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Port Forward for LAN

I bought a server and have Ubuntu 22.04 installed. When I run various Github projects like Text Generation Webui, Automatic1111 Stable Diffusion, etc., how do I forward the port to access it from my ...
rbur0425's user avatar
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How to deal: external Jenkins port does not work

I have jenkins service working fine on internal and local levels (I can just open localhost:8080 or 192.168.x.x:8080 in the browser and it gives me Jenkins "sign in" page) But I have ...
SageCat's user avatar
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UFW blocking port forwarding

I am running Ubuntu Server as a home network router, which works fine otherwise. I also have another server on the network which hosts all of my content and services. So let's say, for example, I'm ...
ohshitgorillas's user avatar
2 votes
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I need a simple TCP load balancer in Ubuntu

I would like to create a load balancer for RDP connections only, that’s one TCP port only and would like to avoid anything more complex like Nginx. I don’t need cache, or anything else, just take an ...
Chema's user avatar
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How to set up UFW port forwarding from non-privileged port to port 22 on the same computer

On my Ubuntu server, I am running an SSH server (port 22). I want to set up UFW such that all incoming connections are blocked, except through port 12345. External traffic arriving at port 12345 ...
Flux's user avatar
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Why do I see login requests for various ports although the router and the firewall only permit port 22?

I want to login into the Desktop of my Ubuntu 18.04 machine remotely from the internet. I therefore enabled port forwarding for port 22 in my ( router. Additionally I activated the firewall ...
user312087's user avatar
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Firewall setting are correct but port still closed form outside

I setting up machien for connect to postgresql remotly I check somthing and it's apeare all things is correct Checking the port status : $> sudo netstat -tulpn | grep LISTEN | grep 5432 tcp 0 0 0....
Ali najjar's user avatar
-1 votes
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How do I open a port on my Ubuntu 14.04 virtual server to my Mac from which it runs? [closed]

I’m running a virtual Ubuntu (14.04) box, using Vagrant, on my Mac Big Sur machine. I would like to open port 1234 on my virtual machine to my Mac. From the virtual machine, I can see these ports ...
Dave's user avatar
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Unable to establish connection over specific port in devices connected via VPN

I have an Ubuntu virtual machine on the Google Cloud Platform, which runs an OpenVPN server. In my office, an Ubuntu laptop and a Windows PC act as OpenVPN Clients. Hence, on the VPN, the following ...
Ishwar Venugopal's user avatar
-1 votes
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Ubuntu 20.04 gateway, iptables NAT and port forwarding

i am in a maze, i try in vain to setup the rules to be able to acces from internet my internal web server ( at home, i have an Ubuntu 20.04 gateway ( with two interfaces : ...
clorant's user avatar
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Port-forwarding for a minecraft server on 20.04 LTS

I've been trying to play with my friends online in Minecraft for a while now and the two methods I tried ended up failing. The first method was to use hamachi, however its tunneling engines couldn't ...
user avatar
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Server only reachable locally

Hi I wonder if anyone can try to point me in the right direction... I have a simple web server. It works fine but now that I'm setting it up to run in the cloud I am having trouble connecting to it ...
felix's user avatar
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Failed to connect to port 80: Connection refused

I am unable to connect to port 80 on an ec2 VM. I even tried this below command. sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 80 -j ACCEPT But no change in the response. My security group inbound rules also ...
ts178's user avatar
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Ubuntu 20.04 Server firewall

if I type ufw status verbos my system returns status: inactive; but when I was scanning my ports for a specific port with nmap, it returned a closed state for my port. What else besides the firewall ...
Ken's user avatar
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VNC Server port is closed

I installed TigerVNC server on my Ubuntu server but I can't connect to it. The server is running but when I try to scan for open ports (in LAN) using my phone, 5901 is closed. Output of nmap localhost:...
adazem009's user avatar
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Webpage can not get access from the world!

I have installed a fresh Apache with a fresh Ubuntu server. I did not make any changes to my server yet. The default Apache website is visible from other PCs inside the private network. The ports 80 ...
MJC's user avatar
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Access service via url:port from outside

I have the following network setup: Gateway/proxy and firewall box with Firehol installed 10.xx.xx.xx - Ubuntu internal server behind the gateway 192.xx.xx.xx - Ubuntu All traffic is routed ...
Maurice's user avatar
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Mosquito Server Refuses Connections Ubuntu 18.04

This is a fairly narrow issue, but I'm hoping the Ubuntu group can help. I asked on SO, but I am fairly sure the error I am getting is due to a missing setting in Ubuntu or an issue with my router ...
MarkJoel60's user avatar
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How can I put speed limits on ports?

I have UFW enabled, so the solution should not interfere with it. It should also work after reboot. I currently know these commands which limit the data usage of ports: sudo iptables -I OUTPUT -p ...
HappyFace's user avatar
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Port forwarding for torrent client via UPnP

First, I'm currently connected to my neighbor's router who is not at home, which is why I can't ask him to forward a port via the router. I'm trying to forward a port to accept incoming connections ...
yinder's user avatar
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Redirect denied connections from ports 80 and 443 to a 403 page

I have a server that is running sniproxy. I have ufw as a firewall, which I use to allow certain IPs to use the proxy. However, I need to send the denied attemps to a 403 Forbidden page. Can someone ...
EAdev's user avatar
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Port forwarding from OpenVPN Client to Public Internet

I need to forward port 44444 of my VPN client to the public internet with my public IP on port 44444, how i can do this? The VPN Server is mine and I have root access. Example how i can do this? ...
ewwew ewewe's user avatar
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connection refused on port 4000 in ubuntu14.04? [closed]

I tried to telnet (telnet 4000 or nc -zv 4000 )on port 4000 and giving the result as follows. root@cwl2:~# nc -zv 4000 nc: connect to port 4000 (tcp) ...
Vikram Pal's user avatar
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Port is closed on Ubuntu 16.04

I am using and to find out whether my port is opened for connection or not. I am not able to seed the torrents. It keeps ...
JBaba's user avatar
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Forward mysql port to 33060

I'm running mysql server on an ubuntu machine on the default port 3306. I now want to access my mysql instance from anothe rmachine via port 33060. I'm trying to forward port 3306 to 33060 in ufw. By ...
SnelleJelle's user avatar
5 votes
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Accessing a LAMP webserver that's behind a Ubuntu VM acting as a firewall

I currently have two VM's set up in the following manner: /-----------------------\ /-----------------\ | Ubuntu VM | /---------------\ ...
user3593245's user avatar
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Why does remote SSH connection time out?

My server runs Ubuntu Server 14.04. When connecting over SSH from a local LAN client it works fine. When I connect using a different machine from an outside network, I get 'connection timed out'. I ...
markjan's user avatar
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cannot telnet into ubuntu from windows 7

I have a php server running on port 4444 on my Ubuntu 15.04 machine. Now when I execute telnet 4444 it works fine. Now I have connected my machine and a windows 7 machine using mobile ...
Makarov's user avatar
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Why can't I connect to my localhost port from a remote computer?

I'm using link-grammar server to convert sentences into semantic graphs. It provides an API though a port to do the above process. It's configured to works through port 9000 of localhost. I used to ...
Janaka Chathuranga's user avatar
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How to perform detail packet capture on Ubuntu firewall?

I've routed internet traffic of my other systems on this ubuntu linux system where I have configured packet forwarding. but still I am unable to get internet on other systems. Hence I want to ...
Hrish's user avatar
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Ubuntu 14.04 denying incoming access

I just install a Counter-Strike: Source Dedicated Server on my Ubuntu 14.04 Desktop amd64 and I'm having trouble to allow incoming access to this server from the internet. I did a port forwarding on ...
nunesvictor's user avatar
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Port forwarding out multiple VLAN interfaces that have same IP address

So I have an Ubuntu machine with multiple VLAN on an interface eth1 and each VLAN has the same IP address ( I need to be able to simultaneously telnet into a rack of devices that are also ...
user2692502's user avatar