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Ports show as open when nmaping to localhost but filtered when connecting to IP

My 22.04.4 Ubuntu server was installed on a Proxmox VE. Then I installed Discourse forum on top of it (it uses Docker). Now, after successful installation the Docker's 443/80 ports show as closed when ...
Marek Wojtaszek's user avatar
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Can access self-hosted Portainer website from internet trying to lock server down without any luck

I'm new to Docker & Portainer and I'm trying to lock it down from public access where it's not needed. My setup: Windows 2022 Server running Hyper-V (host) Ubuntu 22.04 Workstation (virtual ...
ErocM's user avatar
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Restrict access to Docker container port to ip adresses

There are several docker containers on my server, exposing ports. Now I try to restrict the access to the ports to IP-Adresses being able to insert rules without allowing the policy. I apply IP-Tables ...
bvsta's user avatar
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Automatically created iptables rules created by Docker seem strange

Here are the rules that I don't understand (those are created automatically by docker on my ubuntu machine): -A FORWARD -i docker0 ! -o docker0 -j ACCEPT -A FORWARD -i docker0 -o docker0 -j ACCEPT So ...
Магомед Рабаданов's user avatar
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How do I configure persistent firewall settings in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - confused about ufw, nfw and iptables(-nfw/-legacy)

TL;DR: how do I configure firewall rules to be persistent? I am not using UFW, I believe I am using iptables-nft. First, I have started from pretty recent vanilla Ubuntu 22.04LTS installation (some ...
Janne Mattila's user avatar
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Open server port 80 and redirect to container IP

I'm not an heavy user of unix based systems. And I have some trouble opening a server's port (80) to the public and redirect it to a running container. So basically, I have a running container on a ...
Cromm's user avatar
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How do I open ports 443 and 8080 on a virtual Ubuntu Server 20.04.3?

I am running Ubuntu 20.04.3 server as a virtual server. My virtual server was virtualized with VMware and the delivery was automatic. I'm going to set it to use outline and I have to open ports 443 ...
pezhman masoumi's user avatar
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How can I restart iptables in Ubuntu 20.04?

To manage my firewall I use ufw. But Docker modifies itpables rules directly. I'm trying to do some testing to see what the effect of setting "iptables": false in /etc/docker/daemon.json, ...
bmaupin's user avatar
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No SSH access after accidentally denied ssh in ufw/iptables on Snappy Ubuntu Core

I´m running Snappy Ubuntu Core 18.04 on Intel Nuc, located on other location then where I live permanently. Now I have accidentally denied SSH in iptables with use of ufw and SSH connection is not ...
Ismar Slomic's user avatar
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Who is blocking my Docker default network?

The situation is, for a simple docker command: docker run -d -p 3128:3128 my_squid_container it works fine within my home. However, when using the same Docker container in the Azure Ubuntu server, I ...
xpt's user avatar
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Port is closed for outside connections

I have an instance with docker. One docker container listens for 9017 port but it is not available by public ip. I disabled ufw and cleared iptables. root@docker-1gb-fra1-01:/home# ufw disable ...
4ybaka's user avatar
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How can I configure my firewall to work with Docker?

My computer is hosting an application on port 1234 that should never be accessible from anything but my machine. However, my Docker container (which is running Apache) should be able to access this. ...
Kaz Wolfe's user avatar
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Inter container network communication blocked in docker

I am starting with docker and I have decided to spin up my gitlab instance in a container as well as gitlab-ci-multi-runner to perform my CI builts (just to test the possibilities of the flow). ...
Patryk's user avatar
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11 answers

Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) is not blocking anything when using Docker

This is my first time setting up an Ubuntu Server (14.04 LTS) and I am having trouble configuring the firewall (UFW). I only need ssh and http, so I am doing this: sudo ufw disable sudo ufw reset ...
ESala's user avatar
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Processes in docker cannot connect with ufw enabled

I'm trying to setup a server to use ufw with docker (via dokku.) When ufw is enabled, I cannot open connections from one container to another. When it's disabled, I can connect fine. As an example, I ...
ysimonson's user avatar
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What are the IP addresses in my iptables chain FORWARD settings in a Dokku/docker setup?

I've been playing around with Dokku on DigitalOcean (following this guide) and I'm trying to understand current firewall settings. So here's my setup: Ubuntu 14.04 Dokku Docker (as part of Dokku) ...
Rob's user avatar
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Docker is blocked by UFW

I have problem with Docker network in ubuntu 14.04. I have installed from official repo and I've added DEFAULT_FORWARD_POLICY="ACCEPT" to /etc/default/ufw but my Docker containers still ...
Hauleth's user avatar
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UFW rules don't work with docker

I have a 12.04.4 server, and I have enabled ufw, and have tried to block port 8080. However, it is still open. $ sudo ufw deny 8080 Rule added Rule added (v6) $ sudo ufw status numbered Status: ...
jrg's user avatar
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