ...
elton dev's user avatar
1 vote
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Why is DH20 not correctly negotiated with remote host when establishing an IPSec tunnel?

Trying to connect a computer to a VPN server configured this way : Router# show isakmp policy ISAKMP policy: L2TP_VPN IKD_ID: 8 negotiation mode: main proposal: 1 encryption: aes256 ...
Zulgrib's user avatar
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L2TP/IPSEC Client configuration Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

I am trying to setup an IPSEC/L2TP client VPN configuration on a Ubuntu 18.04 using Strongswan and xl2tpd. I have no control over the server side configuration. UPDATE & Partial Resolution The ...
Rvl's user avatar
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Route traffic outside L2TP IPSEC VPN on Ubuntu 18.04 client

When connecting to websites like Netflix and Stadia I would like to route the traffic outside the VPN I have setup to connect to my office. It is a L2TP IPSEC VPN setup through NetworkManager on ...
Skillzore's user avatar
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Manage configured ipsec VPN with NetworkManager

I configured a strongswan VPN natively by editing /etc/ipsec.conf and /etc/secrets.conf under Ubuntu 18.04. I can now successfully establish the connections with: sudo ipsec up profile However, that ...
highsciguy's user avatar
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How to use an IP address to connect multiple clients to the L2TP/IPSec Linux server?

At home, I use a modem to connect to the Internet. All mobile phones on the Internet are viewed with an ip address.(NAT) I have a VPS Server. I installed L2TP/IPsec service on it. It works well. But ...
Jb Jb's user avatar
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