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Questions tagged [editor]

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Nikon NX Studio works!.. but crop window is offset to upper left. How to get crop window directly over image?

Nikon NX Studio works!.. but crop window is offset to upper left. How to get crop window directly over image? image of nikon nx studio with crop window offset to the upper left. I needs to be over ...
Jim Boisvert's user avatar
0 votes
0 answers

Looking for the full path to Kate on Kubuntu 22.04

I need to set Kate as editor for various filetypes in FileZilla. FileZilla wants the path to my 'custom editor' (Kate). But I can't seem to locate Kate! Can anyone assist? TIA! **edit: found... /usr/...
rockandroller's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Vim Editor Undo

In Vim Editor while in normal mode when I enter 'u' it undoes all the changes made in last session instead of one line. Can anybody help regarding this.
Yash Bajpai's user avatar
0 votes
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Opening and Using NotePad like program from the Ubuntu command line in WSL (Windows)

I really want to start using Linux, especially Ubuntu distro systems because I hear such great things about them and the fact that it very community based, which I really love. Anyway, is there a ...
Crypto D NVarChar's user avatar
2 votes
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Is there a GUI-based MIME-type editor?

I remember seeing on some other distro this file type editor. What it had was a table, containing MIME types, their associated names (e.g. text/plain would show as "plain text document"), ...
Kami-kun's user avatar
1 vote
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How do you type a line containing a single dot (.) in ed?

\. doesn't work. a single dot (.) ends the command and cant be recognized. Please don't tell me; use sed or echo . >> file. Is there a way to do it with ed ?
Johny's user avatar
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Make dock visible at Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

I'm using Ubuntu 22.04 LTS a few weeks and doing some modifications at Wayland, I just want to know if there's one way to put dock-fixed in fullscreen mode without "push" windows to up, like ...
Rafael Ribeiro's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Why is my Ubuntu 21.10 running nvim instead of vim?

I've had 21.10 installed for a while but have noticed that 'vim --version' brings up the info for 'nvim'. Is there any reason why this is happening?
AndyW's user avatar
  • 23
2 votes
2 answers

Error while installing Remarkable Editor

I downloaded the .deb file of Remarkable Markdown editor in Ubuntu 20.04. As soon as I started to run the .deb file, it is showing the following error: Error: Dependency is not satisfiable: gir1.2-...
Yellow Yak's user avatar
0 votes
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JetBrains rider: how to attach to processes running as root

Just wondering what's the best way to attach to a process running under root account. I've thought about running rider from the cmd with sudo, but it's not a good idea because it looses all my regular ...
Luis Abreu's user avatar
1 vote
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VSCode, how to drag down terminal when I pulled it too high

Do I have to restart? The mouse pointer does not change at all when I go to the top where, if my memory serves me correctly, the cursor changes and I can drag the terminal window size down smaller.
mLstudent33's user avatar
0 votes
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How to download a text editor on xubuntu? [duplicate]

Should I install my text editor from the ubuntu software store or download it manually? And how do I download it manually?
600hacker's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Bless Hex Editor only showing ASCII squares

I tried reading the contents of a BIOS EEPROM Chip saved in a file called dump.bin. I also tried opening a file called coreboot.rom containing a Coreboot image. In both cases this error occurred: I ...
ema's user avatar
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Change Highlight Color (dconf Editor)

Even if am in the right place, cannot change de colot of the highlighting selection. Anyone would help to do so ? Thank you very much inded !!!!!
DBG's user avatar
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4 votes
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Graphical folding editor for JSON?

The Ubuntu repositories come with the package xmlcopyeditor, which installs XML Copy Editor; a nice, graphical folding editor for the somewhat outdated XML data file format. I am looking for a ...
Serge Stroobandt's user avatar
1 vote
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crontab -e. Added entries but no /etc/crontab

I did edit /etc/crontab using corntab -e. I have only one entry After save contab is not created despite the message. To be honest I have no idea what to do. I simply want to create a simple daily ...
0___________'s user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

PDF editor and viewer for Ubuntu

I am starting to use Ubuntu as my main system for academic activities due to its security and performance. Well, in WINDOWS I use Adobe Acrobat PRO DC, especially for the following functions: Delete ...
betafico123's user avatar
-4 votes
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Why linux can read windows 10 files from ntfs mounpoint

I test to read some read only files (*. dll) . Why this is resricted to do, its not normal behaviour. Linux user can normaly read and modify all kind files. This must be codet inside software (ubuntu, ...
Nype's user avatar
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1 answer

Help, I tried to change the login screen background in 18.04 and now i cant get to the login screen to input password

I tried to change login screen background from standard to a picture I downloaded and now I am stuck, I cant get to the login screen. All is a list and lots of 'ok' after it and then the screen goes ...
BigAlxxx's user avatar
0 votes
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Keyboard layout changes with each application

I'm using Ubuntu 18.04 and for some reason my keyboard layout changes with each application. If I start terminal, I get what I expect and it works correctly, however if I type something in the ...
Jim Maas's user avatar
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can't open gedit on ubuntu warning unable to connect to server

error message when using gedit on ubuntu I keep getting an error whenever I try to open gedit on ubuntu from Windows 10. I already redownloaded and updated gedit but still keep getting the same error....
Konan00781's user avatar
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Gedit editor backup of changes

I had done some changes to a file and i saved it. After some time I shut down my laptop, After booting and opening the system , the changes I had done in that file were actually not there. Please help ...
Manikanta svs's user avatar
3 votes
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Filezilla doesn't run vscode

When using the FileZilla client as an application directory (link), I can right-click an html file on a remote server → View/Edit and it will open in my predefined editor (e.g. VSCode). BUT if I use ...
sunwarr10r's user avatar
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Instead of launching program, the executable is forced to open in a text editor

Answer attempt: How do I run executable scripts in Nautilus? Notice the first 2 steps in the answer: Open Nautilus (folder/file explorer). Open this from the menu bar: Edit → Preferences I couldn't ...
rdc's user avatar
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how to save terminal files that you opened with "$ sudo vi" [duplicate]

I am currently following a tutorial that asked to open a file with "sudo vi /..." first and formost I have half an understanding of how to type but I managed and now I need to save the file but how do ...
Genesis Of Gaming's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

how can we install Aria Maestosa on Ubuntu 18.10?

Previously, i just loved using Aria Maestosa, the very best midi editor i tried (i guess there are no comparable alternatives around, it’s a really amazing one), that i could install very easily then. ...
Paulo Silva's user avatar
1 vote
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Error when installing Scribes text editor in Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

When running ./configure script, there is an error: Error: Python bindings for gtkspell was not found. Looking for this package, I discovered that python-gtkspell has been renamed to python-...
ProgAndPlay's user avatar
1 vote
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Key-indicator on ubuntu desktop

My laptop keyboard does not indicate Caps key/Num key. So I installed indicator-keylock. Now, how to use it? It is not indicating any key operations.
Farooq Mir's user avatar
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How to reduce the size of the image [duplicate]

Example: I have some pictures with size about 3 MB, and want them to have a size about 1020 KB. I don't know is there some option on Ubuntu or I do that with some editor, so can you help me? My ...
Simon's user avatar
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5 votes
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Gedit as the default editor in crontab

How do I make gedit the default editor for crontab? So far I've tried: sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gnome-text-editor gnome-text-editor /usr/bin/gedit 100 and sudo update-...
J Rosenberg's user avatar
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Root cannot save any file

I tried editing any file with nano (sudo nano) and it just wont save. I tried with nginx configs, normal files, and crontab and they all wont save. I've also read this (Cannot save any kind of file in ...
Luka Isailovic's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

EDITOR environment variable changes after reboot

While running the less command, pressing v opens the file inside the editor. I have set the EDITOR environment variable to vi by running the command export EDITOR=vi. It works perfectly fine as ...
Smile's user avatar
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Why phpstorm don't beautify HTML code?

I have a list <ul> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> <li>item</li> </ul> When I press code/reformat code in menu, nothing not ...
serii 's user avatar
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How can i install Mu micropython editor in ubuntu?

I am developing something on Micro: Bit and I want Mu micro python editor on my Linux machine.Help me out Thanking you
Anish Ansari's user avatar
1 vote
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how to replace word in vi editor globally in ubuntu

I want to replace the word "windows" globally in vi editor, by using any command. The text to modify is: windows is choice of everyone windows is choice of student windows is choice of engineer ...
muhammadmadni haider's user avatar
28 votes
12 answers

Lightweight table editor

I am looking for something like Sublime Text for tables. That is, when it encounters something with table delimited values (for example), the columns should be displayed aligned. Excel, Calligra ...
a06e's user avatar
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Fastest editor/pager for text search

I have a 4.6GB text file that I need to search through. Surprisingly grep is fairly fast, but I need to be able to scroll around the file after searching for specific text. Less would normally be ...
user1175849's user avatar
0 votes
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Text editor with option to enclose selected text in tags

I want to be able to select an amount of text and enclose it in some kind of a customisation tag. I used Geany, Atom, Gedit, Bluefish and I don't think any of them provide that option. For example, ...
m_highlanderish's user avatar
1 vote
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Software for dubbing

Is there any Linux software (video editor?) that can do dubbing (merge translated audio with video) ?
panayotes's user avatar
1 vote
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What (and Where will I find) the best simple text editor for my Ubuntu phone

I have the Meizu Pro 5 and accidentaly deleted my text editor. I can't find another simple text editor for my Ubuntu touch phone. Nothing in either App store!!
ErnieK's user avatar
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Navigate back and forth in IntelliJ without using arrow keys [closed]

I am an emacs person. In emacs, to navigate forward and backward one character I use ctrl-f and ctrl-b. Using IntelliJ I do not want to use the arrow keys. The arrow keys slow me down significantly. ...
Behnam's user avatar
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Multi column text editor in the terminal?

I use the terminal for most work and make a lot of lists, work with song lyrics etc. I do a lot of vertical scrolling while two thirds of the screen to the right are blank. So is it possible to have ...
TenLeftFingers's user avatar
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What command line text editor can give me windows key navigation & use?

EDIT: rewording to be not "opinion-based" any more. What command line text editor in the Ubuntu repository has or can be set to allow the following behavior? first key presses do already start text ...
CatMan's user avatar
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How to get line from a file using line number and edit it easily?

I want to know how one can get the extracted content from a file using line number. I have crores of lines in the file and sometimes while importing it in some database, like mongodb, it gives trouble....
Jaffer Wilson's user avatar
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I'm looking for a terminal editor with Ctrl-Backspace/C functionality

I need a terminal based text editor where I can delete a word before the cursor with Ctrl-Backspace and a word after the cursor with Ctrl-Delete. Other editor functionality is welcomed as well ;)
Hendrik's user avatar
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8 votes
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Subtitle editor for 16.04

I normally get English subs for certain movies. I want to translate them to my regional language. Is there any subtitle editor for 16.04 using which I can open an .srt file and edit it to replace ...
user227495's user avatar
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Two commands in one

Normally, I'll create a .sh file in using touch and then modify the script with the editor in using sudo emacs Is there exist a way of doing this in the same time? I mean after create ...
user avatar
36 votes
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Emacs 25 on Ubuntu 16.10?

Is there any way of installing Emacs 25 or 25.1 on Ubuntu 16.10 without having to compile from source? I want a stable install of Emacs and do not wish to install an unstable or nightly build.
haziz's user avatar
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How can I install "Python Editor" on "Ubuntu Bash" in Windows 10?

I'm trying to install a "python editor" that I can use for the Python 2.7 installation I've done via Bash Ubuntu in Windows 10. I understand that the trick is to get a connection between "windows 10" ...
Swepy's user avatar
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2 votes
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Adwords Editor 11.6

I am having trouble installing the latest (must have) version 11.6 of Google Adwords editor. Worked fine till the previews version. But now we need to have the new version in order to work with it and ...
Kurtwell's user avatar