I've been working with batches of JPEG 2000 (.jp2) files recently. This would be much more convenient if I had an image viewer capable of displaying JPEG 2000 images instead of having to convert them to TIF files to see their content.
From what I've seen, no image viewing or photo management software found in the Ubuntu 20.04 repositories supports JPEG 2000 files, presumably due to potential patent issues with the format. The version of GIMP provided in 20.04 is capable of natively opening JPEG 2000 files, but it's a full-blown image editor and not fast/convenient enough replacement for an image viewer.
What ways are there of getting a J2K-capable image viewer on Ubuntu 20.04.1? I'd like to avoid Snaps and unofficial PPAs if at all possible. I'm willing to build stuff from source if it's necessary (I'm assuming it will be in this situation), but would like to avoid having to also build a long list of dependencies. Building with only JPEG 2000 support would be OK too, since I'll probably set this viewer to only open .jp2 files.
I'm only interested in FOSS software.