I have a 22.04 machine with an old-ish Nvidia GPU which worked perfectly until today, when I got a message that updates were available, and I chose to install them. Installation concluded successfully, and I got a message that a reboot was required. I clicked "Reboot now", and it rebooted. But after the reboot, the graphical desktop didn't load - all I had was a small cursor flashing in the top left corner.
The text terminals are available, though, but only at very low resolution. I can log in, and I have internet access. Lots of stuff about gdm-x-session in /var/log/syslog, but I'm not really into the nitty-gritties surrounding Ubuntu - I mainly just use it. So I'm at a loss - how to go about troubleshooting this?
For the record, I've now tried rebooting three times - same result.
sudo ubuntu-drivers autoinstall
so that they will update automatically when there's a kernel update.