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Questions tagged [gdm]

GNOME Display Manager (GDM) is a program which provides Ubuntu GNOME's graphical login screen.

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Ubuntu 23.04 freeze at login screen after fn lock

I have basically clean install of latest Ubuntu 23.04 on my Lattitude laptop (no nvidia or proprietary drivers) And after a few days, it suddenly started to freeze right at login screen. Have to go to ...
user2201056's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04 Gnome VNC problem

I use tigervnc server, gnome, on ubuntu 20.04. The problem is, if I lock the screen from VNC viewer then I will never able to login again from VNC. I still can type the password, but even if I hit ...
Tivi's user avatar
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Upgrade from 20.04 to 22.04 fails, missing gdm-password file

I finally tried to upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 LTS to 22.04 LTS. Unfortunately, update manager fails to complete the process. When I run the update-manager manually I get the following error message: ...
ToniKH's user avatar
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Ubuntu 22.04 unable to boot to desktop, stuck at command-line login screen

Ubuntu 22.04 unable to boot to desktop, stuck at command-line login screen after I ran sudo update-initramfs -u and sudo systemctl set-default It only shows login terminal login ...
God of Money's user avatar
-1 votes
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How to move back from tty to GUI in ubuntu version 22.04

My ubuntu version is 22.04 LTS after running sudo apt autoremove many thing from my ubuntu remove like ubuntu terminal and other applications so i press ctrl alt F12 them tty terminal opened I ...
Maaz Mustafa's user avatar
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Inconsistant boot, hangs during, I think it's GPU related

Ubuntu 22.04.2 LTS Installed NVIDIA driver last week, haven't had problems until now. Boot hangs at different part of boot usually. ~ 1 in 6 attempts boots without issue. advanced booting into ...
nugai's user avatar
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Cannot log in to session after update with gdm3

I was running Regolith (an i3-based WM) with Ubuntu 22.10. I just updated my laptop to Ubuntu 23.04 using the do-release-upgrade. After booting, I could access the login session (which is GDM), but ...
Milo Moisson's user avatar
2 votes
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Updates to GNOME always cause breakage due to Smartcard settings not being available

So, this is a headache when you use Yubikeys or smartcards, but to disable Smartcard support in GUI, you have to remove it from the session environments. Unfortunately, this causes some headaches, as ...
Thomas Ward's user avatar
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no graphical login screen after boot into Ubuntu 22.04 following driver update

I have updated my nvidia driver to nvidia-driver-525-open using the GUI (which was marked as tested). After a reboot I no longer get a graphical login screen, just a blinking cursor. Using Ctrl+Alt+F4 ...
HBnet's user avatar
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How to dermine why a systemd service is not stopping on shutdown? (stop job is running)

Recently every time I shut down or reboot my laptop, it is slow to shut down, and shows the following message: A stop job is running for Session c1 of User gdm I tried several similar questions that ...
user000001's user avatar
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How to reset GDM3 configuration

I saw maybe on Reddit on r/Ubuntu or maybe on r/gnome about a Flatpak to customize the GDM/login/greeter. I installed it, took a look, and decided I was not very interested and just uninstalled it. It'...
Budius's user avatar
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Blank boot screen: Potential gdm3 package issue

I am running Ubuntu 20.04 on an offline machine. Recently the display port video output has stopped working and it just shows a blank screen with a flashing underscore in the top left corner. I can ...
PrematureCorn's user avatar
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Windows lose focus and appear behind desktop icons

On one of my machines I have a problem where the active windows lose focus and appear behind the desktop icons. Cf. screenshots. After playing with Alt-tab it's possible to get out of it, but it's not ...
rosch's user avatar
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Long pause after login using display manager

I have a strange problem with Ubuntu, that I never had before: when using GDM3 (or any other display manager I've tested) and Xorg, after logging in I have to wait for 5 or more minutes, until my ...
Igor Chubin's user avatar
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How to disable Wayland on multiple users

I am attempting to disable Wayland on 2 users at the same time on my machine so I could remote connect using TeamViewer. I tried setting sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf to WaylandEnable=false on both ...
Roy Shiloh's user avatar
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Xsession hangs in sudo edubuntu-langpack-installer

After an upgrade from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04, the graphical login stopped working. The display manager did not show up anymore. After some dpkg-reconfigure gdm3 and other things, that seems to work now ...
Albert's user avatar
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How can I resolve the error "installed gdm3 package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 10" [duplicate]

How can I resolve the package installation error of the gdm3 package? I got an error message whenever I install Debian packages by using apt; sudo dpkg --configure -a Setting up gdm3 (42.0-1ubuntu7) .....
ppk's user avatar
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What causes Automatic Suspend to fire up on Ubuntu 18.04?

I have Ubuntu 18.04 where X11 is implemented by Xorg using gdm3 as a login shell. I load to dconf following .ini file (in addition to Ubuntu 18.04 gdm3 defaults): # New added [org/gnome/control-center]...
ojacomarket's user avatar
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First user logs in using X11, switch user logs in using Wayland

I would like to use X11 for all user logins on my Ubuntu 22.04 setup so I uncommented WaylandEnable=false in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf. After a reboot, the first user logs in and echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE is ...
zakak's user avatar
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How to login to the Ubuntu (not GNOME) session on a remote server using xRDP?

I am using Ubuntu 22.04 running on a remote server, which I am accessing over xRDP. When I login, it seems to load the "GNOME on X.Org" (and not the Ubuntu) session. Since I am using RDP, I ...
Archisman Panigrahi's user avatar
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Login screen settings icon disappeared

So, I used to have a login settings icon on the login screen, which would show as you type your password. See the bottom right icon here: (mine use to have 2 entries, not 3.) I tried a Wayland ...
Bram's user avatar
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apport-autoreport.service loaded failed failed Process error reports when automatic reporting is enabled

OS Ubuntu 22.04.1 LTS Kernel 5.15.0-52-generic DE: GNOME 42.5 CPU: 11th Gen Intel i5-11300H (8) @ GPU: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Mobile Memory: 3173MiB / 15795MiB I am not ...
archerlinuxer's user avatar
7 votes
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Difference between F1 and F2 in Linux Consoles

I am using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. I was experimenting with the TTY consoles that are Ctrl+Fn+Alt+F3, F4, F5, and up. I noticed that F1 and F2 both seem to be the graphical desktop. F2 is the one that I ...
AlexFullinator's user avatar
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ctrl+alt+f1( or f2...) is a black screen. (Ubuntu20.04, Gnome, gdm3)

Ubuntu 20.04 LTS startup with gdm3 can normally show the login window. But, When I type ctrl+alt+f1( or f2...), the screen goes black. I'm a beginner. I've tried every "fix" I've found ...
Guojun's user avatar
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"Error: Can't open display: wayland-0" on 22.04/gdm3

I am building a new workstation environment on Ubuntu Server 22.04 and manually installing just the minimal desktop components necessary to manage a half dozen libvirt/QEMU/KVM virtual machines (where ...
Frobozz's user avatar
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Problem booting ubuntu after uninstalling KDE

Whenever I boot my ubuntu system it goes into tty mode, there is no gui. Every time I boot I have to use startx in tty to access my desktop. I installed KDE plasma a long time ago without deleting ...
Venkatesh B's user avatar
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Ubuntu Studio 22.04 Log-in screens pops up and then disappers

I have somewhat similar problem to Login page doesn't appear In my case sometimes, though not always, I can see the log-on-screen pop up for maybe 1 second and then I get a black screen with a ...
Marina Hildebrand's user avatar
5 votes
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Unable to use KDE desktop due to autologin

I recently moved from Windows to Ubuntu but now I want to use a different dekstop (KDE rather than GNOME). I installed KDE Plasma Desktop using the instructions here:
neahan's user avatar
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How does Ubuntu theme GDM?

I’ve checked a few things already. The file /usr/share/gnome-shell/gnome-shell-theme.gresource is stock GNOME. The directory /etc/gdm3/ contains no mention of “Yaru” or “theme” except for commented ...
schuelermine's user avatar
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Have to manually start gmd3 after installing and uninstalling KDE Plasma

Some months ago I installed KDE Plasma, didn't like it much and uninstalled it again. Now every time I start my laptop, a black screen comes up and asks for login name and password. After that I have ...
Büni's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04 fails to boot fully, "p link was shut down"

On Boot Screen Log: [ OK ] Sarted GNOME Display Manager. Dispatcher Service....proxy server...p link was shut down. OS: Ubuntu 18.04.6 (last 32-bit) Linux 4.15.0-176-generic Gnome: 3.28.2 I could ...
Zykrates's user avatar
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Solve "Something went wrong" error remotely

There are several similar questions about the annoying and useless "Oh no. Something went wrong" error message, but: no solutions worked for me (see below) I don't have a physical access to ...
Mark's user avatar
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How do I can manager and change and add anything(like : software) on a display manager like GDM before login user desktop?

Unfortunately, I could not get an answer, so I will ask my question again. Do the sound and keyboard settings, reset the operating system and the clock, as well as the various options of the desktop ...
hami zahedi's user avatar
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Cannot Refresh Snap Store (PID 1805)

I know Pending Update questions have been asked and answered, such as this one, which seems thorough enough to solve the problem. However, after running a Snap Store update from command line I ...
BellyGod's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04 stuck during boot with "Started User Manager for UID ..."

Hello everybody out there using Ubuntu, Booting Ubuntu 18.04 on a ThinkPad X230t (with Coreboot BIOS) used to work fine, but now it stops with the message [ OK ] Started GNOME Display Manager. [ OK ...
NicolasBourbaki's user avatar
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Close chrome gracefully on shutdown

I've noticed that my chrome doesn't close gracefully on a shutdown. I've tried several things to solve it, but it's still an issue. I found this command that works when running it manually: killall -2 ...
DeKleineKobini's user avatar
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Black screen with blinking cursor after install gnome on ubuntu 22.04

I try to connect with UltraVNC to my Ubuntu 22.04 GNOME Desktop envirement. I can login with SSH successfully to my server I have installed Gnome by commands: sudo apt install gnome-...
zabitstack's user avatar
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LTS22.04 - nVidia 515.65.01 enable wayland - proving impossible

I have migrated from Windows to Ubuntu on a Lenovo Legion 5 Pro laptop, I want to compare Wayland to X11 (scaling issues on my multi-monitor setup) but cannot get Wayland enabled. I've tried the two ...
Mark's user avatar
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gdm3 display manager always starts with qwerty even though i only have dvorak installed

I am using Ubuntu 22.04 (with i3). I added the Dvorak keyboard layout and removed qwerty. If I go to keyboard -> settings, I only have Dvorak as an option in Input Sources. HOWEVER, whenever I ...
quilted computer's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04: Can only boot in "Advanced options for Ubuntu" mode

I have a dual-boot with Ubuntu 18.04 and Windows 10, but I mainly use Ubuntu. When I boot my laptop and click in the default "Ubuntu", the screen goes black and does not boot. Going to "...
Jorge Garcia's user avatar
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Blank screen after boot on 22.04 with amdgpu

I'm having issues after upgrading from Ubuntu 20.04 to 22.04 on a Razer Blade 14 RZ09-0370. This laptop comes with an AMD 5900HX CPU with embedded graphics, which is the adapter I'm trying to use. ...
Peter Molnar's user avatar
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Prevent Ubuntu (GDM?) from locking when switching to another TTY

In TTY3 I use a simple window manager as my main working area, but sometimes I need to test stuff in a full Gnome environment, so I use it on TTY1, just as the default on a clean Ubuntu install. But ...
LoremIpsum's user avatar
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Fresh install takes ~10 seconds to unlock the desktop, how to fix or debug?

I've just installed Ubuntu 22.04 yesterday. After locking the desktop, then entering my password and pressing Enter, I have to wait for a couple seconds until the desktop unlocks. The UI is responsive ...
gronostaj's user avatar
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Move gdm to boot partition on another drive

I am currently trying to install Ubuntu 22.04 on an Acer Aspire Laptop which has a 14GB Nvme drive and a 1TB HDD drive installed. Current configuartion: The /boot/efi /boot and swap partition is ...
Freddi's user avatar
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GDM unable to start on RaspberryPi 4 with Ubuntu Server 22.04

I am trying to use Ubuntu Server 22.04 on a Raspberry Pi 4. I have installed the packages ubuntu-desktop-minimal and rebooted but I get no login screen on the Pi only a blinking dash. I have also ...
Baa's user avatar
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Ubuntu Budgie 22.04 disable users list

I've just installed the pretty Budgie 22.04 on my workstation. Users list comes from SSSD Ldap integration, but only local users show in login screen. I've tried various things to hide the users list (...
Franck Lefebure's user avatar
17 votes
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Ubuntu 22.04 won't wake after screen lock / screen dim

I have a fresh installation of Ubuntu 22.04 and it won't wake after screen lock. This is true for both, X11 and Wayland (also disabling Wayland for gdm3 doesn't help). System suspend works fine, only ...
Leszek's user avatar
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resizing snapped windows together with ubuntu

I want to be able to snap two windows together, then when I click on the border of the two windows and drag left or right, resize them as a whole, that is, if I resize the window on the left 50% ...
Geremy's user avatar
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When installing various desktop environments, how can one prevent user interactions requesting a selection of display managers like LightDM and GDM3? [duplicate]

I have a Bash setup script for Ubuntu. It is intended to be designed to minimise the user interactions needed to get to a fully set up system. In the script, there might be commands like the following:...
BlandCorporation's user avatar
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Cannot login second user after "switch user", but can if using Ctrl+Alt+F1

For at least a year or so I have had problems with the "switch user" function on Ubuntu. If I log in (whether as "user1" or "user2") and click "switch user" I ...
Stian Øby Johansen's user avatar

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