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firewall is enable but gufw wont lauch

The firewall is enabled. But I can't launch gufw interface. sudo ufw status Status: active
kalpa's user avatar
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easy firewall ufw settings for a beginner coming from windows [duplicate]

I am used to firewall on windows. everything is allowed and new apps have to ask for permission. when I look at current connections in settings' firewall tab, only a few have program names associated ...
Usermaxn's user avatar
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Do I need to allow incoming DHCP traffic?

I enabled gufw with it's default settings, deny incoming, allow outgoing. I haven't noticed any problems with usability, but I was told that I have to allow incoming UDP traffic from port 68. Do I ...
blimp1899's user avatar
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Firewall Public Network Security

I have seen that utilisation of a firewall when using a public network is recommended. So I install ufw and gufw and deny incoming connection and allow outcoming connection on all profiles. Is that ...
nicsense's user avatar
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GUFW logging unclear

edit: after the first comment, I adapted the question When adding a rule in GUFW/Advanced there are three choices for logging. From the man ufw page/sectin LOGGING i learned do not log - log nothing ...
CatMan's user avatar
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Why is this rule in Gufw, to prevent Firefox from communicating to a HTTP server, not working?

The rule I'm having problems with is the following: After setting it, I'm still able to use Firefox to connect to a HTTP server. Why is that rule not working? From what I understand, the reply of the ...
Jrg's user avatar
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Why do rules I create in graphic firewall (gufw) get deleted (force deleted)?

I used the graphic firewall in 18.04 to create rules for 3 services. At the time they were created, the rules were fine and the items accessible from other machines on my home network. The next day, ...
lonslo's user avatar
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Skype Bypass UFW While Transmission Can't Even Open Port

I'm new to Linux. On Windows I'm used to have the firewall triggered automatically by an application and then I authorize whether or not to let the application access real world. Linux using UFW has ...
Royi's user avatar
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How can I change my firewall settings in dependency of my network environment?

I need ports open at home for syncthing, but want incoming connections blocked when on any other network. How do I do this with Ubuntu? Without this feature I quite often end up turning off the ...
Tim Abell's user avatar
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Is there a way to whitlist ip's and block everything else

So i'm running ubuntu on my vps. But the problem is that i have kids trying to figure out the password of the FTP connection and the VNC connection. (with succes). Now i want to ask is there a way to ...
Cyber_Star's user avatar
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gufw on ubuntu 16.04 don't run

It doesn't run properly when I click and closes automatically.
Denis's user avatar
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UFW - How to make it easier and what are stealth ports can UFW have these? [closed]

Let me show u what I jusat wasted 2 hours doing: To Action From -- ------ ---- 22 REJECT Anywhere 23/tcp ...
P3nT3stLearner's user avatar
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firewall ufw is "enable and active" but gufw is off

question concerning the ufw firewall : sudo ufw enable returns Firewall is active and enabled on system startup sounds fine, but when i start gufw after reboot, it is still off what does that ...
riimzzai's user avatar
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Is the firewall active or not?

I'm confused about the status of my firewall. Using the Ubuntu Software Center, I have installed Gufw. Problem: When the Firewall is locked, it looks like it's inactive. But when I unlock it, it's ...
user avatar
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UFW Settings - Application Integration [closed]

I have installed the Ubuntu system, and deny both incoming and outgoing ports loosing internet access. Now I want access only for my Firefox that I have installed separately from the Firefox website ...
Raman Sethi's user avatar
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Should I be using a firewall in Ubuntu? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: Why is the firewall disabled by default? I installed both gufw and Firestarter but I'm hesitant to activate one of them because I don't know too much about firewalls in ...
H3R3T1K's user avatar
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How can I set up GUFW so that only firefox connects to the internet

I only want http, https and DNS to be open. I'm having troubles with setting up port ranges in the UFW GUI. How do I input configs into the feilds? Basically, something along the lines of this, but in ...
mloman's user avatar
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Precautionary security measures for a home user? (firewall, antivirus, etc)

I just recently made the switch from Windows to Ubuntu, and I'm just a little paranoid when it comes to security measures. I've looked around and from what I've read, security is not as big a concern ...
Shane's user avatar
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5 answers

Why is the firewall disabled by default?

Why is ufw firewall included in Ubuntu, when it is not enabled and pre-configured by default? Most users don't even know it is there, because no GUI frontend is provided.
6205's user avatar
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Does Ubuntu come with a firewall by default?

I have been told that Ubuntu comes with the firewall UFW. Is this true? Is there a GUI for it? If so, what is its name and where do I download? Is it possible for UFW to notify us (like in windows ...
LuC1F3R's user avatar
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How can I open a range of ports in ubuntu using (g)ufw

I have to open up a group of ports. Adding the single ports to (g)ufw was easy enough but I can't work out how to open the range 11200-11299. How do I do that?
Pieter Breed's user avatar