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Questions tagged [gdm]

GNOME Display Manager (GDM) is a program which provides Ubuntu GNOME's graphical login screen.

358 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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8 votes
1 answer

How to diagnose/stop gdm-x-session spamming syslog

[Note: this is similar to issue #418 in the gnome gitlab but it happens to me constantly and I'm not running Evolution. I filed this there too, but gnome 3.28.2 is no longer supported there.] I'm not ...
turix's user avatar
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GDM3 not starting, where are the log files?

I am trying to build my custom distro based on impish x86_64 using debootstrap. I am not using any display drivers, only the generic ones included in linux-image-generic. I use systemd-boot as a ...
lorinet3's user avatar
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6 votes
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Suspend does not work with gnome and gdm3 on 17.04

After upgrade to Ubuntu 17.04 and switch to gnome-desktop and gd3m the suspend does not work anymore. When try to suspend a black screen is displayed but in a fee seconds (1-2s) the login screen ...
rafrsr's user avatar
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6 votes
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Ubuntu 16.10 Mouse cursor stays in upper left corner

After crashing my Ubuntu 16.04 with installing nvidia drivers I installed Ubuntu 16.10 However my cursor is not moving anymore. It stays in the upper left corner. It is moving invisible (detected ...
Jonas Andre's user avatar
6 votes
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Fresh install takes ~10 seconds to unlock the desktop, how to fix or debug?

I've just installed Ubuntu 22.04 yesterday. After locking the desktop, then entering my password and pressing Enter, I have to wait for a couple seconds until the desktop unlocks. The UI is responsive ...
gronostaj's user avatar
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5 votes
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Default xsession for new users

How do I change the default xsession for new users which will be added to the system in the future? I know I can change the last/default session for an existing user by editing the setting XSession= ...
Pogoattack's user avatar
5 votes
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How to keep dual monitor setting after reboot (with gnome, gdm, wayland)

I would like to recover my previous monitors configuration when my computer boots with an external monitor plugged in. It works out of the box with lightdm, gnome, and X session, it's not the case ...
mxdsp's user avatar
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How to dermine why a systemd service is not stopping on shutdown? (stop job is running)

Recently every time I shut down or reboot my laptop, it is slow to shut down, and shows the following message: A stop job is running for Session c1 of User gdm I tried several similar questions that ...
user000001's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04 GDM increments pam_tally without password input

I have an Ubuntu 20.04 machine with slightly modified common-auth and common-password files to lock the user out for 10 minutes if an incorrect password is tried 10 times. This works fine in the ...
drcomputer's user avatar
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System-wide x11vnc for GDM on 20.04

I'm trying to setup system-wide x11vnc so even if no users are logged in, I can remotely connect and start a Gnome session. I followed this tutorial on the Arch Linux wiki as it seemed to mirror ...
Mattias B.'s user avatar
4 votes
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GDM3 disable specific users

Ubuntu 19.04 In gdm3 there is no /etc/gdm3/gdm.schema Also there is no Exclude key in /usr/share/gdm/gdm.schemas Also adding: [greeter] Exclude=targetuser ... in /etc/gdm3/custom.conf has no ...
Simply  Seth's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

HiDPI monitor and window resize after lock

Edit: I have just realized, the same resizing happens if I maximize a window and then restore it, but only in nautilus, and not in evince/gedit. Ever since I started using Bionic, I've had the ...
Jonathan Y.'s user avatar
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Caps lock indicator for Ubuntu 18.04 lock screen and login screen?

My laptop does not have a led or anything to show whether the caps lock is on or not, and while Kubuntu warns you on the lockscreen about whether your caps lock is on or not, Ubuntu seems to lack it. ...
Ashen Paladin's user avatar
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Capture screenshot of login screen in Ubuntu 17.10

How can I capture a screenshot of the login screen (GDM) in Ubuntu 17.10? Previous answers to questions such as How can I take a screenshot of the login screen? do not apply to Ubuntu 17.10 because ...
Merlijn Sebrechts's user avatar
4 votes
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User switching broken in 14.04

I just upgraded to 14.04. I have an nVidia graphics card and am using the nVidia driver (proprietary, tested). I am using gdm as I don't light the look of lightdm (also, I have two monitors and it ...
user234017's user avatar
4 votes
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How to end X session?

Is there a generic way to orderly end X session regardless of display mangager or window manager? More specifically, I use different windows managers for different users, and after reboot one user ...
Rumca's user avatar
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3 votes
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Cannot login second user after "switch user", but can if using Ctrl+Alt+F1

For at least a year or so I have had problems with the "switch user" function on Ubuntu. If I log in (whether as "user1" or "user2") and click "switch user" I ...
Stian Øby Johansen's user avatar
3 votes
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Ubuntu 20.04.1 LTS - Mouse removed and added intermittently

update: The same problem occurs in 20.10 with kernel 5.8. I'm having a mouse hiccup that comes and goes where the mouse becomes unresponsive where the device is deleted and added again by UDEV. See ...
bol's user avatar
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Ubuntu 18.04 crashes with EXT4-fs error and systemd-journald

Oct 22 Update: I changed my SSD two weeks ago from LITEON CV3-8D256 to Samsung 970 Evo Plus, and the problem described below hasn't happened since then. I suspect the problem was due to the ...
Simon's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04 XDG_SEAT, XDG_VTNR, XDG_SESSION_ID env variables are not set

I set up and installed Ubuntu 20.04 using debootstrap method debootstrap --arch=amd64 --variant=buildd focal ./focal_amd64 then installed all the rest. It runs ...
kenn's user avatar
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4 seconds delay when switching to another TTY

After pressing Ctrl+Alt+F? to switch to another TTY (both graphical or not) I get a 3-4 seconds delay where I still see the "old" TTY before the screen switches (which is then almost instant). In ...
pLumo's user avatar
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19.04 gnome session login after blank screen - is it impossible without mouse?

Since 19.04, there seems to be a problem logging into to a gnome session using the keyboard only, after returning from a blank screen. None of the fields will have focus. What I want: using the ...
qbit's user avatar
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Overcoming black text and blank screens between plymouth and gdm-login boot stages

In Ubuntu 18.04.2, I would like to show a consistent background image from the start of Grub2 to the appearance of the GDM login screen. I have customized the ubuntu-logo plymouth theme to show the ...
Sun Bear's user avatar
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18.04 Switch users stops working after a while

After a reboot, I am generally able to switch users, and this works for a while. However, after some time the switch user option returns me to the password dialogue for the current user, and clicking ...
crafter's user avatar
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Desktop session crashes when resuming from standby

I'm having this issue since Ubuntu 17.10, now I'm using 18.04. When I suspend my laptop and leave it sleeping for a few hours, then when I try to resume it the desktop session crashes and the X ...
jack008's user avatar
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3 answers

Blank screen with only mouse cursor (Ubuntu 18.04)

So, I've been experiencing this issue lately. I'm on Ubuntu 18.04, GDM/Gnome, default Ubuntu desktop. My graphics driver is nvidia-390 from the graphics-drivers PPA. My graphics card is a GeForce GTX ...
xuq01's user avatar
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1 answer

Remove Default gnome session from Ubuntu 18.04

I am not a fan of gnome and just felt that I don't need it in my Ubuntu 18.04 installation. What is the correct way to uninstall it from my system. I have ran the command sudo apt remove ubuntu-...
user avatar
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Purple flash when logging in

I am using the same background image for both my GDM background and my gnome wallpaper. However, when I log in, I see a purple splash. I have no clue where this splash comes from. Video Where does ...
Remco Haszing's user avatar
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Cannot login using Gnome after upgrade from 16.04 to 17.10

I am getting a login loop after upgrading from 16.04 to 17.10. At the login screen, I can enter my password and hit enter. Screen goes black for about 2 seconds and then I am back where I started. ...
Finbaz's user avatar
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How to change the time to change to a black screen during the login prompt

Is there a way to change the timeout to change to a black screen during the login prompt? As it is, whenever I open up the laptop and resume from suspend, after pressing a key, the login screen ...
user8814's user avatar
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ubuntu 17.04 cant repeat login screen trying to login to gnome but can login lubuntu environent

I installed ubuntu 17.04 from 16.04 and restarted. Afterwards I got the low graphics mode screen. After some playing around I was able to get a graphical login screen (low res) but when trying to ...
dmnte's user avatar
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How to change resolution of the GDM login screen?

I'm using Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 on a retina display, and I have everything scaled and looking great, except for the login screen which is super tiny. I figured out how to set the scaling factor to 2 (in /...
ffxsam's user avatar
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2 answers

Can't switch from Unity to Gnome using gear icon

I have recently installed ubuntu-desktop/unity and gnome on my machine. When login prompts, I click on gear icon to switch to gnome environment but what I get is a hanged screen;on pressing Enter, ...
Abhiroj Panwar's user avatar
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Why does Ubuntu 16.04.2 run two Xorg instances?

I'm trying to track down some crashes with an NVIDIA GTX 750 Ti (but that's a question I'll ask later). In doing so, I noticed that Ubuntu is running two Xorg instances: the one I normally use on ...
namronb's user avatar
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Ubuntu Login bounce back

Disclaimer: I have tried the existing answers to various questions already. None of them worked. Problem: When I Login to Ubuntu 14.04 via GUI, I'm redirected to the Login page again. ...
Jithin Pavithran's user avatar
3 votes
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Can I apply a GTK+ theme to the latest version of GDM? if so, how? (specific to ubuntu 16.04)

I installed Ubuntu GNOME 16.04 LTS and I'm having trouble trying to figure out how to apply a GTK theme to GDM. In my searches for an answer I have seen a couple of times that GDM has discontinued ...
Christen Edmundson's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

New windows open below visible one

Every time a new window is opened, gnome likes to force it below the current one so I have to go to the taskbar and restore it. I can tolerate a lot of stuff but I open new windows way too often (...
Deryck's user avatar
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Display issue on remote machine using GDM X11

I am remotely logging into an Ubuntu machine through SSH(MobaXterm) using Gnome desktop remote environment from my Windows PC. I am having trouble with one of our video applications in displaying ...
Karthika's user avatar
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How to make gnome-shell the default GUI in ubuntu-builder?

I'm making my own distro with Ubuntu builder and I want to make Gnome-shell the main GUI. I tried many things like removing Unity and using GDM and a whole bunch of other things but I keep getting a ...
Neo's user avatar
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Problems with both LightDM and GDM using DisplayLink USB monitor

When I use LightDM, it will auto-login to desktop just fine. The only problem is Compiz doesn't work, and menus don't work. I can't right-click the desktop, and I can't select program menus in the top ...
Austin's user avatar
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X keeps restarting without getting to login screen

I am running Ubuntu 13.10 in my PC. Two days ago, oneconf crashed while I was working and I had to restart the computer. Since then, I haven't been able to go past the black screen to the login screen,...
Atul Narayan's user avatar
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gdm-x-session syslog spam

We upgraded to Ubuntu 22.04 from 16.04 sometime ago, ever since upgrading, I noticed a peculiar issue. Our syslog is completely spammed every second or so, by gdm-x-session with the following ...
JosefLintz's user avatar
2 votes
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22.04 - GDM Shell crashes (occasionally) after login

How would I diagnose a GDM crash after login. I can still SSH into the machine and I've been "fixing" broken shell session with: $ sudo systemctl stop gdm $ sudo systemctl start gdm What ...
Andor Kiss's user avatar
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How can I simulate unplugging a monitor's HDMI cable and plugging it back in?

This question is not about how to fix my system to work as it should. If you want to answer that question, see my prior question. In order to get my three monitor system to work I have to physically ...
James Bowery's user avatar
2 votes
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Ubuntu 20.04 Gnome VNC problem

I use tigervnc server, gnome, on ubuntu 20.04. The problem is, if I lock the screen from VNC viewer then I will never able to login again from VNC. I still can type the password, but even if I hit ...
Tivi's user avatar
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How to disable Wayland on multiple users

I am attempting to disable Wayland on 2 users at the same time on my machine so I could remote connect using TeamViewer. I tried setting sudo nano /etc/gdm3/custom.conf to WaylandEnable=false on both ...
Roy Shiloh's user avatar
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Login screen settings icon disappeared

So, I used to have a login settings icon on the login screen, which would show as you type your password. See the bottom right icon here: (mine use to have 2 entries, not 3.) I tried a Wayland ...
Bram's user avatar
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Active Directory SSSD - Change Password on GDM login Screen

Looking to see if I can expand the capabilities of the SSSD/AD system with GDM, or SDDM. We want users to be able to change their Active Directory password through our Ubuntu machines, if their ...
Michael Power's user avatar
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Purple screen after upgrading to Ubuntu 21.10

Couldn't log in because the gdm3 login screen has no password field, see screenshot: The unability to switch from current session to the TTY3 text console (Ctrl+Alt+F4 or F3 didn't work here) forced ...
pra_esepe's user avatar
2 votes
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Why does list of sessions types change when I switch user

When I log in with an user I have the following list Gnome Gnome classique Ubuntu But if I switch user, I have this list Gnome Gnome classique Gnome on Wayland Ubuntu Ubuntu On Wayland Whereas I ...
houlouk's user avatar
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