
My ISP uses L2TP to provide Internet access. So I need L2TP to connect. On the other hand, I need access to install L2TP through that strange Linux online installing system. There is no L2TP out of the box. This is the very reason I haven't opted for Linux for many many years.


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  • 1
    FYI: Ubuntu developers do not usually read these questions. Your question is about L2TP: Please edit your question to explain the research you have done. A link to your ISP's instructions (suitably sanitized, if needed) would also be helpful. So would the release of Ubuntu you intend to use. Is it installed? Or are you using the LiveUSB to test your connection? Be aware that any help we provide will require you to learn and use the correct terminology for clear communication.
    – user535733
    Commented Jun 24 at 21:09
  • @user535733 I have tried a lot of ways since 2010. No L2TP out-of-the box. ISP only instructs how to connect on windows and gives the description of L2TP settings such as a gateway etc. Commented Jun 24 at 21:18
  • @user535733 I have tried a manually downloaded deb-package of xl2tpd but it also requires to install lotta dependencies where each dependency requires its own dependencies and so on, and manually downloading all those debs is a helluva mission. Commented Jun 24 at 21:25


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