Trying to solve another issue, I unistalled and reinstalled lightdm. After that, lightdm failed to start, and I could see this message in journalctl -xeu lightdm.service:

Failed to load configuration from /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf: Key file does not start with a group

The content of /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf BTW was


1 Answer 1


I got lightdm to work by adding [Seat:*] at the beginning of the file:


IIUC, the problem happened because this file is supposed to be an INI file. Apparently this format needs any configuration inside a group. [Seat:*] is a kind of default group for lightdm, so adding it seemed like the best option, and it worked.

I have no idea of what caused this file to be this way, though.

(Asking and answering my own question in the spirit of Can I answer my own question? and because that message appears ALL THE TIME when misconfiguring lightdm across the years and NOBODY ever explained it.)

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