
I am getting lots of numbers and text error while turning on the my PC .

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  • 2
    Does the system boot up normally after this? If yes, then there's nothing wrong, you are just seeing the normal system startup sequence. On most hardware it's hidden during boot, but on some hardware it may be visible.
    – raj
    Commented 23 hours ago
  • Please include a screenshot of what you see, especially any error message. There is nothing to go on at this time. Commented 21 hours ago
  • And on the left side of each line, do you see green [ OK ] markings? If yes, especially if all of them are green then that would be totally normal. However, I note that you wrote "text error". It would be difficult to take a screenshot of that, but on Ubuntu 20.04 you do have an app called "Logs". After a successful boot, you can open this "Logs" app, chose the "Important" tab on the top left corner, and then make a screenshot of it and then you can add that to your question.
    – Levente
    Commented 21 hours ago


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