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vsftpd fails LIST command even when firewall is off and on localhost

I installed vsftpd and am using ufw as my firewall. I can connect to the ftp server, login, and change directories, but any attempt at using a LIST command times out from both external and localhost. ...
joebird's user avatar
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I can't reach my server

I have ubuntu 20.04 server hosting with nginx. My site is in word press. I was trying to install ftp by following documentation on Vultr. Suddenly, the connection with my site, lost (502 bad gateway)....
Apostolos Ximinis's user avatar
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ufw blocks incoming FTP traffic (on port DPT=44745)

I have JVM app which is dealing as client with FTP, it works fine when ufw is disabled, but when I enable ufw with: ufw allow ftp Check status output is then: Status: active Logging: on (medium) ...
Marian Paździoch's user avatar
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Impossible to connect to ProFTPd in PASV mode

I have installed ProFTPd in Ubuntu 18.04 It has been working for monthes. For some reasons, now, this is not working any more with my Go Client. If I want to connect with Filezilla, it will work as ...
Juliatzin del Toro's user avatar
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FTP client unable to LIST server contents due to local firewall

TL;DR - Local Firewall On: FTP connects successfully, LIST / LS / DIR return Error 425 Could not open data connection to port [large port number]: Connection timed out. Local Firewall Off: FTP ...
Mark's user avatar
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Ubuntu FTP and SFTP client firewall rules for UFW

How to set firewall rules on a client machine that needs to access FTP and SFTP servers? The default policy on client's machine is to deny all connections (incoming and outgoing) there are (UFW) ...
Jimmix's user avatar
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ufw allow 60000:65000/tcp for FTP port 820

I'm a bit confused, because I set up FTP server on my local host. I used a 'vsftpd', there are two lines from my .conf file: listen_port=820 ftp_data_port=821 And record from 'ufw' To ...
Jan Chris Bilek's user avatar
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Forward FTP to another Server

I am trying to forward all incoming FTP Connections at Server A to another Server B. I tried this using iptables and am able to connect in first step. The problem is that after entering the passive ...
D0vev's user avatar
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Forgot to unblock port 22 for SSH when setting up UFW. FTP port still open. What are my options?

So the title says it all. I setup an ec2 instance on AWS running Ubuntu 16.04 LTS for a web server. When enabling the firewall, and opening ports needed for a web access (HTTP, FTP, ect.), I didn't ...
Tyler Brady's user avatar
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IPv6 FTP blocked by UFW

I am setting up a FTP server. It works perfectly over IPv4, however when connecting via IPv6 I'm getting blocked by UFW. My UFW rules: # ufw status Status: active To ...
Florius's user avatar
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Vsftpd not working with my IPTABLE rules

When I flush my IPTABLE rules (iptables --flush) vsftpd work is fine. But not work with my IPTABLE rules/ Ubumtu 16.10.1 x64 All IPTABLE Rules - its my IP adress enp2s0 - my ...
Nail's user avatar
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Outbound FTP backup to Synology server from Plesk fails with CSF active

I am running an Ubuntu server with Plesk. All of these are the latest version. I am also running CSF. I am trying to FTP to my Synology server. When CSF is active, I am not able to make a connection. ...
user avatar
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Is there a way to whitlist ip's and block everything else

So i'm running ubuntu on my vps. But the problem is that i have kids trying to figure out the password of the FTP connection and the VNC connection. (with succes). Now i want to ask is there a way to ...
Cyber_Star's user avatar
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Network configuration | apt can't download anything

I'm having some issues with the FTP server I'm currently setting up for my company. I installed the server completly, updated everything and the server works fine now. I installed everything behind a ...
madmax's user avatar
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FTP and WWW services don't acknowledge connections

I have Lubuntu 14.04 LTS with vsftpd and the lamp stack (apache2, etc.) installed. Everything works fine on the LAN. Externally, the services don't acknowledge connection attempts. I can see packets ...
user38537's user avatar
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Ubuntu 12.04 LTS - vsftpd problem. No connection. Connection refused

i have a problem with vsftpd server running on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS. Here is the configuration: ubuntu Server address - router address - roger/# grep -v "#" /etc/vsftpd.conf ...
Olaf Must's user avatar