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Questions tagged [gufw]

Graphical interface firewall based on Ubuntu Linux ufw.

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80 votes
5 answers

Why is the firewall disabled by default?

Why is ufw firewall included in Ubuntu, when it is not enabled and pre-configured by default? Most users don't even know it is there, because no GUI frontend is provided.
6205's user avatar
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How can I open a range of ports in ubuntu using (g)ufw

I have to open up a group of ports. Adding the single ports to (g)ufw was easy enough but I can't work out how to open the range 11200-11299. How do I do that?
Pieter Breed's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Precautionary security measures for a home user? (firewall, antivirus, etc)

I just recently made the switch from Windows to Ubuntu, and I'm just a little paranoid when it comes to security measures. I've looked around and from what I've read, security is not as big a concern ...
Shane's user avatar
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2 answers

Block internet if vpn connection drops

Trying to set up gufw so that it if my vpn connection drops, my computer won't be able to access the internet any more. My plan was to block all outgoing, but allow only a connection to the IP of my ...
jl354's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Does Ubuntu come with a firewall by default?

I have been told that Ubuntu comes with the firewall UFW. Is this true? Is there a GUI for it? If so, what is its name and where do I download? Is it possible for UFW to notify us (like in windows ...
LuC1F3R's user avatar
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gufw - rules listed in red and green. What do these colors mean

In the gufw rules table listing, some rules are printed in red and some in green. What is the meaning of these two colors?
Stephen Boston's user avatar
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4 answers

How can I use Firefox with Ubuntu firewall (gufw)?

I don't know how can I allow the permission for Firefox in the gufw firewall. Can someone help me please?
user188857's user avatar
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Ufw don't working ERROR: not enough args

I have installed ufw and gufw in Ubuntu 18.04 with XFce4.12 environment. I was exploring its configurations, then I looked for some tutorials to configure it and when I run sudo ufw it returns this to ...
Raul Delgado's user avatar
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Gufw doesn't show my current iptables rules

I bought a new machine, so, what I did was save my current iptables using iptables-save and imported the rules into the new machine with iptables-restore command. If I run iptables -L command in the ...
Nonox's user avatar
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3 answers

gufw on ubuntu 16.04 don't run

It doesn't run properly when I click and closes automatically.
Denis's user avatar
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firewall ufw is "enable and active" but gufw is off

question concerning the ufw firewall : sudo ufw enable returns Firewall is active and enabled on system startup sounds fine, but when i start gufw after reboot, it is still off what does that ...
riimzzai's user avatar
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Can gufw profiles be switched automatically?

In gufw, you can set up different profiles (home, office, ...) with different rules. This is cool, but: Is there a way to automatically select a profile, depending on the presence of a wifi access ...
alci's user avatar
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Do I need to allow incoming DHCP traffic?

I enabled gufw with it's default settings, deny incoming, allow outgoing. I haven't noticed any problems with usability, but I was told that I have to allow incoming UDP traffic from port 68. Do I ...
blimp1899's user avatar
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ufw-init errors out with Bad argument DROP

I don't know unfortunately when it stopped working, because I was using it as a fire and forget solution. Not so long ago I checked it with gufw and was stunned to realize my machine is naked. root@...
Csaba Toth's user avatar
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Firestarter vs gufw after 2018?

Firestarter was a package available through Debian that showed active connections (and a few other features which gufw does not have). You could observe the log of attempts to connect and create rules ...
sunwarr10r's user avatar
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UFW - How to make it easier and what are stealth ports can UFW have these? [closed]

Let me show u what I jusat wasted 2 hours doing: To Action From -- ------ ---- 22 REJECT Anywhere 23/tcp ...
P3nT3stLearner's user avatar
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How can I set up GUFW so that only firefox connects to the internet

I only want http, https and DNS to be open. I'm having troubles with setting up port ranges in the UFW GUI. How do I input configs into the feilds? Basically, something along the lines of this, but in ...
mloman's user avatar
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Is there a way to whitlist ip's and block everything else

So i'm running ubuntu on my vps. But the problem is that i have kids trying to figure out the password of the FTP connection and the VNC connection. (with succes). Now i want to ask is there a way to ...
Cyber_Star's user avatar
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UFW Settings - Application Integration [closed]

I have installed the Ubuntu system, and deny both incoming and outgoing ports loosing internet access. Now I want access only for my Firefox that I have installed separately from the Firefox website ...
Raman Sethi's user avatar
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Should I be using a firewall in Ubuntu? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why is the firewall disabled by default? I installed both gufw and Firestarter but I'm hesitant to activate one of them because I don't know too much about firewalls in ...
H3R3T1K's user avatar
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Is the firewall active or not?

I'm confused about the status of my firewall. Using the Ubuntu Software Center, I have installed Gufw. Problem: When the Firewall is locked, it looks like it's inactive. But when I unlock it, it's ...
user avatar
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I can't open gufw in Ubuntu 16.04

** ( WARNING **: Failed to load shared library '' referenced by the typelib: 無法開啟共用目的檔: 沒有此一檔案或目錄 /usr/share/gufw/gufw/view/ Warning: ...
JulianLai's user avatar
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2 answers

ClamAV and UFW on 18.04

I have loaded ClamAV: Ubuntu 18.04. Ran it and it found a bunch of junk that was deleted. I also installed ClamTK. My question is if I activate UFW (would prefer the GUI version) will it cause a ...
Rich Ramik's user avatar
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Add more applications to the Gufw drop down menu

I'm setting rules for ufw using the Gufw. In the preconfigured tab, there are applications which I can set to allow internet access. How can I add more applications to that list?
mloman's user avatar
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Firewall Public Network Security

I have seen that utilisation of a firewall when using a public network is recommended. So I install ufw and gufw and deny incoming connection and allow outcoming connection on all profiles. Is that ...
nicsense's user avatar
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What do colors in GUFW firewall report mean? [duplicate]

There are red and grey text in GUFW firewall report. I can't figure out what do they mean. Tried googling it up but best I could find was mention that there are "color codes" in report. Originally ...
Ashton's user avatar
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GUFW logging unclear

edit: after the first comment, I adapted the question When adding a rule in GUFW/Advanced there are three choices for logging. From the man ufw page/sectin LOGGING i learned do not log - log nothing ...
CatMan's user avatar
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Why do rules I create in graphic firewall (gufw) get deleted (force deleted)?

I used the graphic firewall in 18.04 to create rules for 3 services. At the time they were created, the rules were fine and the items accessible from other machines on my home network. The next day, ...
lonslo's user avatar
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Can't open 4444 port in gufw

I've added a SSH rule for adding 4444 port in my distro through gufw but when I run nmap -sV -A it shows : Starting Nmap 7.40 ( ) at 2017-04-25 11:30 IST Nmap scan ...
Random Raita's user avatar
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Gufw fails to control ufw

ufw is 0.34 gufw is 15.10.0 As title says it is not possible to control the active status of ufw through gufw: sudo ufw status Status: Inaktiv start gufw, enter root passwort to authenticate. ...
dr0bz's user avatar
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Gufw does not open in Ubuntu 14.04

I'm using Remote Desktop Manager to access another system which uses Ubuntu 14.04 with Xfce 4.10 desktop. I recently installed Gufw. When I click it from Application Menu\Systems, it does not open. ...
Majidak's user avatar
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Google Talk > Gufw set to Deny/Deny does BLOCK. Please help

I have my Ubuntu 12.04 Server. I installed Google Talk in it. I opened gufw, and set it to deny/deny and there are no allow rules. Now firefox wont connect to the internet which is good... But... ...
ipTables_Newbie1989's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

GUFW from desktop icon

I am trying to launch gufw from an icon on my desktop. Now gufw requires sudo to run. I found an application that did the same thing but for nautilus (
frepie's user avatar
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3 answers

GUFW not launching on Ubuntu 17.04

The authentication window pops-up but then I'm getting a bunch of errors (in the console) and nothing happens. Looked up similar issues on the Internet and tried the following: updating the OS ...
Maddak's user avatar
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1 answer

How to add Gufw to start up? [duplicate]

want to know because I am tired of just clicking on the launcher because I just leave my laptop on. Please help me. Thank You Pass does not apply When the program is activated
alireza jahani's user avatar
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GUFW for console?

I like the GUFW, but need something similar for console. I mean an interactive software without need to remember all the command line keys. Could you suggest one?
Paul's user avatar
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firewall is enable but gufw wont lauch

The firewall is enabled. But I can't launch gufw interface. sudo ufw status Status: active
kalpa's user avatar
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easy firewall ufw settings for a beginner coming from windows [duplicate]

I am used to firewall on windows. everything is allowed and new apps have to ask for permission. when I look at current connections in settings' firewall tab, only a few have program names associated ...
Usermaxn's user avatar
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Why can't I block an IP range with gufw?

I've been working on a solution to this for weeks, and I'm about to say screw it and write a python app that can actually block IP addresses, because so far nothing seems to work like it's supposed to....
Tcll's user avatar
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Why is this rule in Gufw, to prevent Firefox from communicating to a HTTP server, not working?

The rule I'm having problems with is the following: After setting it, I'm still able to use Firefox to connect to a HTTP server. Why is that rule not working? From what I understand, the reply of the ...
Jrg's user avatar
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setting up gufw via VNC

Suppose I am using Remmina to access vnc4server via this SSH tunnel: ssh -L 5901: user@remoteIp Then I install gufw. It has an on/off switch. As soon as I switch it on there are no ...
H2ONaCl's user avatar
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Skype Bypass UFW While Transmission Can't Even Open Port

I'm new to Linux. On Windows I'm used to have the firewall triggered automatically by an application and then I authorize whether or not to let the application access real world. Linux using UFW has ...
Royi's user avatar
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In my etc/gufw folder I have an app-profiles folder which contains many txt files such as "overkill.jahnsonxi" and "blood2.jhansonxi" I'd really appreciate someone explaining what these are. I've ...
hal_v's user avatar
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How can I change my firewall settings in dependency of my network environment?

I need ports open at home for syncthing, but want incoming connections blocked when on any other network. How do I do this with Ubuntu? Without this feature I quite often end up turning off the ...
Tim Abell's user avatar
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Are the Gufw default profiles empty?

I've just installed gufw on my notebook. I'm trying to setup my laptop with a very secure - roadwarrior - type of configuration. So the choices available in GUFW with a public, home and office profile ...
user215688's user avatar
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How do I activate Ip tables or UFW with ease. Also, use elevation to activate

How do I activate Ip tables or UFW with ease. Also, use elevation to activate. Further once active how to I block all unsolicited incoming coneections and yet allow all outgoing connections
JediMeetsLinux's user avatar