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2 answers

Ubuntu 17.10 and Nvidia Drivers

I got a new machine without any OS in it. The very first thing I did was to install Ubuntu 17.10. Here are some specs; i7 7700HQ GTX 1060 6 GB Samsung EVO 960 PRO m2 + 2 TB Seagate HDD The ...
Ilgıt Yıldırım's user avatar
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Ubuntu 17.10 crashes to console, sometimes!

I have a fresh artful_x64, with preinstalled softwares, and experiencing GUI crash(using default wayland), and screen jumps to boot console log(at last line when it was booting up). When I log back ...
mohammads's user avatar
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2 answers

Remove GDM with Lightm installed

I' m using ubuntu 17.10 which comes preinstalled with GDM. However though i dont like GDM i installed LightDM. My question is now can i remove GDM without any issues? br.
franklin's user avatar
2 votes
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How to rotate login screen in gdm3

I am using Ubuntu 17.10, wayland and gnome in a 3 monitors configuration. And the monitor in the middle is rotated to vertical orientation. When I log in all works well, but the login screen is ...
Alejandro Vera's user avatar
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Cannot login using Gnome after upgrade from 16.04 to 17.10

I am getting a login loop after upgrading from 16.04 to 17.10. At the login screen, I can enter my password and hit enter. Screen goes black for about 2 seconds and then I am back where I started. ...
Finbaz's user avatar
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GDM and GNOME at wrong resolution

I'm trying to setup Ubuntu 17.10 and having all sorts of issues with screen resolution. The login screen sets the resolution to 1920x2160 (have no idea where it is getting this from) which is ...
flukus's user avatar
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How to change the time to change to a black screen during the login prompt

Is there a way to change the timeout to change to a black screen during the login prompt? As it is, whenever I open up the laptop and resume from suspend, after pressing a key, the login screen ...
user8814's user avatar
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Use Adapta theme for Lock Screen

I have installed the Adapta theme. I successfully enabled the Adapta Nokto them on the GDM3 Login Screen using: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/share/gnome-shell/theme/gdm3.css gdm3.css /usr/...
Enterprise's user avatar
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2 answers

How to change all purple color during login?

I changed the default color of GDM on Ubuntu 17.10 to grey, changed the plymouth theme to spinner from plymouth-themes, and changed the grub background to my liking. Still, after I type my password ...
denko's user avatar
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6 votes
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Ubuntu 17.10: Disable user list in GDM

I have the following system: $ lsb_release -a Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 17.10 Release: 17.10 Codename: artful $ gdm3 --version GDM 3.26.1 I would like to disable ...
Eike's user avatar
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How to switch between console mode and GUI in 17.10 in X.Org mode? [duplicate]

This is related to this question about How to switch between console mode and GUI in 17.10?. I tried the highly-upvoted answer, which sounds like it is correct, but it does not work for me. I am ...
Graipher's user avatar
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How do I add Xorg/Wayland server arguments through GDM?

[Not important, Ubuntu 17.10] With LightDM, I was able to modify a file called '50-xserver-command.conf' so I could add the -retro option (just because I could and I wanted it); however, with the new ...
Gabriel Miceli's user avatar
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17.10 Wrong resolution in grub & boot loading screen & login screen

Newly installed Ubuntu 17.10. Monitor: 2560x1080 60hz resolution with HDMI cable. At boot loading I had some weird glitches as described in this question . I disabled wayland in boot loading screen ...
ggbt's user avatar
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Upgraded Ubuntu 17.10 is not quite the same as the newly installed one

My ubuntu 17.10 is running with gnome-shell on Wayland. It was upgraded from ubuntu 16.04 which had already had gnome-shell installed and ubuntu unity removed. The gnome-shell desktop now, however, ...
funicorn's user avatar
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How do I find the gear icon to change from GNOME to Unity in 17.10?

On the login screen, we are supposed to click a gear icon to change between graphical different session types (such as different desktop environments). But I cannot see this gear icon in Ubuntu 17.10. ...
Josip Marcixxx's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

How to keep graphical session running in 17.10 when external screen is turned off?

On Ubuntu 17.10 using Nvidia Quadro M2000, when the (external) screen stops consuming the DisplayPort data stream (either because the screen is turned off or a different input is chosen on the screen ...
hsivonen's user avatar
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How to configure GDM font hinting and anti-aliasing?

Which files are used to configure the font rendering on the GDM login screen, and what are the fields that are used to change the hinting and anti-aliasing? I am able to set the desktop font ...
Enterprise's user avatar
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Gnome session broken on Ubuntu 17.10

My dell inspiron 660s with intel graphics ran Ubuntu 16.04.3 for a year with no issues, and I decided to give 17.10 a try. After installing 17.10, ubuntu restricted extras, lowlatency kernel, and ...
user207065's user avatar
15 votes
3 answers

Ubuntu 17.10 is not running Wayland

I am experiencing some strange problems in Ubuntu 17.10. At the login screen I am missing the small icon that allows changing between X and Wayland. In fact, the default installation is running X and ...
Ricardo Gomes's user avatar