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1 answer

How to fix cursed machine with broken recovery mode and broken GNOME

Recovery mode shows a screen that apparently can't find dpkg/apt/any coreutil executables: here, GNOME crashes after login attempt with correct password, systemctl status gdm shows: Nov 02 16:38:19 (...
Averse ABFun's user avatar
-1 votes
1 answer

How to move back from tty to GUI in ubuntu version 22.04

My ubuntu version is 22.04 LTS after running sudo apt autoremove many thing from my ubuntu remove like ubuntu terminal and other applications so i press ctrl alt F12 them tty terminal opened I ...
Maaz Mustafa's user avatar
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No desktop, only tty, sudo startx doesn't work

I am using Ubuntu 18.04. The problem is I have no GUI, stuck in tty... I can't run apt-get update and there is no internet in tty. When I run sudo startx it is showing this: marker: (--) probd, (**...
Atish Antu's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

How to disable GUI and only use terminal?

My laptop is running very slow so I thought about disabling the GUI and some preferred me to use this command to disable GUI sudo service gdm stop But using this command i am not abled to type ...
Sree Hari's user avatar
1 vote
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Ubuntu 18.04 booting in console mode even after reinstalling drivers

So basically I just did one thing (or one mistake I would say): apt-removing python2 and python3 since I wanted to reinstall it for other reasons. During the process I think it may removed something ...
browser-bug's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to assign a priority number to "update-alternatives --config gdm3.css" in a single cmdline?

I am able to run these commands in the terminal: $ sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gdm3.css gdm3.css /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/mytheme/mytheme.css 10 $ sudo update-...
Sun Bear's user avatar
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How do I make an application think it is running from desktop server (e.g gdm3)?

I have an application binary that works fine if I run it from a terminal in an windows environment (say gdm). If I run it from raw console (Ctrl+Alt+F3), it emits errors. But I do need to run this ...
KalEl's user avatar
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Switching desktop managers from the command line

I run the fvwm desktop window manager on Ubuntu 18.04, but sometimes I need to switch to ubuntu. The standard way to do this is to log out, select ubuntu at the login screen and relog in. But ...
Leo Simon's user avatar
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4 answers

how to get out from admin/text mode

I have literaly no idea on what happened and what are the next steps. I've installed the upgrade to 18.04.1 LTS after restarting computer I found myself in admin (?)/text (? - I even don't know the ...
totalM's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Gdm3 lock & switch to greeter from command line

How do I lock the screen from the command line in Ubuntu 17.10? I just switched from lightdm, where I ran light-locker-command --lock, before that I used gnome-screensaver-command --lock. Both don't ...
iGEL's user avatar
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Terminal GDM session

How would I create a session file so that when I login using GDM it just launches a terminal session (No windowing, just a plain terminal like in Ubuntu Server)?
InitEnabler's user avatar
74 votes
7 answers

How do I switch from LightDM to GDM?

How do I switch from the default display manager (Lightdm) to the older display manager (GDM)?
Ron Belcher's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How to create a Remote Desktop Server on Ubuntu Server per user

I want to create an old style server - thinclient/terminal kind of work with ubuntu server 12.04. I was trying to use x11vnc to serve remote desktops to users but from what I have understood [after ...
Ali Akdurak's user avatar
0 votes
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Stuck at terminal login (tty1) after using 'killall gdm'

So I am running a theme on gnome and it froze, so I used killall gdm to kill it. After this it took me to a full-screen terminal which I can not get out of. It tells me to login, which I do, and then ...
casey's user avatar
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6 answers

Enable/Disable Passwordless Login/Autologin Via GUI/Command Line

Before I ask the question, would someone please help stipulate the Ubuntu definition for these two seemingly identical but different terms (I've given drafts.): Autologin - When you power up the ...
bambuntu's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

How do I directly boot to a terminal, bypassing X11? [duplicate]

I am seeking a help regarding the following issues: How to turn off the X server when I have already logged into Ubuntu (I know about startx to start the X server but don't know how to shut it down)....
Avinash Sonawane's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Disable auto-login from the CLI

After successfully installing Ubuntu and logging in to the Unity desktop, I followed the prompts to enable the proprietary display drivers. After rebooting, the Unity desktop is now entirely ...
FoleyIsGood's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Make GDM accessible only remotely via XDMCP, while console remains in text mode

I have a 10.04 server and I have installed gnome-desktop on it so that I can do some of work in a nicer way. I connect to gdm remotely via XDMCP (Hummingbird Exceed) but at the same time I want the ...
user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

How to auto-boot into text mode? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to disable X at boot time? How to configure my Ubuntu 10.10 Desktop (Maverick) to start in a Terminal like mode? I don't want any graphics. I can't get rid of GDM. How ...
ViliusK's user avatar
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