I want to simulate NAT network mode of virtual machines without using any vm-specific tools. The detailed goals are the following:

  • The VMs have internal network IP
  • The physical nic eno1 has IP
  • The VM can access to internet
  • The internet can access VM with port binding (i.e. ->

To make it easier, we can use veth peers to simulate VM's TAP instead of actually set up a VM.

So the network I set up is:

# Create internal bridge my-bridge
ip link add my-bridge type bridge
ip link set dev my-bridge up

# Create a veth peer, my-guestb connected to my-bridge, vpx-guesta has IP
ip link add my-guesta type veth peer name my-guestb
ip link set my-guestb master my-bridge
ip addr add dev my-guesta
ip link set dev my-guesta up
ip link set dev my-guestb up

Since now, it is obvious that we cannot ping internet from vpx-guesta.

I read a loooot of blogs about how to make a NAT in ubuntu, but nothing work. The things I done were:

iptables -F
iptables -t nat -F
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o eno1 MASQUERADE
iptables -A FORWARD -i eno1 -o my-guesta -m state --state RELATED,ESTABLISHED -j ACCEPT
iptables -A FORWARD -i my-guesta -o eno1 -j ACCEPT

By doing so, I want to ping internet from my-guesta, but it did not work.

Should I link eno1 to my-bridge? If so, how do I manage the IP and routing table? If not, what should I do?

  • Host: ubuntu 22.04
  • ip_forward is 1
  • accept_local for my-guesta is 1


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