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2 answers

How to open an image with a flatpak image viewer application using terminal commands?

I'm using Ubuntu 21.10 and uninstalled the GNOME's default image viewer (eog). I installed the gThumb image viewer flatpak app instead. What i want to achieve - What terminal commands should i use to ...
skekmal's user avatar
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How do I zoom 200% in feh without having to use fullscreen?

This works: feh --zoom 200 --full-screen picturius.png I need the same without full-screen: feh --zoom 200 picturius.png # this does not work Have you an idea where I am wrong?
xerostomus's user avatar
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Slow Image Opening with xdg-open/ eog in Folder of many Files

I am using Ubuntu 20.04 and I have a folder with many .png and .json files (+100k in total, no sub-folder within the folder). When I tried to open one of its .png images with xdg-open abc.png or eog ...
alexwh's user avatar
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How Open Specific Part of .png Figure in Ubuntu's Terminal?

Situation: start browsing of the figures at width 1:960 and height full in Terminal Motivation: Ubuntu's default image viewer opens the figure at full width and full height, making the browsing of ...
Léo Léopold Hertz 준영's user avatar
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2 answers

Simple dumb image viewer, with CLI access

I am looking for a simple, dumb image viewing program, something that I can fire up from the command line. Ideally this would be xv (is this available for Ubuntu 14.04?). I just need something that ...
Robert Heller's user avatar
241 votes
16 answers

How do I make my terminal display graphical pictures?

This is a quick mockup I copy and pasted together. I imagine this being super cool and useful. Does something like this exist already?
Dennkster's user avatar
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