I have a directory of jpg files that are scans of my handwritten notes. How do I convert them to a single pdf file that has the filenames as bookmarks?

(I eventually also want to add ocr. As mentioned online, we can convert the .jpg files to a .pdf using "img2pdf .jp --output combined.pdf", and then we can add ocr using "ocrmypdf combined.pdf combined_ocr.pdf". My question is mainly about how to also make sure the pdf file has bookmarks (created from filenames) so that the document is easy to navigate.)

  • pdftk allows to change/add bookmarks on the command line. Possibly, you may merge multiple PDF's and update their bookmarks into a merged PDF. Also Ghostscript works with pdfmarks: see unix.stackexchange.com/questions/17065/…
    – vanadium
    Commented Sep 22, 2021 at 10:37


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