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Questions tagged [drive]

A drive is a medium that is used to store digital information. Examples of drives are HDDs, SSDs, USB drives, etc. This is a generic scope tag that should be used in conjunction with a more specific drive tag where available.

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58 votes
7 answers

What is the equivalent for switching drives in terminal on Linux?

In DOS, I switch between different drives by typing c:, d:, e: and so forth. But it doesn't work that way in Linux. Could anyone please tell me how to switch between different drives?
saiy2k's user avatar
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30 votes
6 answers

Mounting OneDrive on Ubuntu Linux command line

For some requirement, I need to mount OneDrive instead of Syncing files through onedrive-d. Also, I need need a command line solution to automate something in my scripts. Can anyone help on this ? I ...
user174879's user avatar
23 votes
4 answers

Mount error, special device does not exist

I have a hard disk of 320 GB on ubuntu 12.04 64-bit. 2 drives of my hard (sda7 and sda8 of ext3 type) cannot be mounted. output of sudo mount /dev/sda7 /home/newfolder -t ext3 : mount: special ...
Dariush's user avatar
  • 341
22 votes
4 answers

How do I fix an Input/Output error using dd?

Hi i'm Trying fixing my Windows 7 system with a broken harddrive, but it's still running. I'm trying copy all data to a new drive to reinstall Windows 7. Drive called SQSERVICE. I can't copy at all -...
Erazer's user avatar
  • 221
22 votes
6 answers

Ubuntu 16.04 set up with google online account but no drive folder in nautilus

Pretty much as the question says. I followed the steps to set up the online accounts through system settings but my drive folder is not showing up on Nautilus.
James's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

How can I stop Gnome Shell's drive pop up notifications?

I have an NFS drive mapped in Ubuntu 11.10 using autofs which automatically mounts a drive on every boot. But if I use the Gnome Shell interface, a pop up notification keeps popping up from the bottom-...
nLinked's user avatar
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12 votes
6 answers

What traces are left after booting by usb?

Is it true that a bootable Ubuntu USB drive does not allow anything to be written to the computer's hard drive? If so, would a computer with an SSD drive, like mine, also be left with no trace of a ...
Seeker's user avatar
  • 121
11 votes
4 answers

How to add drive/partition-icon to the launcher?

My dualboot-system (win7 / ubuntu 12.04) has a ntfs-formatted partition called "/share" for files I use both in win7 and ubuntu (e.g. pictures, music etc.). I'd like to have a symbol of this drive in ...
bushi's user avatar
  • 111
11 votes
2 answers

Can't install .deb version of Chrome [duplicate]

I've been trying to install .deb chrome file (google-chrome-stable_current_amd.64.deb). It is saved in my Downloads, so I tried this command sudo apt-get install ~/Downloads/google-chrome-...
user737888's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Ubuntu 14.04 - Automatically mount USB drive without clicking on it manually?

Running Ubuntu 14.04 on my Intel NUC and using it right now as a HTPC, running XBMC. When I insert a USB drive, Ubuntu recognizes it and shows the drive in Nautilus, in the panel on the left. But ...
Timo Verbrugghe's user avatar
10 votes
2 answers

What causes file managers to show drives?

What forces a file manager to show unmounted partitions in the left pane? That is - what process is it that causes filemanagers to show drives - it's not fstab - I can show that here, I know that ...
23  93  26  35  19  57   3  89's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Getting my File Manager to link to my Google Drive

I have a very small amount of storage on my computer and would like to conserve it, so I would like to know if there is a way to mount my Google Drive in Thunar or Nautilus on Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS. ...
It's Willem's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to I copy bootable USB flash drive to larger drive?

I've tired a number of things to get this to work and I'm missing something. I ran out of space on my 8gb bootable flash drive. I'm running 12.04 server. The drive has sda1 (primary 4gb), sda2 (...
user252497's user avatar
8 votes
0 answers

How do I remove mounted drives from the unity launcher? [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: How to remove launcher drive icons? In 11.10 how do I go about removing the mounted drives icons on the Unity Launcher? This article:
Lewis Goddard's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Can you tell whether I have a hardware or software problem with a DVD-ROM drive?

Trying to copy the content of a DVD on a Asrock ION 330 running Maverick, i.e. with: dd if=/dev/sr0 of=dvdcopy ...I get errors in /var/log/messages: Jan 15 17:18:15 asrock kernel: [ 2616.445966] sr ...
motumboe's user avatar
  • 243
6 votes
4 answers

How to automount usb drive reliably without fstab

I need a way to mount a usb drive without using fstab. I Cannot use fstab because the drive is not connected to my computer at boot. This causes an issue during any one off reboots because start up ...
user103279's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

How to restore accidentally removed Launcher icon for external drive in Unity?

Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64-bit: I used to get an icon for my portable drive on insertion. I have accidentally lost this by clicking on 'Unlock from Launcher' instead of 'Eject'. Now this icon does not appear ...
tagMacher's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How do I mount from fstab without interruption if the drive isn't available?

I would like to have a drive mounted during boot, but only if it's available. I have an entry for it now in fstab, but if it's not available boot halts. Is there a way to have to format the fstab line ...
Christian's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

SSH login wakes spun-down storage drives

I'm running 12.04 on a home server/HTPC, and have several storage drives which spin down using values set in /etc/hdparm.conf. Sometimes, logging in via ssh causes some or all of the drives to wake ...
absqua's user avatar
  • 53
5 votes
3 answers

how to rename your drive?

I want to rename my drive located at /media/Lenovo Drive to /media/LenovoDrive so that ndk white space problem can be resolved ...please give me your suggestion....I am using ubuntu
mmm's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Copying folder to NAS drive using terminal

Hello so I'm completely new to Ubuntu and I wanted to copy folders to my network drive. I understand how to copy files normally but I can't seem to copy over files to my network drive. sudo cp /home/...
Adam's user avatar
  • 53
5 votes
5 answers

FULL install Ubuntu on 4GB USB drive

Is there a way to full install Ubuntu 11.04 in a 4gb USB drive? It says that I need at least a 4.6 GB drive. I want the full install, not the live persistent installation. I think that it don't need ...
Jaff Andrews's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Hex editor for open drives

There is any good hex editors that can open a drive not just a single file? Something like Hex Workshop? I'm looking for something for my Computer Forensics class. Thanks
Jeff Smith's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Completely RAW USB drive

I'm having quite a lot of troubles in making a Kingston DT SE9 G2 work again. It does not show on Windows (both in external devices and disk manager), but it appears here on Ubuntu. However, ...
Simone 's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Can I install Ubuntu onto a USB flash drive using the SAME flash drive?

When you make a USB bootable with Ubuntu, it usually offers to either "Try Ubuntu" or "Install" into the hard drive. "Try Ubuntu" doesn't really save changes or treat the USB like a hard drive of its ...
Boris Tsetsorin Jr.'s user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Optical drive keeps ejecting automatically

I installed Ubuntu 16.04 LTS a few days ago and after 2 days, my drive started ejecting itself after some time, without my issuing any command. It's not a hardware problem because I ran the BIOS for ...
MihirUj's user avatar
  • 51
5 votes
0 answers

Foliate book reader, snap package, can't open ebooks from NTFS partitions [duplicate]

I have just installed the Foliate via snap sudo snap install foliate on Ubuntu 20.04. I can successfully open epub book that are in my home folder, but when I try opening books that are in mounted ...
Parto's user avatar
  • 15.4k
5 votes
1 answer

Permanently disable CD drive [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate: disable the cdrom in Ubuntu 11.10 OS I have no use for a CD drive, ever. Yet it exists, consumes power, opens inadvertently when in its case or in my bed and makes noise ...
sinekonata's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Need help regarding dd command on Ubuntu app for windows 10

I installed Ubuntu app on Window 10 OS and trying to run dd command. But the dd command is not listing all drives present in system. I am not sure whether is it Ubuntu app limitation or something is ...
Sagar's user avatar
  • 49
4 votes
3 answers

Pinta can not open file - permission denied

My ubuntu 18.04 is installed in the SSD.I installed pinta from ubuntu software but can not open files from my hard disk, says permission denied. But can open files from SSD where ubuntu is installed(...
mahfuj asif's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to mount samba drive in Linux using command line

I've got a shared folder on a Windows computer, and I'd like to mount it on a server running Ubuntu Server. How can I mount a samba drive from the command line?
Davide Cannizzo's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

"Disk drive is not ready yet or not present" after renaming partition

Ok so, here's the thing. I have an 256GB SSD and a 2TB HDD in my system. I had windows 7 on the SSD until a couple of days ago and ubuntu on a partition on my HDD. Not so familiar with ubuntu btw, ...
natkoui's user avatar
  • 73
4 votes
2 answers

How can I recover data from a clicking/dying external drive?

Windows asks me to reformat every time I plug it into my computer, so I fired up Ubuntu via VirtualBox (selecting the external hard drive in the USB settings for VirtualBox beforehand) to see if I can ...
Jay's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

What is the difference between the "Entire Partition" and "Entire Disc"?

I want to install Ubuntu alongside my Windows 7 operation system. During installation I have three options: Install alongside the existing OS. Remove everything and install Ubuntu. Manual ...
Roman's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How can I read a HPFS/NTFS (Bootable) partition on Ubuntu (15.10)?

I would like to read the contents of an old hard drive that is formatted as a HPFS/NTFS (Bootable) partition; I'm not sure if the bootable part makes a difference. I have tried to mount the drive but ...
David C's user avatar
  • 141
4 votes
2 answers

Inserted DVD disc not recognized

I was trying to watch a DVD on my Ubuntu laptop, however, whenever I insert the disc, the CD/DVD drive icon on the Computer pane disappears, seems that it cannot detect what type of disc was inserted. ...
Vineen Malig Manarang's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How to update to 11.04 through flash drive?

My internet is pretty slow on one of my Ubuntu computers and it is running 10.10. I just want to know if I am able to update to 11.04 through my flash drive. I would like to know. Thank You.
Kevin Maghuyop's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Is there a driver for HP 3D Drive Guard?

In some HP Laptops have 3d drive guard system . i dont how it works but there is a link about it. In windows hp depends it but i didnt find a driver about it for linux . HP 3D DriveGuard protects ...
user avatar
4 votes
4 answers

Google Drive in Ubuntu with full local copy

From OneDrive (Windows) or GoogleDrive (Windows) I am used to much more than I currently have in Ubuntu. The built-in GNOME Online Accounts is not what I want. I've also tried other clients but all do ...
Florian Schneider's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Temporary Mount 2nd Windows data Drive

I have a Windows 7 system which has just had a Motherboard Failure. The System had 4 Hard drives. 1 With OS, the Others with only DATA. I want to temporarily mount the data drives so that I can copy ...
Rudy Van Drie's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Change default location of programs / users

I just bought a new SSD hard drive and want to minimize writing to the drive by moving users and applications to another 1TB hard drive. Windows 7 accomplishes this fairly easily. I want to know how ...
Nahydrin's user avatar
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4 votes
4 answers

Why won't my setup see the partitions on my hard drive?

I currently have a dual boot system with 6 partitions on my 180GB hard disk (4 NTFS, 1 for swap and the other one ext4). Ive got WIndows 7 and Ubuntu 11.04 (upgraded from 10.10) installed. The 11.04 ...
Cass's user avatar
  • 53
4 votes
1 answer

Can't perform slow (full) format on a SATA drive

I have an old SATA I drive which I am selling, so I want to fully format it and erase all data. When I try to do this in Disks, I get the error: "Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out ...
alipmcg's user avatar
  • 41
4 votes
1 answer

Mount and share USB disk on Ubuntu Server 10.04

I've just installed and configured a house server with Ubuntu 10.04 (LTS). Everything works fine, but I have a problem: I want to connect and share with Samba a USB Disk formatted in ext4. I tried to ...
PWT26's user avatar
  • 59
4 votes
0 answers

Google Drive with Wine [duplicate]

I tried to install Google Drive Backup and Sync using Wine. It says "Installation Complete", but since I cannot choose where to install it, now I can't find where it is installed. Furthermore, if I ...
Simo Pelle's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I fix NTFS from Ubuntu?

Problem statement: I have an external USB drive that won't mount. Context: I neither have nor desire access to MS Windows. See 1. External USB drive is NTFS formated. There is no RAID. I've been ...
user447607's user avatar
3 votes
3 answers

I failed to safely eject my USB drive and lost do I get it back?

I have to admit I didn't "Safetly Eject", but I have done this a million times... what gives, and how do I get my data back??
TheXed's user avatar
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3 votes
4 answers

External hard drive keeps powering down

Is it possible to prevent an external hard drive from powering down? I left the drive on over the night for a large download, but when I checked it in the morning, the download failed with the ...
oshirowanen's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How to access files on a drive from an older system, mounted in a new system?

I've recently built a new system, after a rather large physical injury was sustained by my previous system (a precarious balance, and gravity, were not a happy mix). Surprisingly the /home drive of ...
David Thomas's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Install on usb external hard drive

I am new to ubuntu and i would like some help. I have a laptop with windows 7 installed but i would love to have ubuntu too because it's a great OS. So i would like to install ubuntu on an external ...
Michalis G.'s user avatar

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